
Bolivia has carnival parades for children and then more parades for adults .The children dress up in costumes and march in the streets.The adults make traditional dance groups and dance in the streets .But the main part of Bolivia's carnival is getting wet.Almost everyone gets wet from water balloons and water buckets .In Oruru,Bolivia,their carnival is held in the last ten days of the carnival season.People there participate in crafts and dancing ,but their main carnival event is a ceremonial parade that lasts for twenty hours and parades for four kilomerters .Over 20000dancers are involved as well as 10000 musicians.This parade attacts at least 400000people

Bolivia has carnival parades for children and then more parades for adults .The children dress up in costumes and march in the streets.The adults make traditional dance groups and dance in the streets .But the main part of Bolivia's carnival is getting wet.Almost everyone gets wet from water balloons and water buckets .In Oruru,Bolivia,their carnival is held in the last ten days of the carnival season.People there participate in crafts and dancing ,but their main carnival event is a ceremonial parade that lasts for twenty hours and parades for four kilomerters .Over 20000dancers are involved as well as 10000 musicians.This parade attacts at least 400000people

参考百度词条“奥鲁络狂欢节”, http://baike.baidu.com/view/340607.htm,能更好的了解这段文章。也可以在百度或其他搜索网站上查询奥鲁络狂欢节来了解相关资料。
第1个回答  2008-10-14
玻利维亚有嘉年华会游行给孩子然后多成人的游行。孩子洋装在街道的装束和游行中上面。成人制造传统的跳舞小组而且在街道中跳舞。但是玻利维亚嘉年华会的主要部份变得湿。几乎每个人从水气球和水桶子变得湿。在 Oruru 、玻利维亚,他们的嘉年华会在嘉年华会的最后十天季节内被拿着。人们参与手艺和舞蹈,但是他们的主要嘉年华会事件是为四公里,为二十小时和游行持续的一个正式的游行。超过 20000个舞者和 10000位音乐家一样好被牵涉。这游行 attacts 至少 400000个人



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