
Revise the following sentences. Try to make them concise.

1. In the year 1840 the Opium War broke out.

2. There are more books in their library than in our library.

3. He returned back home after he graduated from college.

4. We planned to meet just before sunrise very early in the morning.

5. The cause of the flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.

6. He was asked to repeat the sentence again.

7. I play badminton equally as well as my brother.

8. It seemed to his friends that his attitude was of a puzzling nature.

9. These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.

10. He did not tell the truth with an honest attitude.

11. There are a number of students who want to join the drama club.

12. He was kind enough to let me share the same umbrella with him.

13. Zhao was the person who was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.

14. At the present time I am taking the course of World History and in addition a course in geography too.

15. The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes or so and than disappeared and could no longer be seen.

16. What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.

17. I would like you to consider the question of whether or not you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.

18. Owing to the fact that he had missed many lectures, he was aware that it would be possible for him to fail the exam.

19. You must first work out an outline for your paper, and then after you have done that, you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.

20. In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing, a thing that occurs every day.

21. He is not only a good pianist, but also a good singer as well.

22. This pretty actress keeps apeearing in TV serials repeatedly.

23. As a rule, students are usually not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.

24. According to the speaker, it is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production and he has no doubt about it.

25. One reason why people are well informed in this countryi s becuase of the fact that there are many newspapers which can easily be bought or subscribed to.

26. Statistics show that in the decade from 1980 to 1990 enrollments at this school doubled: in 1990 there were twice as many students as in 1980.

27. There are so many inexperienced unskilled workers without training in a particular job that production of the factory has been affected.

28. There are about 50 patients or so in this ward, among whom many are being given acupuncture treatment.

29. His name is called James Williams.

30. Whatever he does, he works seriously with great care, and does his best so as to do it well.



1. The Opium War broke out in 1840.
in the year 1840也行,in 1840 更简洁,也没语法错误。

2. There are more books in their library than in ours.
ours 我们的,代替our library,避免重复。

3.After he graduated from college he returned back home .

4. We planned to meet before sunrise early in the morning.
just 、very去掉,副词用得太多了。

5.The cause of the flood was the heavy rain in late spring.
或者The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.

6. He was asked to repeat the sentence.

repeat 与again语意重复

7. I play badminton as well as my brother.
equally去掉,as well as 已经是“一样好”的意思了。
注意,这里的as well as不是那个固定搭配,而是as…as结构,中间是副词well,well这里的意思是“(羽毛球打的)好”

8. It seemed to his friends that his attitude was puzzling.

9. These watermelons are large and sweet.
large就是指in size,sweet 就是指 in taste.

10. He did not tell the truth.

11. A number of students want to join the drama club.

12. He was kind enough to let me share the umbrella.
share已经是分享的意思,没必要再加with him

13. Zhao was the person who was elected the representative of the class.

14. At the present time I am taking the course of World History as well as a course in geography.

15. The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes and then disappeared.

16. In my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.

17. I'd like you to consider if you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.

18. He was aware that he was likely to fail the exam owing to the fact that he had missed many lectures.

19. You must work out an outline for your paper first, after that you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.

20. In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing.

21. He is not only a good pianist, but also a good singer.
not only ,but also 不但……而且

22. This pretty actress keeps appearing in TV serials.
repeatedly去掉,keep appearing已经表达了那个意思了。

23. As a rule, students are not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.

usually与as a rule重复

24.It is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production according to the speaker,who has no doubt about it.

25.One reason why people are well informed in this country is that there are many newspapers which can easily be bought or subscribed.

26. Statistics show that enrollments at this school doubled from 1980 to 1990.

27. There are so many unskilled workers in a particular job that production of the factory has been affected.
inexperienced、unskilled、without training 三个意思一样,重复了。

28. There are about 50 patients in this ward, among whom many are being given acupuncture treatment.
or so和about 重复。

29. His name is James Williams.
或者He is called James Williams.

30. Whatever he does, he does his best.
try his best已经是“竭尽所能”的意思,没必要再加那些多余的话。
第1个回答  2008-10-09
1. In the year of 1840, the Opium War broke out.

2. There are more books in their library than there are in our library. 这题不确定是不是“there are”但肯定是有词在in our library前面的。这里比较的是两个图书馆的书不是两个图书馆。

3. He returned home after he graduated from college.
return 和back语意重复了,所以去掉back
4. We planned to meet just before sunrise, very early in the morning. 这个中文叫什么从句不记得了。逗号后面very early in the morning 是对before sunrise 的补充说明。

5. The cause of the flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.
两种改法,要不把cause去掉,变成“The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.”,或者把due to 去掉“The cause of the flood was the heavy rain in late spring.”。因为cause 本身就有原因的意思,后面用due to就重复了。
6. He was asked to repeat the sentence.
这个也是重复,repeat 和again重复了。

7. I play badminton equally as well as my brother.
句子想说的是我打羽毛球打得和哥哥一样好,比较的是打羽毛球这个事,而不是我和哥哥比较。所以应该改成:I play badminton as well as my brother does.后面要根据谓语动词的形式,加助动词,例如这里加了“dose”。
其次,是equally与as well as重复了。

8. It seemed to his friends that his attitude was of a puzzling nature.

9. These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.

10. He did not tell the truth honestly.

11. There are a number of students who want to join the drama club.

12. He was kind enough to let me share the same umbrella with him.
share 和same重复了,去掉same。

13. Zhao was the person who was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.

14. At the present time I am taking the course of World History and in addition a course in geography too.
in addition=too,去掉一个。

15. The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes or so and than disappeared and could no longer be seen.
or so=about,去掉一个;than 是不是打错了?是then吧。

16. What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.

17. I would like you to consider the question of whether or not you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.
有wheter后面就不用or not,wheter本身就有是否的意思。在平时说话里,wheter or not是ok的,可是在非常严格要求英语里,就不行。

18. Owing to the fact that he had missed many lectures, he was aware that it would be possible for him to fail the exam.

19. You must first work out an outline for your paper, and then after you have done that, you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.

20. In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing, a thing that occurs every day.

第2个回答  2008-10-09
In 1840 the Opium War broke out.
There are more books in their library than in ours.
He returned back home after he graduated.
We planned to meet before sunrise.
The cause of the flood was the heavy rain in late spring.
He was asked to repeat the sentence .
I play badminton as well as my brother.
It seemed that his attitude was of a puzzling nature.
These watermelons are large and sweet.
第3个回答  2008-10-08
OMG so long




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