
Imagine growing a home from living trees initead of building a home from timber. Mitchell Joachim, at the MIT Media Lab’s Smart Cities Group, along with ecological engineer Lara Greden and architect Javier Arbona, have proposed a system of homes that are actually a living ecosystem.

Joachim’s vision is based on a gardening method known as pleaching, which involves weaving branches together to form living lattice (格子) walls. Since the growth patterns of trees are affected by wind and, sunlight, it may be possible to manipulate the way a tree develops.

This idea is an extreme, yet simple and beautiful, form of green building. Not, only does it not cause direct harm to the environment, but it is actually part of the environment. The house, which is a network of trees would clean the air and also provide a home for animals and birds. “Not only does it do zero damage, but it will hopefully clean the air,”says Joachim.

“A 100 percent treehouse would take years to create, Joachim said. Depending on the climate, a house could take anywhere from 5 to 30 years to grow. Fortunately, there’s a way to speed up the process.

Ecological materials, Joachim suggests, should be included in the housing designs. For example, windows can be manufactured from soy-based plastics that would flex (折曲) with the home as it grows.

So what happens when a home and the great outdoors are one and the same? A home would become an actual ecosystem, a community of plants, animals, and bacteria wording together. The trees would also give off water vapor that would assist in cooling the homes.Solar panels and wind would help provide energy. Straw And clay could be used to insulate (使绝缘) the structures. The tree homes might even have soil pockets, where plants could grow from the structure itself.

Joechim’s project is called MatScape, designing a house in California that will be constructed from 50 % recycled and 50% living elements. He sees it as an experimental step toward the ultimate living house.

Imagine growing a home from living trees instead of building a home from timber. Mitchell Joachim, at the MIT Media Lab’s Smart Cities Group, along with ecological engineer Lara Greden and architect Javier Arbona, have proposed a system of homes that are actually a living ecosystem.
Joachim’s vision is based on a gardening method known as pleaching, which involves weaving branches together to form living lattice (格子) walls. Since the growth patterns of trees are affected by wind and, sunlight, it may be possible to manipulate the way a tree develops.
This idea is an extreme, yet simple and beautiful, form of green building. Not, only does it not cause direct harm to the environment, but it is actually part of the environment. The house, which is a network of trees would clean the air and also provide a home for animals and birds. “Not only does it do zero damage, but it will hopefully clean the air,”says Joachim.
“A 100 percent treehouse would take years to create, Joachim said. Depending on the climate, a house could take anywhere from 5 to 30 years to grow. Fortunately, there’s a way to speed up the process.
Ecological materials, Joachim suggests, should be included in the housing designs. For example, windows can be manufactured from soy-based plastics that would flex (折曲) with the home as it grows.
So what happens when a home and the great outdoors are one and the same? A home would become an actual ecosystem, a community of plants, animals, and bacteria wording together. The trees would also give off water vapor that would assist in cooling the homes. Solar panels and wind would help provide energy. Straw And clay could be used to insulate (使绝缘) the structures. The tree homes might even have soil pockets, where plants could grow from the structure itself.
Joechim’s project is called MatScape, designing a house in California that will be constructed from 50 % recycled and 50% living elements. He sees it as an experimental step toward the ultimate living house.
第1个回答  2008-10-16
想象生长从修建从木材的一个家生存树initead的一个家。 在MIT媒介Lab’s聪明的城市小组的Mitchell Joachim,与生态学工程师Lara Greden和建筑师Javier Arbona一起,提出了实际上是生存生态系家的系统。

Joachim’s视觉根据叫作编结的一个从事园艺的方法,介入一起编织分支形成生存格子(格子)墙壁。 因为树的经济增长模型是受风,并且,阳光,操作树开发的方式的影响的也许是可能的。

This想法是极端,简单和美丽,形成绿色大厦。 没有,只做它不是起因直接害处对环境,但是它实际上作为环境的部分。 房子,是树网络将清洗空气并且为动物和鸟提供家。 “不仅它调零损伤,但是它有希望地将清洗空气, ”says Joachim。

“A 100%树上小屋将需要几年创造, Joachim说。 根据气候,房子可能需要从增长的任何地方5到30年。 幸运地, there’s方式加速过程。
在住房设计应该包括Ecological材料, Joachim建议。 例如,窗口可以是制作的从将屈曲的含大豆的塑料(折曲)与家,它增长。

So什么发生,当家和伟大的户外是一样的? 家将变成实际生态系、植物的社区,一起措辞动物和的细菌。 树也将释放将协助冷却家的水蒸气。太阳电池板和风将帮助提供能量。 秸杆和黏土可能被用于绝缘(使绝缘)结构。 树家也许甚而有土壤口袋,植物可能从结构增长。

Joechim’s项目在从50%被回收的和50%生活元素将被修建的加利福尼亚称MatScape,设计一个房子。 他看见它作为实验性步往最后生存房子。
第2个回答  2008-10-16
Imagine growing a home from living trees initead of building a home from timber. Mitchell Joachim, at the MIT Media Lab’s Smart Cities Group, along with ecological engineer Lara Greden and architect Javier Arbona, have proposed a system of homes that are actually a living ecosystem.
想象一下从有生命的树中生长出来,而不是用木材建造而成的房子。 麻省理工学院媒体实验室的Smart City团队成员Mitchell Joachim,与生态工程师Lara Greden和建筑师Javier Arbona一起,提出了一套以活的生态系统为基础的家庭系统构思。
第3个回答  2008-10-16
想象一下从活的树上长出一个家,而不是从木材建造一个家。麻省理工学院媒体实验室的Smart Cities小组的Mitchell Joachim,与社会生态学工程师Lara Greden和建筑师Javier Arbona一起提出了实际是一个活的生态系统的家庭系统的设想。






Joechim的项目称作MatScape, 在加州设计一座50%用回收材料50%用活的材料元素来修建的房子.他把它看作是跨向最后的活着的房子的实验性的一步。



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