
1.The problem is whether you could give us some valuable advice .
2.His suggestion is that we should finish the work at once.
3.My idea is that we should do it right now.
4.The problem is that he can not speak English.

    The problem is whether you could give us some valuable advice .(表)
    2.His suggestion is that we should finish the work at once.(表)
    3.My idea is that we should do it right now.(表)
    4.The problem is that he can not speak English.(表)


1. 同位语从句的意义

同位语从句用于表示名词的内容,对其加以阐明名解释。能跟有同位语从句的通常是具有一定内容含义的名词,如:fact(事实),idea(想法),news(消息),hope(希望),conclusion(结论),certainty(确实的事),evidence(证据),suggestion(建议),order (命令),problem(问题)等。例如:

The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient was suffering from cancer. 医生得出的结论是病人患了癌症。

The discovery that every heavenly body has gravity was made by Newton. 每个天体都有引力的发现是牛顿作出的。

2. 同位语从句的结构

同位语从句通常由that引导,但随着其先行词的不同,也可由whether, when, where, how, what, why 等引导。例如:

They are faced with the problem whether they should continue the work. 他们面临着是否要继续那项工作的问题

I have no idea when he will return. 我不知道他什么时间回来。

3. 同位语从句的位置


An idea occurred to him that he might borrow the money from his father. 他突然想起他可以从父亲那儿借到这笔钱。

They heard the news on the radio yesterday that a typhoon was ocxning. 昨天他们从收音机里听到台风要来的消息。




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