
1. I am sleeping. (改为一般疑问句)
2. She has a ballpen. (改为一般疑问句)
3. Mike is doing his homework. (改为一般疑问句)
4. I'm writing a letter to grandma. (改为一般疑问句)
5. He's going up a hill. (改为一般疑问句)
6. I am reading. (改为一般疑问句)
7. I'm cleaning my room. (改为一般疑问句)
8. It looks like me. (改为一般疑问句)
9. Mike is (doing his homework). (对括号部分提问)
10. I’m writing a letter to my mom. (用he 改写)
11. Is he going up a hill? (作否定回答)
12. This is an apple. (写出复述形式)
13. Do you have a schoolbag? (做肯定回答)
14. I have (two) cakes。(对括号部分提问)
15. I have an old book. (改否定句)
16. They’re from( America). (对括号部分提问)
17. He’s standing in the classroom. (主语改为they)
18. Does he have a mouth? (改为陈述句)
19. He’s reading (under a tree). (对括号部分提问)
20. He doesn’t like being late. (用they改写)
21. I’m (fishing) now. (对括号部分提问)
22. I read about (two) books a week. (对括号部分提问)

1. I am sleeping. (改为一般疑问句)
am i sleeping(这是什么鬼题?有问自己睡觉的吗?)

2. She has a ballpen. (改为一般疑问句)
does she have a ballpen?

3. Mike is doing his homework. (改为一般疑问句)
is Mike doing his homework?

4. I'm writing a letter to grandma. (改为一般疑问句)
am i writing a letter to grandma?

5. He's going up a hill. (改为一般疑问句)
is he going up a hill?

6. I am reading. (改为一般疑问句)
am i reading?

7. I'm cleaning my room. (改为一般疑问句)
am i cleaning my room?

8. It looks like me. (改为一般疑问句)
does it look like me?(它想我吗?怎么拿东西跟人比?)

9. Mike is (doing his homework). (对括号部分提问)
what is mike doing?

10. I’m writing a letter to my mom. (用he 改写)
he is writing a letter to my mom

11. Is he going up a hill? (作否定回答)
no he is not

12. This is an apple. (写出复述形式)
these are two apples(是复数吗?)

13. Do you have a schoolbag? (做肯定回答)
yes i do

14. I have (two) cakes。(对括号部分提问)
how many cakes do you have?

15. I have an old book. (改否定句)
i don't have an old book

16. They’re from( America). (对括号部分提问)
where are they from?

17. He’s standing in the classroom. (主语改为they)
they are standing in the classroom

18. Does he have a mouth? (改为陈述句)
he has a mouth(废话,谁有两张嘴?)

19. He’s reading (under a tree). (对括号部分提问)
where is he reading?

20. He doesn’t like being late. (用they改写)
they don't like being late

21. I’m (fishing) now. (对括号部分提问)
what am i doing now?

22. I read about (two) books a week. (对括号部分提问)
how many books do you read a week?

第1个回答  2008-12-14
1.Are you sleeping?
2.Does she have a ballpen?
3.Is Mike doing his homework?
4.Are you writing a letter to grandma?
5.Is he going up a hill?
6.Are you reading?
第2个回答  2008-12-14
1. I am sleeping. (改为一般疑问句)
Are you sleeping?
2. She has a ballpen. (改为一般疑问句)
Dose she have a ballpen?
3. Mike is doing his homework. (改为一般疑问句)
Is Mike doing his homework?
4. I'm writing a letter to grandma. (改为一般疑问句)
Are you writing a letter to grandma?
5. He's going up a hill. (改为一般疑问句)
Is he going up a hill?
6. I am reading. (改为一般疑问句)
Are you reading?
7. I'm cleaning my room. (改为一般疑问句)
Are you cleaning your room?
8. It looks like me. (改为一般疑问句)
Dose it look like you ?
9. Mike is (doing his homework). (对括号部分提问)
What is Mike doing?
10. I’m writing a letter to my mom. (用he 改写)
He is writing a letter to his mom
11. Is he going up a hill? (作否定回答)
No,he isn't.
12. This is an apple. (写出复述形式)
These are apples.
13. Do you have a schoolbag? (做肯定回答)
Yes,I have.
14. I have (two) cakes。(对括号部分提问)
How many cakes do you have?
15. I have an old book. (改否定句)
I don't have an old book.
16. They’re from( America). (对括号部分提问)
Where are they from?
17. He’s standing in the classroom. (主语改为they)
They are standing in the classroom.
18. Does he have a mouth? (改为陈述句)
He has a mouth.
19. He’s reading (under a tree). (对括号部分提问)
where is he ?
20. He doesn’t like being late. (用they改写)
They don't like being late.
21. I’m (fishing) now. (对括号部分提问)
What are you doing now?
22. I read about (two) books a week. (对括号部分提问)
How many books do you read about a week?
第3个回答  2008-12-14
1. Am I sleeping?
2. Does she have a ballpen?
3. Is Mike doing his homework?
4. Am I writing a letter to grandma?
5. Is he going up a hill?
6. Am I reading?
7. Am I cleaning my room.
8. Does it look like me.
9. What are Mike doing?.
10.He is writing a letter to my mom.
11.Yes, he is.
12. These are apples.
13. Do you have a schoolbag? Yes, I have.
14. I have (two) cakes。How many cakes do you have?
15. I don`t have an old book.
16. Where are they from?
17. They are standing in the classroom.
18. he has a mouth.
19. Where is he reading?
20. They don`t like being late.
21. What are you doning now?
22. How many books do you read a week?
第4个回答  2008-12-14
1.Am I sleeping?
2.Does she have a ballpen?
3.Is Mike doing his homework?
4.Am I writting a letter to gradma?
5.Is he going up a hill?
6.Am I reading?
7.Am I clean my room?
8.Does it look like me?
9.What is Mike doing?
10.He is writing a letter to his mom.
11.No,he isn't.
12.These are some apples.
13.Yes,I do.
14.How many cakes do you have?
15.I haven't an old book.
16.Where are they from?
17.They are standing in the classroom.
18.He has a mouth.
19.Where is he reading?
20.They don't like being late.
21.What are you doing now.
22.How many books do you read a week.
第5个回答  2008-12-14
1.Are you sleeping?
2. Does she have a ballpen?
3.Is Mike doing his homework?
4.Are you writing a letter to grandma?
5. Is he going up a hill?
6.Are you reading?
7. Are you cleaning your room?
8. Does it look like me?
9.What is Mike doing?
10.He is writing a letter to his mom.
11.No,he isn't.
12. These are apples.
13.Yes,I do.
14.How mamy cakes do you have?
15.I don't have an old book.
16.Where do they come from?
17.They are standing in the classroom.
18.He has a mouth.
19.Where is he reading?
20.They don't like being late.
21.What are you doing now?
22.How many books do you read a week?



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