
帮个忙.请用英语翻译一下以下的话,<我们2007年2月28在见,我没有办法让你离开他,我只有一直等你,等你有一天分手了,我才可以去找你,自从分手后,我一直在想你,没有一天停止过,我很爱你,也许你不知道,不是我不想见你,是我现在不可以见你,因为你心里现在有两个人,我希望我们在见面的时候你和你心一起回到我身边,我喜欢你只喜欢我一个人,因为爱的 世界里只有两个人,我等你,我会和以前一样每天去想你,来渡过我我在学校剩下的日子,2007年2月28那天我会来上网的,到时候希望可以看见你》

We won't meet again until 28 February, 2007. I can't take you away from him. What I can do is just wait for you. I won't go to you unless you leave him. I have been misssing you since we parted. Never has a day gone by without thinking about you. I really love you, but you probably didn't know. It is not because I don't want to see you but because it is not the right time when you have two persons in your mind. I hope you and your heart will come back to me together when we meet again. I would prefer you to love only me, because the world of love can hold only two people.I will spend the rest of my college days waiting for you and thinking about you every day just as before. I will be online on 28 february, 2007 and hope I can see you then.
第1个回答  2006-06-09
英语翻译一下以下的话,<我们 2007 年 2 月 28 在见,我没有办法让你离开他,我只有一直等你,等你有一天分手了,我才可以去找你,自从分手后,我一直在想你,没有一天停止过,我很爱你,也许你不知道,不是我不想见你,是我现在不可以见你,因为你心里现在有两个人,我希望我们在见面的时候你和你心一起回到我身边,我喜欢你只喜欢我一个人,因为爱的世界里只有两个人,我等你,我会和以前一样每天去想你,来渡过我我在学校剩下的日子, 2007 年 2 月 28 那天我会来上网的,到时候希望可以看见你》

第2个回答  2006-06-09
Do me a favor. Please translate following with English, <we 28 see I cannot let you leave he will it be February 2007, I have been only waiting for you all the time, wait for you to say good-bye one day, I can go to look for you, after departure, I think you, have, stop one day, I love you very much, perhaps you do not know, it is not I that do not want to see you, I now can see you,because you heart in now have two piece people,I hope we in meet when you and you heart come back to my side together, I like you like I alone, because world that love there are two people only, I wait for you,I will the same as before every day go think you,come tide over I I in school left day, I will come, surf the Net, hope to see you then will it be will it be 28 February 2007 >>
第3个回答  2006-06-11
We won't meet again until 28 February, 2007. I can't take you away from him. What I can do is just wait for you. I won't go to you unless you leave him. I have been misssing you since we parted. Never has a day gone by without thinking about you. I really love you, but you probably didn't know. It is not because I don't want to see you but because it is not the right time when you have two persons in your mind. I hope you and your heart will come back to me together when we meet again. I would prefer you to love only me, because the world of love can hold only two people.I will spend the rest of my college days waiting for you and thinking about you every day just as before. I will be online on 28 february, 2007 and hope I can see you then.



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