谁能英文翻译有关gossip girl的几段话!急急急!

“绯闻女孩Catty”是一个博客的博主,她通过博客,向人们讲述了一处私立学校里的故事:Serena van der Woodsen在一次奇怪的休假之后,突然回到学校。为此Blair Waldorf心情很复杂,特别是当她发现男友Nate似乎还很喜欢Serena。她下定决心,绝不让Serena夺走她的一切,这时盛大的返校节就要开始了......
但是毫无疑问,这是一部优秀的偶像剧。Veronica Mars中的主演Kristen Bell为绯闻女孩Catty配音,其他俊男靓女不一而足,让人赏心悦目。
谁是流言蜚女? 没有人知道她的真面目。


流言蜚女无所不知,随时为大家提供最新鲜热辣的小道消息,而今年最重要的新闻,莫过于Serena Van Der Woodsen的回归。在这所专供富家子弟就读的私立名校中,Serena曾是风头最劲的女孩,而一年前她突然离开,消失在所有人的视线中,即便是对她最好的朋友Blair,也没留下一句解释。如今Blair变成了学校中的女王,Serena的突然回归,让Blair感受到了莫大的威胁,她不愿让Serena夺回已属于她的地位,而Blair的男朋友Nate似乎对Serena也怀有好感,这让两人的关系更为紧张。围绕在两名少女身边的,还有Nate的好朋友,同为二世祖的Chuck,以及学校中的异类--中产出身的Dan和Jenny。Dan暗恋着Serena,而Jenny以Serena和Blair为榜样,一心想成为众人瞩目的焦点。


  "Gossip girl Catty" is a main Bo of a blog.Trough her blog, she tells people the story about a private school : Serena van der Woodsen , all of a sudden return to school after a strange vacation. Blair Waldorf has mixed feelings, especially when she found her boyfriend Nate still seem to like Serena. She is determined never to let Serena took her all.At this time the back-to-school section Was about to start...
  The show combines a lot of modern elements, so that we can see that young people now is how to use a blog or a mobile phone text message to spread gossip.As well as its speed so fast.
  Avid reader of the book, after seeing the TVplay may be a bit disappointed because of the changes to the original drama that many have been re-set. The original has a hopeless decadence, and this show has been adapted and become an educated, moral significance.
  However, there is no doubt that this is a good idol drama.Kristen Bell ,protagonist of Veronica
  Mars,dubs for the gossip girl Catty. Other handsome boys and beauty girls are too numerous to enumerate.They are a feast for the eyes.
  Who is the female student gossip? No one knows her true colors.

  However, at this aristocrats Manhattan preparatory school what full of lies and scandals ,everybody is her personal blog's faithful reader.
  Gossip girl knows all things, at any time for us to provide the best of the hotter rumors. And this year the most important news, is Serena Van Der Woodsen's return. In this private school that provide spacially to the students come from rich families, Serena was the most limelight strong girls.And a year ago, she left all of a sudden,disappeared in everyone's sight. Even to her best friend Blair,she did not a left to explain. Blair now has become a Queen of the school. Serena's sudden return so that Blair felt a great threat. she did not want to let Serena has regained her position.And Blair's boyfriend Nate also appears have a favorable impressionto Serena , which So that their relationship is more strained.Around the two young girls's side, there is a good friend of Nate,the second generation, Chuck.As well as the heterogeneous in school and from the middle,Dan and Jenny. Dan Peach of Serena.Jenn set Blair and Serena as example.She wants to become the focus of public attention.
  The drama make audience to kown the richest and the most powerful young people's wonderful life in United States- designer clothes, high-level party, promiscuity, drug abuse,the false friendship and Infighting among friends . As this year the focus of CW Channel's youth idol drama, the drama combines a high degree of entertainment and fashion elements, is expected to be the new dark horse among a large number of dramas in the fall.
第1个回答  2008-12-23
第2个回答  2008-12-23
第3个回答  2008-12-23
天哪 这么多……



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