
be at a loss what to do什么意思

sympathy,英 ['sɪmpəθɪ] 、美 ['sɪmpəθi] 

"be at a loss what to do"的意思为:不知如何是好,不知所措。



1、have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。

2、feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情

3、in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致

4、out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致

5、win sympathy of 博得...的同情 ...展开


1、We expressed our sympathy for her loss.


2、I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever.



sympathy的同近义词有:acceptance , feeling , compassion , pity。

1、acceptance,英 [ək'sept(ə)ns]  、美 [ək'sɛptəns] ,表示:接纳;赞同;容忍。

2、feeling,英 ['fiːlɪŋ]  、美 ['filɪŋ] ,表示:感觉,触觉;感情,情绪;同情。

3、compassion,英 [kəm'pæʃ(ə)n]  、美 [kəm'pæʃən] ,表示:同情;怜悯。

4、pity,英 ['pɪtɪ] 、 美 ['pɪtɪ] ,表示:怜悯,同情;遗憾。


第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-11
1。 sympathy
have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。
come out in sympathy
举行同情罢工, 罢工声援
express sympathy for
feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for)
in sympathy with
同情; 赞成; 和...一致
out of sympathy with
对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致
win sympathy of

2。be at a loss what to do
be at a loss 指不知道的意思,后面接一个宾语从句。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2019-09-17
1。 sympathy
have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。
come out in sympathy
举行同情罢工, 罢工声援
express sympathy for
feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for)
in sympathy with
同情; 赞成; 和...一致
out of sympathy with
对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致
win sympathy of
博得...的同情 ...展开1。 sympathy
have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。
come out in sympathy
举行同情罢工, 罢工声援
express sympathy for
feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for)
in sympathy with
同情; 赞成; 和...一致
out of sympathy with
对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致
win sympathy of

2。be at a loss what to do
be at a loss 指不知道的意思,后面接一个宾语从句。
have sympathy for sb 同情某人
have sympathy with 支持某事

in sympathy with sth 因...而出现,相继发生
eg:Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market.

out of sympathy with sb/sth 不赞成,不支持(某人或事物)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-11-17

be at a loss
to be confused and uncertain about what to do or say:
for example:
When her son finally left home, Emily felt completely at a loss.

be at a loss to do something
for example:
Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death.
He seemed, for once, at a loss for words (=unable to think what to say).
——LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English

be at a loss :
to not know what to do or say
for example:
[+ to do sth] I'm at a loss to explain his disappearance.
——Cambridge Learner's Dictionary - 2nd edition

IDIOMS at a 'loss:
not knowing what to say or do:
for example:
His comments left me at a loss for words. Ç I’m at a loss what to do next.

——Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 7th edition

at a loss:

If a business produces something at a loss, they sell it at a price which is less than it cost them to produce it or buy it. (BUSINESS)
example: New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.
≠ at a profit

9 PHRASE usu v-link PHR, usu PHR for n, PHR to-inf

If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation.
for example: The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.

——Collins COBUILD Dictionary on CD-ROM 2006

at a loss:

PHRASE If a business produces something at a loss, they sell it at a price which is less than it cost them to produce it or buy it. [BUSINESS]

PHRASE If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation.

——Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Of American English 2007

at a loss
困惑, 亏本地

at a loss
失去猎物的踪迹; 困惑, 为难; 亏本地 不知如何是好



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