




1. Affect/Effect:动词"affect"表示影响,名词"effect"表示结果。例句:"The weather affects my mood. The effect of the medicine was immediate."

2. Alternatives/Choices:名词"alternatives"表示替代方案,"choices"表示选择项。例句:"There are some alternatives that are used now as well. Our choices come down to staying or leaving."

3. Anticipate/Expect:动词"anticipate"表示预期,"expect"表示期待。例句:"We anticipate that sales will rise next year. I expect that the weather will be nice."

4. Appraise/Apprise:动词"appraise"表示评估,"apprise"表示通知。例句:"Managers must appraise all staff. We must apprise them of the dangers."

5. Aural/Oral:形容词"aural"表示听觉的,"oral"表示口头的。例句:"He became famous as an inventor of aural and visual effects. There will be a test of both oral and written French."

6. Beside/Besides:介词"beside"表示在...旁边,"besides"表示除了...之外。例句:"My friend sat beside me. Besides enjoying reading, she loves playing football."

7. Breath/Breathe:名词"breath"表示呼吸,"breathe"表示呼吸动作。例句:"She took a deep breath before jumping. It’s important to breathe deeply when practicing yoga."

8. Capital/Capitol:名词"capital"表示首都、资金,"capitol"表示国会建筑。例句:"Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States. Thousands of demonstrators rallied in front of the Capitol."

9. Compliment/Complement:名词"compliment"表示赞扬,动词"compliment"表示赞美;名词"complement"表示补充。例句:"She received a compliment for her work. The curtains complement the room's color scheme."

10. Compose/Comprise:动词"compose"表示组成,"comprise"表示包含。例句:"Ten men compose the committee. Older people comprise a large proportion."

11. Continual/Continuous:形容词"continual"表示频繁的,"continuous"表示连续的。例句:"They felt continual pressure. The rain was continuous."

12. Currant/Current:名词"currant"表示葡萄干,"current"表示水流、气流、趋势。例句:"She was eating a currant bun. The current situation is frustrating."

13. Dessert/Desert:名词"dessert"表示甜点,"desert"表示沙漠。例句:"She was tempted by the dessert menu. The heat in the desert was extreme."

14. Device/Devise:名词"device"表示设备,"devise"表示设计。例句:"There is a device for cars that warns drivers. Experts are trying to devise cleaning methods."

15. Disinterested/Uninterested:形容词"disinterested"表示无私的,"uninterested"表示不感兴趣的。例句:"Her advice appeared disinterested. She seemed uninterested in the topic."

16. Dilemma/Problem:名词"dilemma"表示困境,"problem"表示问题。例句:"Many women face the dilemma of work and family commitments. The street crime problem is worsening."

17. Evoke /Invoke:动词"evoke"表示引起,"invoke"表示调用。例句:"His case may evoke public sympathy. I have to invoke the stored procedure."

18. Ensure/Insure:动词"ensure"表示保证,"insure"表示保险。例句:"We tried to ensure a fair deal. This will ensure the business's future."

19. Farther/Further:形容词"farther"表示更远的,"further"表示进一步的。例句:"The store is farther away. I need to study further."

20. Forego/Forgo:动词"forego"表示放弃,"forgo"表示放弃。例句:"The considerations may be concluded. No one was prepared to forgo the lunch hour."

21. Forbear/Forebear:动词"forbear"表示忍耐,"forebear"表示祖先。例句:"He could not forbear expressing disagreement. Our forebear might teach us old tricks."

22. Less/Fewer:形容词"less"用于不可数名词,"fewer"用于可数名词。例句:"I try to spend less money. Fewer people smoke now."

23. Loose/Lose:介词"loose"表示不紧绷,动词"lose"表示丢失。例句:"His shirt was loose. He didn't want to lose the game."

24. Luxuriant/Luxurious:形容词"luxuriant"表示繁茂的,"luxurious"表示奢华的。例句:"Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming. The millionaire lives luxuriously."

25. Principle/Principal:名词"principle"表示原则,"principal"表示主要的。例句:"She believes in treating others with kindness. The school principal announced a new policy."

26. Personal/Personnel:形容词"personal"表示私人的,名词"personnel"表示员工。例句:"Her diary contained personal thoughts. The company's personnel department handles hiring."

27. Prescribe/Proscribe:动词"prescribe"表示开处方,"proscribe"表示禁止。例句:"The doctor prescribed his patient. Many places tried to proscribe fortune-telling."

28. Replica /Reproduction:名词"replica"表示复制品,"reproduction"表示复制。例句:"An artist sculpted a replica of her head. The reproduction quality isn't good."

29. Stationary/Stationery:形容词"stationary"表示静止的,名词"stationery"表示文具。例句:"The car was stationary. She bought stationery for her office."

30. Viable/Feasible:形容词"viable"表示可行的,"feasible"表示办得到的。例句:"The plane will be viable if 400 can be sold. We think this proposal feasible."





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