用剑桥二级的水平写一篇:Fall is coming(秋天来了)


Fall is coming Hot summer has passed, the cool autumn here. Blue autumn day in particular, seems to be painting them. The fall of fresh air in particular, seems to be filtering the same. Morning, I walked to school in the road, an air suction, particularly refreshing, very sober-minded also. The fall of the field not to mention it. A golden rice fields, paved the Yuankan like a golden carpet. You Kanna fiery red of sorghum, Yuankan like a girl wearing red hats, with the waves in the breeze danced there. You look at the persimmon, red red, as one of the lanterns Hong Tongtong Although most of the fall of withered flowers, but if you look carefully, you will find that the beautiful Qiuju, colorful, Qianzibaitai. Approaching one heard, a Unit Qingxiang oncoming…… these Qiuju Zhengqidouyan, in the cool autumn wind in the opening race. Ah! U.S. autumn really, I love fall! 意思是 炎热的夏天过去了,凉爽的秋天来临了。秋天的天特别蓝,好像是画出来 的。秋天的空气特别新鲜,好像被过滤过一样。早上,我走在上学的路上,吸一口空气,特别清爽,头脑也清醒万分。 秋天的田野那就更不用说了。稻田一片金黄,远看像铺了一层金黄的地毯。你看那火红的高粱,远看就像一群戴红帽子的小姑娘,随着一阵阵微风在那里翩翩起舞。你再看那柿子,火红火红的,像一个个红通通的灯笼 虽然秋天的花木大多枯萎了,但是只要你细心地去找,就会发现那美丽的秋菊,五颜六色,千姿百态。走近一闻,一股股清香迎面而来……这些秋菊争奇斗艳,在凉爽的秋风中竞相开放。 啊!秋天真美,我爱秋天!




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