

澳大利亚的网络通讯体系具有世界水平,企业和家庭的互联网接入率始终在世界 各国中名列前茅。通过国际互联网进行沟通的澳大利亚企业和个人比例很高。 澳大利亚政府对电子商务的发展一直 很关注并致力于消除影响电子商务发展的不 必要障碍,同时对诸如内容等具体方面作出 规定,使之合乎公共利益的需要。如澳大利1999年颁布《电子交易法》,允许个人通过电子方式与政府部门和机构进行交易,并明确了个人可以通过电子方式签订合同的一般的原则这样就为各种电子交易方式的使用扫清了法律上的障碍。澳大利亚《电子交易法》是以《联合国国际贸易法律委员会电子商务标准法》为基础,并通过与各州和领地进行了充分的协商而制定的,用以推动电子商务在澳大利亚的成功开展。此外,澳大利亚各州和领地也相应制定了在其辖区中具有类似效果的法规,这是对联邦《电子交易法》的有益补充。同时澳大利亚鼓励私人和公共部门采用认证技术,为电子商务在澳全境内的应用提供便利。澳大利亚正在积极推广电子签名的应用,并将其视为完善公共密钥基础设施建设的解决方案,这与APEC提出的“实现公共密钥基础设施(PKI)互通”的目标是一致的。同时政府还出台了电子认证,电子认证的相关标准包括:与联邦政府采购政策的一致性; 符合安全政策和规划;物理安全性; 技术评估;符合认证政策和管理程序;个人审查;法律事务;保护隐私方面的考虑。澳大利亚政府认为个人隐私和网上数据的保护对公众利益而言是非常重要的,因为有很多人担心从他们本人或第三方收集到的有关他们的个人信息会被其它私人部门使用,尤其是在国际互联网上使用。澳大利亚1988年颁布的《隐私法》是关于在联邦公共部门和私人部门中保护个人信息的主要法规。这些隐私原则涉及个人信息处理过程中的所有阶段,针对个人信息的收集、使用、披露,以及信息的性质和安全性的判定提出了具体的


1. Temple & Webster

2. Kogan

3. The Iconic

4. Catch of the Day

5. Booktopia

6. JB Hi-Fi

7. Red Balloon

8. Dan Murphy’s

9. Lorna Jane

10. Shoes of Prey

1, Australia electronic commerce development present situation

Australia's network communication system with the world level, Internet access rate of the enterprise and family always came out on top in the world. Communication through the Internet for a high proportion of Australian businesses and individuals. The Australian government on the development of e-commerce has been a focus and commitment to eliminate influence not necessary obstacle of the development of electronic commerce, at the same time make provisions on specific aspects such as content, make it accord with the needs of the public interest. As Australia 1999 promulgated the electronic exchange act, allows individuals to electronically with the government departments and agencies, and clearly the individual can electronically sign a contract of general principles so as to the use of various electronic transaction clearing the legal obstacles. Australian journal of electronic transaction is based on the United Nations commission on international trade law e-commerce standards act as the foundation, and through consultation with the states and territories fully, to promote the success of electronic commerce in Australia. In addition, the Australian states and territories also developed accordingly with similar effect in its jurisdiction of laws and regulations, this is for the beneficial supplement of the electronic transaction. Authentication technology USES Australia to encourage private and public sector at the same time, for e-commerce applications across Australia. Australia is actively promoting the application of electronic signature, and regard it as the perfect public key infrastructure solutions, this has to do with APEC proposed "to realize the public key infrastructure (PKI). The goal is the same. At the same time the government also introduced electronic certification, certification related standards include: with the federal government procurement policy consistency; Comply with the security policy and planning; Physical security. Technology assessment; Comply with the policy and management program; Individual review; Legal affairs; Privacy concerns. The Australian government think personal privacy and online data protection is very important for the public interest, because there are a lot of people worried about himself or a third party from them about their personal information collected will be used by other private sector, especially in the Internet use. Australia 1988 is about the privacy act in the public and private sectors to protect personal information of the main laws and regulations. All these privacy principles in the process of personal information processing stage, in view of the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, and the nature of the information and safety is put forward to judge concrete

2, Australia's top 10 electrical contractor

1. The Temple & Webster

2. Kogan

3. The Iconic

4. The Catch of the Day

5. Booktopia

6. JB Hi - Fi

7. The Red Balloon

8. Dan Murphy 's

9. Lorna Jane

The Shoes of Prey
第1个回答  2015-11-19
1, Current Status of Australian E-commerce
E-commerce is the abbreviation of “Electronic Commerce”, which is related to the purchasing and selling of items or goods via internet. It can also be termed as E- Business, which is one of the current flourishing businesses throughout the world, especially in Australia. Nowadays almost 80% of the trading is performed through e-commerce. Goods and services are rendered by establishing an electronic link between the customer and the company where all the transactions are made possible as well as in a secured mode. It includes electronic fund transfer, inventory management system, electronic data interchange (EDI), online transactions and internet marketing.
In Australia, almost three-forth of the population use internet for buying and selling of the products. B2B (business to business) e-commerce is the most famous and flourishing business activity in Australia. Any type of products, i.e. from the house-hold to official, every product is available through e-commerce.

2, Top Ten E-commerce
1. The Temple & Webster
2. Kogan
3. The Iconic
4. The Catch of the Day
5. Booktopia
6. JB Hi - Fi
7. The Red Balloon
8. Dan Murphy 's
9. Lorna Jane
10. Shoes of Prey



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