
1.这位老师很幽默,在学生中很受欢迎。(be popular among)
2.发短信已经被年轻人认为是一种快捷又便宜的联系方式。(regard... as)
3.火药的发明人应该归功于中国人。(be credited to/with)
4.她编了个借口离开了。(dream up)
5.我希望能想出个办法使他们相信自己错了。(think up)

第1个回答  2008-11-12
1、This teacher is so humorous to be popule among his students.
2、Sending short messages has been regard as a kind of quick and cheap communicating method by the youth.
3、The invention of gunpowder should be credited to Chinese people.
4、She dreamed up an excuse then left.
5、I hope i could think up an idea which can make them recognize they have been wrong.
I am majored in English.(我是英语专业的学生。)
第2个回答  2008-11-11
1.The teacher is very humorous, and he is very popular among students
2.Sending messages has been regarded by youth as a quick and cheap contact way
3.The invention of gunpowder should be credited to the Chinese people
4.She dreamed up an excuse and left
5.I would like to be able to think up an idea to make them believe they were wrong本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-11-11
1) This teacher full of humor is quite popular among students.
2) Short message sending has been regarded by youth as a quick and cheap contact method.
3) The gunpowder inventation should be credited to Chinese.
4) She dreamed up one excuse and left.
5) I wish I could think up a method to make them believe that they were wrong.
第4个回答  2008-11-11
The teacher is very humorous, very popular among students.
Sending text messages has been regarded as a quick and cheap contact among young people.
The invention of gunpowder should be credited to the Chinese people.
her dream up an excuse to leave.
I would like to be able to think up with a way to make them believe they are wrong.
第5个回答  2020-02-03



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