英语好的,帮我翻译一段英语自我介绍啊。我本人英语不好,但是想写一段自己经历的自我介绍, 但是怕有错

英语好的,帮我翻译一段英语自我介绍啊。我本人英语不好,但是想写一段自己经历的自我介绍, 但是怕有错误,还想请网上热心人帮我出出主意啊。 中文如下: 去年,我进入医院开始实习。在那,我学习到了许多在书本上没有学到的知识,尤其在外科,这也正是我为什么要从事外科的原因。与此同时,我意识到我目前专业知识的欠缺,所以我想在这个领域进一步进修。

Last year, I began to practice in hospital. There, I learned many did not learn in books of knowledge, especially in surgery, which is why I engaged in the cause of the surgery. At the same time, I realized that I now lack of professional knowledge, so I want to further study in this field.
第1个回答  2014-04-03
I worked in a hospital for internship since last year. I learned a lot of knowledge that wasn't showed on books, especially in surgery, and this is the reason why I want to work in surgery. At the same time, I realized my lacking in professional knowledge, so I want a further study in this field.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-04-03
last year,i entered a hospital as an intern student. it was in the hospital that i got a lot of knowledge which can not be read in books,especially in surgery and it s precisely the reason why i want to work as surgeons. at the same time, i realized that i am short of the apecialized knowledge, so i want to study further in this field.



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