请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢

陶潜,字元亮,大司马侃之曾孙也。祖茂,武昌太守。潜少怀高尚,博学善属文,颖脱不羁,任真自得,为乡邻之所贵。 以亲老家贫,起为州祭酒,不堪吏职,少日自解归。州召主簿,不就,躬耕自资,遂抱羸疾。复为镇军、建威参军,谓亲朋曰:“聊欲弦歌,以为三径之资可乎?”执事者闻之,以为彭泽令。在县,公田悉令种秫谷,曰:“令吾常醉于酒足矣。”妻子固请种粳。乃使一顷五十亩种秫,五十亩种粳。素简贵,不私事上官。郡遣督邮至县,吏白应束带见之,潜叹曰:“吾不能为五斗米折腰,拳拳事乡里小人邪!”义熙二年,解印去县, 顷之,征著作郎,不就。既绝州郡觐谒,其乡亲张野及周旋人羊松龄、宠遵等或有酒要之,或要之共至酒坐,虽不识主人,亦欣然无忤,酣醉便反。未尝有所造诣,所之唯至田舍及庐山游观而已。


翻译成白话文 就行 不是译成英文 谢谢

TaoQian, characters bright, son of kan on also.

ZuMao, wuchang TaiShou.

Dive with less noble, learned of the good, clever to take off the unruly, as are complacent, for that your neighbor.

To close their hometown is poor, up for state JiJiu, unbearable collectors job, and less th to the solution.

State called the book, not just, GongGeng since the endowment, hence embrace from this disease.

After the army, has built for the army, refers to relatives and yue: "talk to, think that three of the tube diameter (who can?"

The ministers of the smell, thought PengZeLing.

In the county, and field to kind of Shu valley leah, yue: "make my often drunk in wine is enough."

His wife solid please kind of japonica.

But make a 50 mu worthy of a Shu, 50 mu kind of japonica.

Grain JianGui, not private law.

Send mail to zadok county county, collectors BaiYingShu take see it, the potential TanYue: "I can't compromised your character to obtain it, all things and village SIMS!"

义熙二年,解印去县, 顷之,征著作郎,不就。
YiXi two years, printing solution to county, the musical, works for lang, don't.

Both states Jin staffs who county, the folks ZhangYe and tries to loose age and pet flock at or wine to, or to the total to wine sit, although not master, also readily no mind, then the segment.

Never has attainments, only to the countryside and lushan swim view just.

WangHong emissary-system in yuan in the city in the state, of what QinChi, since he made.

Potential says a disease, see not, and subsequently language people cloud: "I'm not, because the more sex disease, especially the idle keep clean MuSheng volunteers, to treat Yu am proud of chiu and Cardiff to not, Samuel! This liu business so recruit slander gentleman, its sin not fine also."

Each of the syndrome is dong, close to know when the lushan mountain, is the PangTong old sent, etc Ji wine, prior to the BanDao to.

Dive in both wine, and lead to pour the wild pavilion, gladly forget into.

Hong is out and meet, and poor day festivities.

Potential no shoe, regardless of the hong about made shoe.

Or so please shoe degrees, dives to sit and how foot degrees.

The state also to hong, ask the ride, a cloud: "known as the foot problems, to take the blue and, also from the foot."

Is making a disciple of the second son 轝 to states, smile to admire the optimum for, it is the envy of the HuaXuan also in.

After hong to see, there is always a between the YuLinZe syndrome.

As for the wine meters away giants, also Shan phase.

The relatives and good thing, or load to wine meat, nor of the dive stillness.

Every drunk, the big melt but fitness.

And not living as an inheritance, housework bore the committee and son.

Not in the colour of flower, but the wine in the water, or no wine, also the continued arias.

Taste of summer months virtual said idle, high lie north window under, the wind sayin to, "the emperor's right.

Sex don't understand the sound, and livestock, a harp, not a string badge, each friends of the wine, and of the stroke and, yue: "but in general harp, the rising interest HeLao string!"

To SongYuanJia he in at sixty-three, all parallel corpus in the world.追问

对不起啊 我输得翻译是指译成白话文

第1个回答  2012-02-18
TaoQian, characters bright, son of kan on also. ZuMao, wuchang TaiShou. Dive with less noble, learned of the good, clever to take off the unruly, as are complacent, for that your neighbor. To close their hometown is poor, up for state JiJiu, unbearable collectors job, and less th to the solution. State called the book, not just, GongGeng since the endowment, hence embrace from this disease. After the army, has built for the army, refers to relatives and yue: "talk to, think that three of the tube diameter (who can?" The ministers of the smell, thought PengZeLing. In the county, and field to kind of Shu valley leah, yue: "make my often drunk in wine is enough." His wife solid please kind of japonica. But make a 50 mu worthy of a Shu, 50 mu kind of japonica. Grain JianGui, not private law. Send mail to zadok county county, collectors BaiYingShu take see it, the potential TanYue: "I can't compromised your character to obtain it, all things and village SIMS!" YiXi two years, printing solution to county, the musical, works for lang, don't. Both states Jin staffs who county, the folks ZhangYe and tries to loose age and pet flock at or wine to, or to the total to wine sit, although not master, also readily no mind, then the segment. Never has attainments, only to the countryside and lushan swim view just.

WangHong emissary-system in yuan in the city in the state, of what QinChi, since he made. Potential says a disease, see not, and subsequently language people cloud: "I'm not, because the more sex disease, especially the idle keep clean MuSheng volunteers, to treat Yu am proud of chiu and Cardiff to not, Samuel! This liu business so recruit slander gentleman, its sin not fine also." Each of the syndrome is dong, close to know when the lushan mountain, is the PangTong old sent, etc Ji wine, prior to the BanDao to. Dive in both wine, and lead to pour the wild pavilion, gladly forget into. Hong is out and meet, and poor day festivities. Potential no shoe, regardless of the hong about made shoe. Or so please shoe degrees, dives to sit and how foot degrees. The state also to hong, ask the ride, a cloud: "known as the foot problems, to take the blue and, also from the foot." Is making a disciple of the second son 轝 to states, smile to admire the optimum for, it is the envy of the HuaXuan also in. After hong to see, there is always a between the YuLinZe syndrome. As for the wine meters away giants, also Shan phase.

The relatives and good thing, or load to wine meat, nor of the dive stillness. Every drunk, the big melt but fitness. And not living as an inheritance, housework bore the committee and son. Not in the colour of flower, but the wine in the water, or no wine, also the continued arias. Taste of summer months virtual said idle, high lie north window under, the wind sayin to, "the emperor's right. Sex don't understand the sound, and livestock, a harp, not a string badge, each friends of the wine, and of the stroke and, yue: "but in general harp, the rising interest HeLao string!" To SongYuanJia he in at sixty-three, all parallel corpus in the world.追问

对不起啊 我说的翻译是指译成白话文

第2个回答  2012-02-23



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