
请专业英语达人帮忙翻译一句话: 如果我的宝宝没有死.他将会在今年11月出生.和我一样.属龙的.他也会有像你一样深邃的眼睛和性感的薄唇.像我一样的精致的眉毛和高挺的鼻子.若是男孩18年后就是一个更优秀的你站在你面前.若是女孩18年后便是一个更出众的我偎在你旁边.不管是哪一个..你都会听到.爸爸我成年了.
有没有更专业点的吖。下面三层楼的朋友。首先很感谢你们的纯手工答案。但是你们的水平跟我差不多吖- - 、我是要非常准确的且不漏丝毫意思的翻译出上面这段话。要100%正确率的。所以下面三层的朋友。非常感谢你们但是真心是抱歉了。跪求英语达人啊。没把握的朋友们就别浪费自己宝贵的时间了。再次非常感谢。在附一遍句子:

如果我的宝宝没有死.他将会在今年11月出生.和我一样.属龙. 他也会有像你一样深邃的眼睛和性感的薄唇. 而且还会有像我一样精致的眉毛和高挺的鼻子.若是男孩18年后就是一个更优秀的你站在你面前.若是女孩18年后便是一个更出众的我偎在你旁边.不管是哪一个..你都会听到.爸爸我成年了.


开头那句很同意烟花茶同学的说法,换成如果现在活着。但是如果一定遵照原文,不是if my baby did not dead. (did not 后也应该用原型die吧)这里还是要用虚拟语态啊,但是是和过去事实相反,所以应该是if my child had not died,he might have come to this world in November.
那个属相是很中国的说法,英语国家的人看来就是birthpet....His birthpet is Dragon and as same as mine. 像父母的五官直接说像,比较生硬。He would have yours abstruse eyes and sexy lips and my delicate eyebrows and upright nose.若是男孩18年后就是一个更优秀的你站在你面前.若是女孩18年后便是一个更出众的我偎在你旁边.这句话实在是太纠结了,总结一下,要表达的意思:1 他很像我们 2 他比我们更出色 3 他在我们身边。After 18 years, a man or women like us, and even much better than us, would stay by our side. 不管是哪一个这句话有点生硬,有比较随便。不如直接承接以上情景,说 and then 好了。我成年了。。也有点怪怪的。。一般是说我长大了吧。。And then,he might tell you: hey dad, I am grow up(保持原文就是,I am an adult now!' )

那几个形容词 很值得雕琢一下的。深邃的眼睛和性感的薄唇.像我一样的精致的眉毛和高挺的鼻子。一般深邃的眼睛。。还就是用deep eyes....abstract倒是很有趣的说法,我保留了。精致的眉毛。。其实简单来说就是beautiful。。不要说我偷懒。。noble是高贵高尚啊。。我每次听还有一种凌然不可侵犯的感觉。挺直。。upright 可惜不怎么诗意。

if my child had not died,he might have come to this world in November.His birthpet is Dragon and as same as mine. He would have yours abstruse eyes and sexy lips and my delicate eyebrows and upright nose.After 18 years, a man or women like us, and even much better than us, would stay by our side. And then,he might tell you: hey dad, I am grow up!

第1个回答  2012-02-19
If my baby were here,he would be born in November this year just like me in the year of Chinese dragon.He would have deep eyes and sexy lips as well as the delicate eyebrows and high nose which were like mine.If it were a boy,he would stand before you as a outstanding man after 18 years.If it were a girl,she would be a woman cuddle up to you who was better than me.Whichever it was, you would hear this----Dad,i have grown up!
跟你水平差不多- -
楼上两位很显然是用翻译器de !!!你难道看不出来?!追问

很明显我只看了你的、因为你有纯手工这几个中文字、但是作为尊重1 、2 楼的我也看了前两句- - 但是我总不能说人家用翻译器吧、多不给面子不是? 不是真的伤害你了吧亲- - 我是真心谢谢你啊亲~而且我也不是那个意思吖、但是这个不能出错啊 要考试啊 亲- -

第2个回答  2012-02-20
If our baby were still alive, he/she would come to this world this November as a drogon as me. He/she would share the abstruse eyes and sexy lips with you, and share the delicate eyebrows and high noble nose with me. If he were a boy, he would be more outstanding than you and standing in front of you 18 years later If she were a girl, she would be more extrodinary than me and leaning in your arms at that time. But no matter is a "he" or "she", you should hear that "Daddy, I have grow up."

总觉得作为父母,如果说“如果我的孩子还活着”,会比“如果我的孩子没有死”,来的更温暖吧。而且因为都是那种带着点儿温情脉脉的风格的。。就说了if...still alive. 而且觉得说我们的宝宝,比说我们的宝宝来的合适,所以稍微改了一下。如果一定要遵照原文。就是“if my baby did not dead"

深邃的眼睛,用了 abstruse eyes的说法。记得有首歌就这个名字。就是说眼神很神秘啊深奥啊的那种眼睛吧。

那句若是男孩18年后就是一个更优秀的你站在你面前.若是女孩18年后便是一个更出众的我偎在你旁边 是真的很绕口。。。 = = 其实我觉得如果你要是舍弃了这种绕口的说法,直接说成, If he were a boy, he would stand in front of you as an outstanding man 18 years later. Or if she were a girl, she would lean in your arms as a extraordinary lady at that time 可能会更顺一点。可能比我刚才那段翻译的舒服。

至于属相,我不知道说as a drogon行不行。但是我确实听过外国人说 i am a drogon 代替 i am in the year of dron.. 虽然我是龙。。。这样想很囧。如果你不放心就说成year of drogon吧

最后要说是成年,该说:I am a adult now. 但和爸爸妈妈这样说。。不温情。。。就改成,我长大了~
第3个回答  2012-02-24
If my baby did not die., he was born in November of this year will. and I did. Dragon. like you, he would have deep sexy eyes and thin lips. But also like me nose of delicate eyebrows and Gao Ting. If boy of 18 years is a better standing in front of you. If girl is one of the more remarkable after 18 years I cling next to you. either a.. You'll hear. father I entered into manhood.
第4个回答  2012-02-19
If my baby not dead. He will be born in November. And I am. Is the dragon. He also can have like you deep eyes and makes sexy. As I am of the delicate eyebrows, and a nose high. If a boy after 18 is a more excellent you stand in front of you. If the girl 18 years later is a more outstanding I hold in beside you. No matter which a... You will hear. Dad I adult.
第5个回答  2012-02-19
If my baby is not dead. He will be in November this year was born. And I like a dragon. He would also like you deep eyes and sexy lips. Like me delicate eyebrows and high nose. If it is a boy 18 years later is a more excellent you stand before you. If a girl 18 years is a more outstanding I am lying next to you. No matter which one.. you'll hear. Dad I have grown up.



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