
If you came from a poor family and couldn't go to a good school,could one book change your life?It did for Srinivasa Ramanujan,a bright young Indian boy.When he was 15 years old,he found a book about maths.It was a book with 6000 very difficult problems. while Srinivasa's friends played football on the road in front of his house,he worked out the answers to these problems.He answered them all by himself,without any help from anyone else.Then he thought of new problems and answered them,too.Soon,he was better at maths than all of his teachers. A year later,Srinivasa was invited to study at a university,even though he was really too young.However,he failed most of his exams.Why?Because he was only interested in maths and didn't care much about other subjects.He wrote about his ideas and sent his work to magazines.A British mathematician(数学家)read his work and started writing letters to him.Later,he invited Srinivasa to go to England to study and work.In England,people didn't care whether Srinivasa was good at other subjects or not. By the time he was 30,Srinivasa Ramanujan,a poor boy who liked maths better than playing football,had become one of the world's most famous mathematicians.如果用类似金山快译等翻译软件或有道翻译等翻译网站直接翻译的就不用发过来了!!!

如果你来自一个贫困家庭,不能上学,一本书能不能改变你的命运?对于Srinivasa Ramanujan,一个聪明的印度男孩,就是这样的!当他还是15岁的时候,他发现了一本关于数学的书。那是一本有6000个非常难的问题的书。当Srinivasa 的朋友在他家门前的那条路上踢足球的时候,他解决了这些难题。他完全是靠自己解答了那些问题,没有寻求任何人的帮助。然后他想新的问题,再解答它们。不久,他的数学比他所有的老师都好。

一年以后,虽然说他是真的很小,但Srinivasa 还是被一所大学邀请去上学。然而,他大部分的考试都没合格。这是为什么?因为他只对数学感兴趣,对其他的科目没多大关注。他写下他的想法,寄他的劳动成果去杂志社里。一个英国的数学家读了他的文章,开始写信给他。之后,他邀请Srinivasa 去英国学习和工作。在英国,人们并不在乎他是否其科目也擅长。

当30岁的时候,Srinivasa Ramanujan,一个喜欢数学更甚于足球的贫穷男孩,已经是世界上最有名的数学家之一。

第1个回答  2012-02-26
If you came from a poor family and couldn't go to a good school,could one book change your life?It did for Srinivasa Ramanujan,a bright young Indian boy.When he was 15 years old,he found a book about maths.It was a book with 6000 very difficult problems. while Srinivasa's friends played football on the road in front of his house,he worked out the answers to these problems.He answered them all by himself,without any help from anyone else.Then he thought of new problems and answered them,too.Soon,he was better at maths than all of his teachers. A year later,Srinivasa was invited to study at a university,even though he was really too young.However,he failed most of his exams.Why?Because he was only interested in maths and didn't care much about other subjects.He wrote about his ideas and sent his work to magazines.A British mathematician(数学家)read his work and started writing letters to him.Later,he invited Srinivasa to go to England to study and work.In England,people didn't care whether Srinivasa was good at other subjects or not. By the time he was 30,Srinivasa Ramanujan,a poor boy who liked maths better than playing football,had become one of the world's most famous mathematicians.

第2个回答  2012-02-26
如果你出身贫寒、上不起好的学校,一本好书能改变你的命运吗?一个印度阳光少年做到了,他的名字叫 斯林瓦萨(Srinvasa Ramanujan) 。在他15岁的时候,他弄到了一本数学书,里面有6000道难题,当他的小伙伴们都还在他家门口前踢足球的时候,而他是在刻苦地解难题。没有任何人的帮助,全凭他自己一个人的力量。就这样他解了一道又一道。没多久,他的数学比学校里所有的老师还好。一年后,他被(破格)招进了大学,尽管他那时年纪还很小。然而,他的很多别的科目都考不好,为什么?因为他仅对数学感兴趣,而不太在意其他学科。他记下了数学方面的想法并把解题寄到杂志社发表,一位英国数学家看到了他的解题,并开始与他通信,后来还邀请他到英国进修和工作。在英国,人们不在乎他其他学科好与不好。在他30岁的时候,斯林瓦萨(Srinivasa Ramanujan),一个爱好数学胜过足球的穷孩子成了世界上最著名的数学家之一。
第3个回答  2012-02-26
第4个回答  2012-02-26
如果您来自一个贫穷的家庭,不能去好的学校,一本书可以改变你的人生吗?它为学院马努金,聪明的年轻印度男孩做了。当他 15 岁时,他发现了一本关于数学书。这是一本书的 6000 非常困难的问题。虽然学院的朋友们踢足球了他的房子前面的道路上,他工作出这些问题的答案。他回答他们自己没有任何来自其他任何人的帮助。然后他新问题的思考和回答他们说,太。很快,他是数学所有他的老师比任何时候都更好。一年后,学院被邀请上大学,即使他真的太年轻了。但是,他没有他考试的大部分。为什么呢?因为他只是对数学感兴趣,并对其他科目不太关心。他写了关于他的想法,并发送到杂志的他的工作。(数学家) 的英国数学家阅读他的工作并开始给他写封信。后来,他邀请去英国学习和工作的学院。在英国,人们不关心学院是否擅长其他科目。他是 30 的时候,可怜的孩子比踢足球,更喜欢数学学院马努金,已成为世界上最著名的数学家之一。



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