
越详细, 加分越多... 可是一定要全部都答..不能只答一句..... 真的得急, 一小时後要用
1. Maxwell Yim, a secondary 6 student, is attracted by the fast-moving world of finance.
2. However, because of the wide range of career options within finance, he is unsure which path he should take.
3. He expects an excellent grade in Maths but lacks confidence speaking English, which could put him at a disadvantage in such a global industry
4.. Maxwell believes he should learn more about his chosen profession and, therefore, he has decided to apply to university to study banking and finance.
5. He believes this will make it much easier for him to choose which area of finance he would most skills so as to make him more employable when he enters the job market.

1. Maxwell Yim, (a secondary 6 studentis), attracted by the fast-moving world of finance. (同位语),
2. However, because of the wide range of career options within finance, he is unsure (which path he should take).(宾语从句)
3. He expects an excellent grade in Maths but lacks confidence speaking English, (which could put him at a disadvantage in such a global industry ).(非限制性定语从句)
4.. Maxwell believes (he should learn more about his chosen profession) and, therefore, he has decided to apply to university to study banking and finance.(宾语从句)
5. He believes (this will make it much easier for him to choose 【which area of finance 『he would most skills』】《 so as to make him more employable》 <when he enters the job market>.) (宾语从句)【宾语从句】『定语从句』《目的状语从句》<时间状语从句>
第1个回答  2012-02-27
1.Maxwell Yim,一个高三学生,被迅速发展的金融业所深深吸引。
4.Maxwell 已经决定申请到大学学习银行与金融学,因为他相信在大学他能学到很多关于他选定职业的知识。
第2个回答  2012-02-27
呵呵 自己百度追问

就是找不到答案 才上来百度知道问人...




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