

Ultrasound findings:
Thyroid left leaf size morphology in the normal range, isthmus thickness in normal, film is smooth and complete, very close to the edge of the left lobe of the essence of size about 4.8 * 3 * 3.8mm solid low, hypoechoic nodules, borders Shang Qing, orderly periphery, oval, uniform texture, no obvious calcification echo, the rear beam without attenuation, CDFI nodules in the peripheral and internal visible strip distribution of blood flow, measured PW and arterial blood flow signal, resistance index is high, about 0.7. I left leaf essence echo is homogeneous, no abnormal, blood supply in the normal range. Isthmus and left and right lobe parenchyma and blood supply in the normal range. Both sides of the neck showed no abnormal lymph nodes.
第1个回答  2011-11-09
Ultrasound see:
Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 * 3.0* 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary even clear, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.
第2个回答  2011-11-09
Ultrasound see:
Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 agent * * * * * 3.0 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary ShangQing, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.
第3个回答  2011-11-09
Ultrasound findings:
About leaf size and shape of the thyroid in the normal range, the thickness of the normal isthmus, capsule smooth and complete, under very close to the edge of the left lobe of substance about the size of probe and 4.8 * 3.0 * 3.8mm material is low, echo nodules, the border is still clear, surrounding neat, was oval, homogeneous, no significant calcification echo, no rear beam attenuation, CDFI showed nodular peripheral blood flow and distribution within the visible strip, PW and for measuring arterial blood flow, resistance index higher, about 0.7. I even left lobe of the real echo, no abnormal blood supply in the normal range. Isthmus and left lobe echo and real blood in the normal range. No abnormal lymph nodes on both sides of the neck.



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