

we belong together 我们属于彼此

我很愚蠢 我很傻
因为我不了解你 因为我也不了解我自己
此时此刻 因为,宝贝……
在夜晚我不能入眠 是你一直在我的脑海
电台里面放着Bobby Womack的歌
对我唱着 '如果你认为你此刻孤单' 就那么一会
我便深深的寂寞起来 于是我旋转按钮 调换频道
听到的也只有Babyface的 '我只想你一人' 我真的伤了心
我只是想要我们在一起 我神志分离
我已经不再是我 我扔东西 我哭泣
我想要想清楚 到底哪里我做错了?
歌里面唱到的痛, 其实根本不及我心底痛苦的一半
我需要你 我需要你回到我的生活中
在你离开的时候 我也不再完整
这很难相信 快回来吧,宝贝

We Belong Together
Mariah Carey
Edit: ediewong
Oh~ Sweet love Yeah
I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight
I never should've let you go
I did nothing
I was stupid
I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I could not fathom that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself
Cos' I didn't know you
Cos' I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
The feeling that I'm feeling now
Now that I don't
Hear your voice
Or even touch or even kiss your lips
Cause I don't have a choice
What I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here cos' baby
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please
(Cos' We belong together)
Who else am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody else
(Oh baby baby)
We belong together
I can't sleep at night
When you're all on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Singing to me
'If you think you're lonely now'
Wait a minute
This is too deep, too deep
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
I only think of you
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart
I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
Ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you
Need you back in my life baby
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please(Cos')
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody else
(Oh Baby baby)
We belong together baby
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please(Cos')
We belong together
Oh am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
There ain't nobody baby
(Oh Baby baby)
We belong together baby
第1个回答  2011-11-26
I didn't mean it   When I said I didn't love you so   当我说我并不那样爱你的时候,我并非本意   I should have held on tight   我应该抱得更紧   I never should've let you go   我不应该让你走   I didnt know nothing   我什么都不知道   I was stupid   我好笨   I was foolish   我好蠢   I was lying to myself   我在骗我自己   I could not fathom that I would ever   Be without your love   我无法设想,没有了你的爱我该怎么办   Never imagined I'd be Sitting here beside myself   从来没有想过,我会一个人坐在这里   cause I didn't know you   因为我不了解你   cause You didn't know me   因为你不了解我   But I thought I knew everything   但是我以为我知道一切   I never felt   我从来没有感觉到   The feeling that I'm feeling now   我现在体会到的这种感觉   Now that I don't Hear your voice   现在我听不见你的话语   Or even touch or kiss your lips   甚至无法抚摸你,无法亲你的唇   Cause I don't have a choice   因为我别无选择   Or what I wouldn't give   或者我不能让步   To have you lying by my side right here   让你此时此刻躺在我的身边 Coz baby   因为宝贝   When you left   I lost a part of me   当你离开的时候,我不再完整   It's still so hard to believe   这一切仍然难以想象   Come back baby please   宝贝,请回来吧   Coz we belong together   因为我们属于彼此   Who else am I gonna lean on   有谁能让我依靠着呢   When times get rough   当日子变得糟糕   Who's gonna talk to me on the phone   又有谁能和我在电话里倾诉   Till the sun comes up   直至太阳高升   Who's gonna take your place   谁能取代你的位置   there aint nobody there   根本没有人,   oh baby baby   噢,宝贝 We belong together   我们属于彼此   I can't sleep at night   我夜不能寐   When you're all on my mind   脑海中满是你   Bobby Womack's on the radio   台里面放着Bobby Womack的歌   Singing to me 对我唱着   Bobby Womack   'If you think you're lonely now'   “如果你认为你现在很孤独的话”   Wait a minute   稍等片刻   This is too deep, too deep   太压抑了,太压抑了 I gotta change the station   我要改变这种境况   So I turn the dial   所以我调换了频道   Trying to catch a break   想要放松一下   And then I hear Babyface   这时我听见了Babyface   I only think of you   我想到的只有你   And it's breaking my heart   我的心撕裂般的痛   I'm trying to keep it together   我尽力想要在一起   But I'm falling apart   但是我已经崩溃了   I'm feeling all out of my element   我感觉浑身每个细胞都要脱离我   I'm throwing things   我有些自暴自弃   Crying   Trying to figure out Where   the hell I went   wrong The pain   reflected in this song   一边哭一边想我到底哪里错了   这种痛苦就映射在这首歌中 Ain't even half of what   这甚至还不到一半   I'm feeling inside   我内心深处强烈的感觉到   I need you   我需要你   Need you back in my life   我需要你回到我的生活中   baby   宝贝   When you left   I lost a part of me   你走了,我失去了自我   It's still so hard to believe   这一切仍然难以想象   Come back baby please   宝贝,请回来吧   Coz we belong together 因为我们属于彼此



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