
长期以来,像石油问题困扰着世界经济一样,融资问题也令中小企业“头痛不已”, 融资是中小企业永远的痛。在我国目前政府、中小企业本身这两上层面存在融资难的问题,而信用缺失是我国目前中小企业融资难的最根本问题,为此政府要加强与完善对中小企业的金融、税收与财政扶持,加强法律创新,加大政府监管力度,加快社会诚信体系建设,优化融资环境;企业要做好自身建设,切实提高盈利能力,增强自身信用观念。让诚信意识渗透到社会的每一个角落,使诚信家喻户晓,在全社会形成一个诚实守信的良好氛围,从而从根本上解决中小企业融资难的问题。
随着市场经济的发展,供大于求的市场格局决定了企业必须以质优价廉的产品求得消费者的认同,否则难以生存,这是一条规律。如农家葡萄可以喷涂有害保鲜剂,但只能欺骗消费者一次,带来的后果是滞销积压,利益上得不偿失。市场上为什么“耐克”、“可口可乐”等名牌产品畅销,杂牌滞销? 这说明巨大的商誉标志着信用,品牌就是效益,信用就是竞争力。信用有价值,这是竞争带来的结果。因此,大力发展市场经济,实现优胜劣汰,客观上就是建立健全企业信用的必要市场条件。

Long-term since, like petroleum issues plaguing the world economy, the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises also make" headache", small and medium enterprises financing is the forever pain. At present in our country the government, the SMEs themselves two level difficulties in financing, and lack of credit is our country at present the financing difficulty of small and medium enterprises of the most fundamental problems, so the government should strengthen and improve on the medium-sized and small enterprises finance, tax and financial support, strengthening the legal innovation, strengthening governmental supervision, accelerate social credit system construction, optimize financing environment; enterprises should strengthen the oneself construction, cogent increase profitability, enhance their credit concept. Let the good faith consciousness permeate into every corner of society, so that the integrity of make known to every family, to form a good atmosphere of honesty and trustworthiness, which fundamentally solves the problem of financing small and medium-sized.

With the development of market economy, the market oversupply pattern had decided the enterprise must to quality and cheap products obtained the self-identity of consumer, otherwise difficult to survive, this is a rule. Such as peasant grape can be sprayed with harmful preservatives, but only deceive consumers once, brought consequence is slow-moving keep long in stock, the interests of the loss outweighs the gain. The market why" Nike"," Coca Cola " brand products sell well, a slow-moving? It shows tremendous goodwill marks the brand is benefit, credit, credit is the competitiveness. Credit value, it is the competition result. Therefore, vigorously develop the market economy, the survival of the fittest, the objective is to establish the enterprise credit is necessary market conditions.

The financing of small and medium-sized enterprises is the fundamental reason for the lack of credit, reflected in its bank credit, business credit, consumer credit and so on several aspects. The lack of credit directly restricts the development of enterprises. In borrowing from banks, banks can because of its lack of credit and loan refused, in business transactions, credit sale credit because of lack of credit and by restrictions, to expand the scale, in the consumer oriented sales promotion product, often because of the lack of credit is confused and neglected, and so on. Credit ability of the enterprise in the market have a head shorter than people feel. Do a lot of advertising, most take some marketing or exaggerated some performance, even making some false report whitewash themselves, may be effective for a period of time, but really difficult financing, venture capital and listing of shares, the deep level of the problem is not solved, the basic credit or to be established.

The small and medium-sized enterprises account for 99% of the total population, only 2% of the financial resources, according to the relevant research shows, 53.8% small and medium-sized enterprise will lack of funds for enterprise development as the most unfavorable factors, the financing difficulty has become restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise development bottleneck. The state-owned financial institutions to the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise" credit crunch". To state-owned medium and small businesses, from state-owned financial institutions for loans without too much difficulty. This is due to the state-owned enterprises enjoy the" bankruptcy guarantee", the bank for the loan of state-owned enterprises there is almost no risk, to loan the final but also through financial verification. While the private small and medium-sized enterprises are unable to enjoy this special treatment.

One is the small and medium-sized enterprises are mostly small scale of operation, development trend blindly, its financial strength, poor ability to resist risks; two is the lack of operating stability, small and medium-sized enterprises are often the product of a single, low technical content, low product added value, market potential is not great; three is the enterprise internal management lacks standard, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises of family management and existence the first problem of risk, accounting information lack of completeness and accuracy, the lack of transparency and necessary supervision; four is the small and medium-sized enterprise mortgage difficult, small and medium enterprises free asset mortgage, may be less, and mortgage discount rate is high, and the lack of a complete system of credit guarantee, guarantee is very difficult to carry out. Coupled with the current our country enterprise overall credit system is not perfect, some small and medium enterprises don't trust, not to mention there will be good reputation, so naturally break" have also borrowed, then it is not difficult to use" a good circulation. At the same time, the small and medium-sized enterprise financial self binding is not strong, often change the loan use of funds, it lost its" two" borrowing may.
第1个回答  2011-11-28



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