为什么Bob Dylan算摇滚乐?


他不算一个完全的摇滚歌手,他的身份很多,是重要影响力的美国唱作人,民谣歌手,音乐家,诗人。 迪伦成名于二十世纪六十年代,并被广泛认为是美国六十年代反叛文化的代言人。他的一些歌曲,例如“答案在风中飘”(Blowing in The Wind)等,成为在反战抗议和民权运动中被广泛传唱的曲目。直到今天,他仍然是非常有影响力非常受欢迎的艺人之一。他的歌词包含了政治抗议、社会评论、哲学和诗歌。除了在音乐上形式的探索以外,他也继承了美国传统的民谣、摇滚乐、乡村和蓝调音乐,甚至包括爵士和摇摆乐。
他的摇滚是他的一个方面,也做出了相当的贡献, knoking on heaven's door 就是一首很纯正的摇滚歌曲。

什么是摇滚乐呢?就其产生而言,它是黑人节奏布鲁斯和白人乡村音乐相融合的一种音乐形式;就其使用的乐器而言,它是以吉它、贝司、鼓为主,加上大功效的音响和诸多效果器来表现音乐的形式;就其风格而言,它分为布鲁斯(Blues)、摇滚(Rock and Roll)、重金属(Heavy Metal)、朋克(Punk)、放克(Funk)、雷鬼(Reggae)、说唱乐(Rap)等等;除此以外,摇滚乐还有演唱、舞台设计、灯光效果等方面的特点。但是这些特点加起来,只是摇滚乐的形式而已。
第1个回答  2007-09-07
第2个回答  2007-09-07
Bob Dylan的经典专辑包含三张经典专集 Highway 61 Revisited blonde on blonde 和少见的 BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME .

今年的金球奖颁奖典礼上有很多镜头都让我没齿难忘。其中的一幕是当李安从大嘴美人Julia Roberts手里接过奖座时,他几乎是难以置信地捂着自己的嘴,然后眼带泪光地吐出一长串要感谢的名字。另外一幕是当主持人宣布最佳电影原创音乐的得主是Bob Dylan时,这位连面部的皮肤都已经严重松弛的老头,却呐若木鸡地呆坐在椅子上,一丝笑容都挤不出来。反而是那些坐在一旁的落选明星,比如Sting,反而象拿了奖一样地兴奋,站起来一个劲地猛拍手掌,生怕错过了这个向偶像致敬的机会。这鲜明的对比的两幕,也许可以用来衬托Bob Dylan在欧美音乐圈今天所处的地位。没有人能怀疑Bob Dylan是否会得奖,就象没有人能怀疑太阳明天不是从东方升起来一样。
1965年,发行了专辑《Highway61 Revisited》(重返六十一号公路),鲍勃-迪伦写下了那伟大的《Like A Rolling Stone》(像一块滚石),迈进了摇滚阶段。这首歌在那一年名列排行榜第二。鲍勃-迪伦的音乐编排也变得变得丰富了,这和Al Kooper(阿尔-库珀)等著名乐手的帮助是分不开的。这首歌的气势宏大,库珀的丰富的风琴乐成为音乐重要的元素。迪伦亲手弄塌了自己歌曲线条原有的流畅性,却得到了丰富的音乐意像。他的前进步伐快得惊人,至双唱片《无数金发女郎》(Blond on Blond)推出,代表着他的录音生涯到达顶峰

Bob Dylan这个名字很多人都不陌生。这位在过去的40年里给我们带来了无数民谣经典的音乐家,早在20世纪60年代就已和他那朴素粗放的歌声一起,步入了世界音乐的名人堂。如今,当我们再次提到这个琉光异彩的名字的时候,我们所指代的已不仅仅是一个具体的人,而是一个充满了辉煌的年代、一种逐渐为商业音乐所冲淡的气息和一类敢于控诉社会黑暗的,日渐微弱的声音。我们怀念从前那个抱着吉他吹着口琴一副满不在乎的样子的家伙,怀念他质朴的音乐,真实的情感和与众不同的思想。

1961年的4月1日,当这个本名叫做Robert Allen Zimmerman的年轻人第一次拿着吉他出现在歌德的民谣之城俱乐部的时候,就已经引起了相当不错的反响。俗话说:好的开始是成功的一半。Bob Dylan这次演出的成功或许在某种程度上就已经注定了他以后40多年的辉煌成就。当然,这只是个玩笑。实际上,Bob Dylan的名垂青史一方面得益于他非凡的音乐天赋;另一方面也离不开像Woody Guthrie这样的传统民谣大师的指引。在Bob Dylan的一生中,直接或间接对他有所助益的人很多,Woody Guthrie是一个,而后面将要提到的The Beatles和Animals小组对他的影响也极为深远。他们直接导致了Bob Dylan以后音乐风格的改变,使他成功地领导了一次民谣音乐的革命。不过这都是后话。现在,还是让我们从头说起。 \9FWH}|
Bob Dylan出生在明尼苏达州的Duluth,后来移居到一个靠近矿区的名叫Hibbing的小镇上。在这个镇上,Dylan的父亲经营着一家小型商店 ,相比那些像John Lennon、Elvis Presly等一样出身贫苦的音乐者而言,Dylan的少年生活应当算比较殷实了。但富足的生活并没有磨灭Dylan反叛的个性以及他对音乐的热爱,相反,宽松的家境给了他足够的追求音乐的空间和条件。Hank William、Woody Guthrie 以及Bill Harly等许许多多的民谣前辈使幼小的Dylan大开眼界。 在和中学同学组建了镇上第一支摇摆乐队以后,年轻的Dylan感到Hibbing这样的小镇再也容不下他狂热的理想。于是1960年的春天,Bob Dylan离开家乡,考入了明尼苏达州立大学文学院,开始了他极不平凡的大学生活。 6B pm+}
大学时代是Bob Dylan生命的转折点。在学校里,他接触了大量欧美的现代诗作,尤其受五十年代的“垮掉一代”影响颇深,逐步走入了左翼民谣的演唱圈子,和Woody Guthrie等人一起进行传统民谣音乐的词曲创作,并频繁出入于学校周围的各种咖啡馆和酒吧,进行小型的个人演出。而也正是在这个时候,Robert Allen Zimmerman出于对诗人Dylan Tomas的崇拜,把自己的名字改成了以后红遍了整个世界的“Bob Dylan”。

酒吧的演出使得Bob Dylan的音乐才华得以充分展现。很快,由于著名音乐制作人John Hammond的引荐,Dylan得到了他第一份来自哥伦比亚唱片公司的专辑合约,并于次年的2月份在该公司发表了自己的第一张个人专辑。整张专辑充满了浓郁的Guthrie式的传统民谣风味,而且其中融入了很多白人贫民歌谣的成分.

这是一张关于衰老,爱,悔恨和生命的专辑,是一个睿智的老人的心灵之旅(所有歌曲均以第一人称写就),深邃而平和。唯一的遗憾是口琴作为BobDylan音乐中极为重要的元素,在本专辑中被严重弱化了。BobDylan所写的歌词依然像诗一样优美,旋律依然具有强的感染力,而他那破锣似的嗓音已经变的有些脆弱,如沙砾的质感,依稀有Tom Waits和Louis Armstrong的影子。

Bob Dylan 鲍勃·迪伦 BobDylan 的原名是Robert Allen Zi-mmerman,1941年5月24日生于明尼苏达州的杜勒斯(Duluth),6 岁时全家移居到一个 叫希宾(Hibbing)的靠近矿区的小镇上,
少年时期的Dylan 只不过是一个喜爱音乐的 平凡男孩,对乡村乐感兴趣。以Hank Will-iams, James Dean, Woody Guthrie, Robe-rt Johnson 和 ARTHAR Rimband为偶像。直 到14岁时,Dylan在戏院里看到了《Blackb-oard Jungle》中的摇滚狂热, 从此他发现
了音乐的另一种功能——它的社会学效应。摇流乐的歌词使人振奋,反映着青少年的个性、野心与叛逆。自此以后,希宾小镇再也 拴不住他的心了。
1961年1月,Bob Dylan从明尼苏达州立大学辍学,开始专心致力于歌唱工作,并来到纽约Cate Wha 民谣音乐城(Folk City)和煤气灯(Gaslight)等著名的表演场所演出。由于 Dylan的民谣歌曲受到知识分子的喜爱与支持,CBS的制作人John Hammond 与他正式签定了合约,不久Albert Closeman担任了Dylan的经纪人。此刻的Dylan是民谣风暴的煽动者,CBS 公司旗下最受重视的新人,也是年轻一代民谣歌手中最具潜力、呼声最高的艺人。

Bob Dylan 的处世作《Bon Dylan》于1962年发表。其中收录了Woody Guthrie 推崇的《Song To Wood》和谈纽约生活感触的
《Talking New York》,整张专辑的风格,带有浓厚的Woody Guthrie式民谣气息。 另一方面 Dylan也采取客观的立场,来审视当时政治及社会事件,创作了不朽名曲《Blo-wing Changin》,一跃而成为超级巨星。Bob早期的一些作品是以传统旋律为基础的,后
来逐渐吸取了乡村音乐的因素和黑人音乐并加以创新。Dylan 的抗议歌曲对当时青年人的心灵起了巨大的震憾作用,因而促使六十
1965年8 月,Dylan的专辑《High way 61Revisited》发表,获得好评, 此时他的身价已跃升到了流行音乐的顶点,并正式确立
了摇滚音乐家的地位。七十年代Dylan 的作品吸收了Jazz 和Blues的元素,歌词充满了哲理性,带动了七十年代的美国青年,也不
纵观其音乐生涯,Bob Dylan 真正赋予了摇滚乐以灵魂。


1.Went to See the Gypsy 2.Father of Night 3.Day of the Locusts 4.Winterlude 5.The Man in Me 6.Three Angels 7.If Dogs Run Free 8.Time Passes Slowly 9.One More Weekend 10.Sign on the Window 11.Wigwam 12.It hurts me too 13.If Not for You 14.In search of little Sadie 15.Copper kettle (The pale moonlight) 16.I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine 17.The Wicked Messenger 18.Belle isle 19.New Morning 20.Gotta travel on 21.Little Sadie 22.The mighty Quinn (Quinn, the eskimo) 23.Down Along The Cove 24.Living the blues 25.Woogie boogie 26.Days of 49 27.All Along The Watchtower 28.Drifter's Escape 29.I Pity The Poor Immigrant 30.As I Went Out One Morning 31.I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 32.Alberta #2 33.Early mornin' rain 34.Blue moon 35.Like a rolling stone 36.Wichita 37.Tough Mama 38.Something There Is About You 39.Whatcha Gonna Do 40.Take me as I am (or let me go) 41.I Am A Lonesome Hobo 42.Dear Landlord 43.The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest 44.She belongs to me 45.The boxer 46.I Shall Be Released 47.It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 48.Witchita 49.Mixed Up Confusion 50.Solid Road 51.froggie went a courtin' 52.little maggie 53.jim jones 54.On a Night Like This 55.Mixed Up Confusion 56.Going to New Orleans 57.Alberta #1 58.Minstrel boy 59.Take a message to Mary 60.You Ain't Goin' Nowhere 61.That's Alright Mama 62.You Angel You 63.canadee-i-o 64.tomorrow night 65.Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 66.Hazel 67.Oh, Sister 68.Milkcow's Calf Blues 69.Milkcow's Calf Blues 70.I forgot more than you'll ever know 71.When I Paint My Masterpiece 72.The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, The Eskimo) 73.Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues 74.Mr. Bojangles 75.Absolutely Sweet Marie 76.Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands 77.Whatcha Gonna Do 78.Mixed Up Confusion 79.The Ballad of Hollis Brown 80.diamond joe 81.Dirge 82.Sally Gal 83.Obviously 5 Believers 84.Temporary Like Achilles 85.Stage Fright 86.The Shape I'm In 87.The Ballad Of Ira Hayes 88.A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 89.Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues 90.sittin' on top of the world 91.Simple Twist Of Fate 92.All Along The Watchtower 93.Maggie's Farm 94.Visions Of Johanna 95.It's All Over Now, Baby Blue 96.Spanish Is The Loving Tongue 97.When You Awake 98.The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 99.you're gonna quit me 100.Dear Landlord 101.Every Grain Of Sand 102.Wedding Song 103.Going, Going, Gone 104.Tiny Montgomery 105.Orange Juice Blues (Blues For Breakfast) 106.Bessie Smith 107.Down In The Flood 108.It Ain't Me Babe 109.Mary Ann 110.Lily Of The West 111.Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 112.The Death of Emmett Til 113.Baby I'm in the Mood for You 114.Lo And Behold 115.Nothing Was Delivered 116.All I Really Want To Do 117.Jet Pilot 118.Quinn The Eskimo 119.arthur mcbride 120.blackjack davey 121.frankie and albert 122.hard times 123.Visions Of Johanna 124.You Angel You 125.Yea Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread 126.Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine 127.One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) 128.Can't Help Falling In Love 129.Ballad of a Thin Man 130.Endless Highway 131.Final Theme 132.Billy 4 133.4Th Time Around 134.All the tired horses 135.Lonesome Whistle Blues 136.Corrina Corrina 137.Long Distance Operator 138.Tears Of Rage 139.Yazoo Street Scandal 140.I Want You 141.Million Dollar Bash 142.Isis 143.step it up and go 144.Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Ag 145.It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 146.Goin' To Acapulco 147.Clothes Line Saga 148.Please, Mrs. Henry 149.Outlaw Blues 150.River Theme 151.Up on Cripple Creek 152.Turkey Chase 153.A Fool Such As I 154.John Wesley Harding 155.That's Alright Mamma 156.Solid Road 157.Too Much Of Nothing 158.Katies's Been Gone 159.Lay Lady Lay 160.The Times They Are A-Changin' 161.I shall be released 162.Forever Young 163.Open The Door, Homer 164.You Ain't Goin' Nowhere 165.Don't Ya Tell Henry 166.Ruben Remus 167.Apple Suckling Tree 168.Absolutely Sweet Marie 169.Gates of Eden 170.Billy 7 171.Just Like a Woman 172.Bunkhouse Theme 173.I Want You 174.Ain't No More Cane 175.Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go... 176.Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 177.Rainy Day Women 178.Visions Of Johanna 179.It Aint Me,Babe 180.Just Like A Woman 181.Big Yellow Taxi 182.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 183.All Along the Watchtower 184.On the Road Again 185.Sally Gal 186.Shelter From the Storm 187.Just Like A Woman 188.Don't think twice 189.Going, going, gone 190.Is your love in vain 191.This Wheel's On Fire 192.Million Dollar Bash 193.Odds And Ends 194.Can You Please Crawl Out Window 195.only a hobo 196.cuban missle crisis 197.Highway 61 Revisited 198.All Along The Watchtower 199.Youre A Big Girl Now 200.Pledging My Time 201.Shelter From The Storm 202.Ballad of a thin man 203.only a pawn in their game #2 204.Bob Dylan's 115th Dream 205.Maggie's Farm 206.Mr. Tambourine Man 207.Let Me Die in my Footsteps 208.i shall be free 209.masters of war 210.The Weight 211.Just Like A Woman 212.Lay, Lady, Lay 213.Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again 214.john brown 215.train a travelin' 216.Chimes Of Freedom 217.Billy 1 218.Rainy Day Women 219.Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) 220.Forever Young [Cont.] 221.Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands 222.Tangled Up In Blue 223.Abandoned Love 224.I Want You 225.I Want You 226.Corrina Corrina 227.i'd hate to be you on that dreadful day 228.It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 229.Just Like A Woman 230.The Times They Are A-chaingin 231.Its All Over Now,Babe Blue 232.Mr. Tambourine Man 233.Oh, Sister 234.I Threw It All Away 235.Mr.Tambourine Man 236.You're A Big Girl Now 237.Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again 238.keep your eyes on the prize (hold on) 239.farewell 240.only a pawn in their game 241.Love Minus ZeroNo Limit 242.Maggie's Farm 243.Motorpsycho Nightmare 244.Idiot Wind 245.Ballad In Plain D 246.Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues 247.Peggy Day 248.Lay Lady Lay 249.Cantina Theme (Workin' for the Law) 250.Black Crow Blues 251.It's All Over Now, Baby Blue 252.One Too Many Mornings 253.4th Time Around 254.paths of victory 255.Main Title Theme (Billy) 256.It Ain't Me Babe 257.Farewell 258.U.D. Blues 259.Only A Hobo 260.Love minus Zero No limit 261.Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking 262.Rainy Day Women 263.Nashville Skyline Rag 264.Like a Rolling Stone 265.Stealin' 266.let me die in my footsteps 267.I Shall Be Free No.10 268.You're A Big Girl Now 269.Positively 4th Street 270.Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts 271.In The Garden 272.playboys & playgirls 273.the death of emmett till 274.I Shall Be Released 275.Blowin' in the Wind 276.I Threw It All Away 277.Tell Me That It Isn't True 278.It Ain't Me Babe 279.Like a rolling stone 280.One more cup of coffee 281.She Belongs to Me 282.All I Really Want To Do 283.Let it be me 284.Let Me Follow you Down 285.Pressing On 286.oxford town 287.Baby Please Don't Go 288.She Belongs To Me 289.To Be Alone with You 290.Man of Constant Sorrow 291.Wade In the Water 292.Solid Rock 293.Moonlight 294.Sugar Baby 295.Sugar Baby 296.talkin' devil 297.walkin' down the line 298.Sarah Jane 299.Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You 300.Idiot Wind 301.Saving Grace 302.Buckets Of Rain 303.Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You 304.Hard Time is New York Town 305.Subterranean Homesick Blues 306.Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others) 307.When He Returns 308.I Believe In You 309.Shelter from the Storm 310.Buckets of Rain 311.Floater (Too Much To Ask) 312.California 313.I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 314.Po' Boy 315.Shelter From The Storm 316.Tangled Up In Blue 317.Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts 318.Girl From The North Country 319.High-Water (For Charley Patton) 320.Country Pie 321.Girl from the North Country 322.Like A Rolling Stone 323.Pledging My Time 324.Mississippi 325.Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum 326.You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go 327.If You See Her, Say Hello 328.Heart of Mine 329.Property of Jesus 330.Dead Man, Dead Man 331.When You Gonna Wake Up 332.To Ramona 333.Honest With Me 334.Every Grain of Sand 335.Lay Lady Lay 336.Candy Man 337.Trouble 338.If You See Her, Say Hello 339.You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go 340.Simple Twist of Fate 341.Saved 342.What Can I Do For You 343.Are You Ready 344.Man Gave Names To All The Animals 345.Never Say Goodbye 346.Maggie's Farm 347.Who you Really Are 348.Watered-Down Love 349.It Ain't Me, Babe 350.One More Night 351.Something's Burning, Baby 352.Precious Angel 353.My Back Pages 354.Forever Young 355.Union Sundown 356.Lenny Bruce 357.Idiot Wind 358.Maggie's Farm 359.My Back Pages 360.All I Really Want To Do 361.Cry A While 362.Lonesome Day Blues 363.Spanish Harlem Incident 364.I And I 365.Dark Eyes 366.Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight 367.A Satisfied Mind 368.ballad of donald white 369.Watching The River Flow 370.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 371.Slow Train 372.We Better Talk This Over 373.You're a Big Girl Now 374.I And I 375.Where Are You Tonight (Journey Through Dark Heat) 376.Is Your Love In Vain 377.Neighborood Bully 378.I'll Remember You 379.Clean Cut Kid 380.Never Gonna Be The Same Again 381.Gotta Serve Somebody 382.In the Summertime 383.Cocaine Blues 384.Positively 4th Street 385.Tombstone Blues 386.Jokerman 387.No Time To Think 388.Baby Stop Crying 389.Tangled Up in Blue 390.Man Of Peace 391.Ballad Of A Thin Man 392.high water (for charley patton) 393.blind willie mctell 394.Gospel Plow 395.Subterranean Homesick 396.Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 397.Covenant Woman 398.meet me in the morning 399.gotta serve somebody 400.the grooms still waiting at the alter 401.seeing the real you at last 402.everything is broken 403.dirt road blues 404.leopard-skin pill-box hat 405.it takes a lot to laugh it takes a train to cry 406.Talking World War III Blues 407.Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power) 408.Mixed-up Confusion 409.Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance 410.down in the flood 411.Baby, Let Me Follow You Down 412.she belongs to me 413.I Shall Be Free 414.Oxford Town 415.Most Likely You Go Your Way 416.Tight Connection To My Heart 417.Pretty Peggy 418.Man Of Constant Sorrow 419.Freight Train Blues 420.Shot of Love 421.The Times They Are A-changin 422.Grooms Still Waiting At The Altar 423.See That My Grave Is Kept Clean 424.House Of The Risin' Sun 425.Bob Dylan's Dream 426.Down The Highway 427.Solid Rock 428.Senor(Tales Of Yankee Power) 429.License To Kill 430.Subterranean Homesick Blues 431.I Dont Believe You(She Acts Like We Never Have Met) 432.Bye And Bye 433.Romance In Durango 434.Fixin' To Die Blues 435.Time Passes Slowly 436.I Wanna Be Your Lover 437.Corrina, Corrina 438.Gotta Serve Somebody 439.Masters Of War 440.Bob Dylan's Blues 441.Tomorrow Is A Long Time 442.Masters Of War 443.I Want You 444.Up To Me 445.Baby, Im In The Mood For You 446.True Love Tends To Forget 447.If Not For You 448.I Don't Believe You 449.Just Like A Woman 450.Lay Down Your Weary Tune 451.On A Night Like This 452.New Pony 453.Knockin' on Heaven's Door 454.With God On Our Side 455.A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 456.Highway 51 Blues 457.I Believe In You 458.I Shall Be Released 459.Trust Yourself 460.Ill Be Your Baby Tonight 461.Caribbean Wind 462.Under Your Spell 463.Only A Pawn In Their Game 464.Restless Farewell 465.Boots Of Spanish Leather 466.Meet Me in the Morning 467.Black Diamond Bay 468.Lay Lady Lay 469.One Too Many Mornings 470.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 471.She's No Good 472.Girl From The North Country 473.Dear Lanlord 474.Talkin' New York 475.The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 476.Got My Mind Made Up 477.Romance In Durango 478.Baby, Let Me Follow You Down 479.Down Along The Cove 480.In My Time Of Dyin' 481.Mozambique 482.Drifter's Escape 483.Tombstone Blues 484.When The Ship Comes In 485.As I Went Out One Morning 486.The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar 487.The Wicked Messenger 488.Emotionally Yours 489.Maybe Someday 490.Joey. 491.Precious Memories 492.Percys Song 493.All Along The Watchtower 494.Blowin' In The Wind 495.Mr. Tambourine Man 496.I Am A Lonesome Hobo 497.Isis 498.Driftin' Too Far From Shore 499.I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine 500.The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest 501.They Killed Him 502.John Wesley Harding 503.When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky 504.blowin' in the wind 505.Seeing The Real You At Last 506.The Times They Are A-Changin 507.To Ramona 508.I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 509.Oh, Sister 510.Brownsville Girl 511.Queen Jane Approximately 512.Song To Woody 513.All Along The Watchtower 514.Changing Of The Guards 515.Meet Me In The Morning 516.Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues 517.Masters Of War 518.Forever Young 519.Desolation Row 520.Tombstone Blues 521.Hurricane 522.Heart For Mine 523.You Wanna Ramble 524.Blowin' In The Wind 525.License To Kill 526.Sara 527.It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry 528.Knockin' On Heaven's Door 529.If Not For You 530.Ballad Of A Thin Man 531.Silvio 532.Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street) 533.Ugliest Girl In The World 534.Death Is Not The End 535.Had A Dream About You, BabyHad A Dream About You, Baby 536.From A Buick 6 537.Sally Sue Brown 538.One More Cup of Coffee 539.Ill Keep It With Mine 540.Shenandoah 541.Like A Rolling Stone 542.I Pity The Poor Immigrant 543.Rank Strangers To Me 544.Highway 61 Revisited 545.Highway 61 Revisited 546.Let's Stick Together 547.Knockin' on Heaven's Door 548.When Did You Leave Heaven 549.Like A Rolling Stone 550.sweetheart like you 551.rollin and tumblin 552.when the deal goes down 553.someday baby 554.spirit on the water 555.beyond the horizon 556.nettie moore 557.the levees gonna break 558.aint talkin 559.working mans blues 2 560.thunder on the mountain 561.Blowin' In The Wind 562.Ballad Of Hollis Brown 563.Blowin In The Wind 564.North Country Blues 565.Queen Jane Approximately 566.Gotta Serve Somebody 567.I Want You 568.Slow Train 569.Knockin On Heavens Door 570.Joey





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