
One of the greatest writers of all time, Shakespeare, the peerless poet of the Sonnets and the creator of such dramatic masterpieces as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and King Lear, is a playwright of paradigmatic originality. In his discussion of the Western literary canon, critic Harold Bloom declared: "Shakespeare and Dante are the center of the Canon because they excel all other Western writer in cognitive acuity, linguistic energy, and power of invention." However, one could go a step further and suggest that Shakespeare defines the Western canon because he transcends it. If Shakespeare, as Ben Jonson declared, "was not of an age, but for all time," the great dramatist, one could argue, spoke to the ultimate concerns of humankind, regardless of period or cultural tradition. For example, Hamlet, which has been performed all over the world, probes the ultimate mysteries of life and death, describing the protagonist's search for glimpses of higher meaning in his chaotic existence, a struggle every human being deeply understands. What certainly distinguishes Shakespeare from other dramatists, in addition to his boundless linguistic inventiveness and extraordinary descriptive power, is a prodigious imagination, which enabled him to create characters that appear, owing to their tremendous life force, out of place in the world of fiction. While there is always something artificial about literary characters, "Shakespeare's characters," according to Émile Legouis, "whether good or bad, whether moving among the realities of history or among the most romantic happenings, have an unfailing humanity which makes them plausible and keeps them within the orbit of our sympathy."

Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, attended school, married young, and went to London, around 1585, without his family, to seek his fortune. Already known as an actor and playwright in 1592, he published his Venus and Adonis, a long poem, the following year. In 1594, Shakespeare joined the Lord Chamberlain's Men, a group which was renamed the King's Men after James I ascended the throne. He became a partner in the recently-founded Globe Theatre a few years later. In 1609, the King's Men leased Blackfriars Theatre, which served a more cultivated audience. A successful businessman, Shakespeare invested in real estate, attaining a level of prosperity which afforded him a comfortable retirement. He died in 1616.

所有时刻的最了不起的作家的当中一个, 莎士比亚、Sonnets 的绝世的诗人和如此剧烈的杰作的创作者象罗密欧和Juliet 、哈姆雷特, 和Lear 国王, 是典型独创性的编剧。在关于西文艺坎农相机公司的他的讨论, 评论家Harold 绽放被宣称: "Shakespeare 和Dante 是坎农相机公司的中心因为他们擅长所有其它西部作家在认知敏锐、语言invention." 的能量, 和力量; 但是, 你能进一步去步和建议, 莎士比亚定义西坎农相机公司因为他超越它。如果莎士比亚, 如同本・Jonson 宣称, "was 不是年龄, 而且为所有时刻, " 了不起的剧作家, 你能争论, 轮幅对人类最后关心, 不管期间或文化传统。例如, 哈姆雷特, 执行了得全世界, 探查生与死的最后奥秘, 描述protagonist's 查寻更高的意思瞥见在他的混乱存在, 每人深深地了解的奋斗。什么与其它剧作家一定区别莎士比亚, 除他无边的语言创造力和非凡描写力量之外, 是巨大的想像力, 使他创造字符出现, 由于他们的巨大生活力量, 不恰当在小说世界。当有总人为事关于文艺字符, "Shakespeare's 字符, " 根据3Emile Legouis, "whether 好或坏, 是否行动在历史的现实之中或在最浪漫的事件之中, 有使他们振振有词和保留他们在我们的sympathy." 之内轨道的unfailing 人类;
1564 年莎士比亚出生, 在Stratford 在Avon, 被出席的学校, 结婚的年轻人, 和去到伦敦, 大约1585 年, 没有他的家庭, 寻找他的时运。已经通认作为一位演员和编剧, 1592 年他出版了他的金星和亚多尼斯, 一首长的诗, 以下年。1594 年, 莎士比亚加入了阁下Chamberlain's Men, 改名King's 人的小组在詹姆斯我登高王位之后。他成为了一个伙伴在最近建立的地球剧院几年后。1609 年, King's 人出租了Blackfriars 剧院, 为耕种的观众服务。一个成功的商人, 莎士比亚被投资在房地产, 获得付得起他舒适的退休繁荣的水平。1616 年他死了。
第1个回答  2007-07-16
最杰出的作家之一一切时,莎士比亚, 无双的诗人的十四行诗,而创造这种戏剧名著罗密欧与朱丽叶,哈姆雷特, 与莎士比亚,是一个剧作家的原创典范. 他讨论了西方经典文学评论家哈罗德布鲁姆宣布: "莎士比亚和但丁是中心的佳能公司,因为他们卓越的所有其他西方作家的敏锐认知, 语言能源,电力的发明. " 然而,人们可以更进了一步,表明莎士比亚界定西方佳能,因为他超越了它. 假如莎士比亚,本琼生声称, "没有一个时代,但任何时候, "伟大的戏剧家, 人们可以争辩,以向终极关切人类,不分时期或文化传统. 例如,哈姆雷特,一直演出到世界各地,探针的终极生死奥秘, 描述主角的搜索随感更高意义,在他的混沌的存在, 一场每个人的深刻理解. 当然什么区别莎士比亚从其他戏剧家,除了他语言上的无限创意和非凡的描述权力 是一个惊人的想象力,使他创造的人物,由于其巨大的生命力, 列在世界的小说. 总会有一些人为的文学人物, "莎士比亚的人物, "据拉勒古伊, "不管是好是坏, 无论移动中的现实或历史中最浪漫的事情, 有当今人类使得他们可信,使他们在轨道同情的. " 莎士比亚生于1564年,在斯特拉- -雅芳,上过学,已婚青年,并前往伦敦, 1585左右, 没有他的家人,并寻求他的财富. 已经被称为一个演员兼剧作家,在1592年,他发表的维纳斯和尼斯,长诗, 翌年. 1594年,莎士比亚加入张伯伦勋爵的男人, 一组被命名为国王人马后,詹姆士一世登基. 他成为一个伙伴在最近创立Globe剧院几年后. 1609年,国王的男子租用blackfriars剧院,起到了培养更多观众. 一位成功商人,莎士比亚投资于房地产,以达到某种程度的繁荣,给他一个舒适的退休生活. 他死于1616年.
第2个回答  2007-07-16
第3个回答  2007-07-25



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