
蚊子能倒立飞行吗? 他怎么到天花板上去的,不是说为什么能站上面, 不会是从侧墙爬的吧?




3.类似的苍蝇就比较灵敏多了,可以随意落到任何角落,就是因为它的飞行 速度快的多,可以做任何形式的飞行,比蚊子要灵敏多了!



蚊子能倒立飞行吗? 他怎么到天花板上去的,不是说为什么能站上面, 不会是从侧墙爬的吧?
Can mosquitoes fly upside-down? Otherwise how could it land on the ceiling? It’s no way that it climbs up there from the side-walls.
This is an interesting topic, let’s try to make sense of it:
1. First think about how a plane could fly upside-down. It needs to gain enough power first of all, because any subject that wants to fly upside-down needs to be fast enough. And since this motion must also be of constant speed, then it has to accelerate all of a sudden when trying to turn around it the air, which requires enough power. The motion mentioned above is like the ones we see in the high flying shows.

2.我们再说蚊子,它做的是匀速的滑翔,并且靠翅膀和空气的气流,逐渐将身体翻转过来的,这就是为什么感觉蚊子飞行很慢,但实际我们却很难将其打 死的原因,它飘忽不定在空中。做的是曲线的翻转滑行,从地面起飞,逐渐做曲线运动,在这过程中,靠空气的气流,逐渐改变身体姿态,最后落到房顶,而它的肢 体有一定芥蒂组织,毛刺之类的组织,很容易于墙面相接触的,这样就稳定了。
2. Now let’s go back to mosquitoes. It always fly at constant speed, and by its wings and the air drift, it gradually turns itself upside-down, that’s why we feel mosquitoes fly slowly. While in fact it’s hard for us to catch them, because they change their positions all the time in the air. Their flight routes are curves, first taking off from the ground, then gradually forming a curve, during which process, it changes its position by the air drift, and eventually it lands on the ceiling. Moreover, there are little thorns and hair on mosquitoes’ legs that helps increase the friction the wall and them, therefore making it easier for them to stick to the ceiling.
3.类似的苍蝇就比较灵敏多了,可以随意落到任何角落,就是因为它的飞行 速度快的多,可以做任何形式的飞行,比蚊子要灵敏多了!
3. Flies are like mosquitoes, but they are way better at flying. They could land in any corner. Moreover they fly way faster than mosquitoes and they could manage any type of flying, hence they are way better at flying than mosquitoes.
4. Therefore, mosquitoes fly to the ceiling in the way explained above, and it’s more complicated than just calling it flying-upside-down.
第1个回答  2007-07-11
The mosquito can stand upside down the flight? How does he arrive theceiling to come up, is not above said why can stand, cannot be crawlsfrom the spandrel wall? This also is an interesting topic, under our inference: 1. Do we first imagine, how the airplane are stand upside down carryon the flight the process, first must have the enough power, becauseessentially does in the airborne movement thing stands upside down theflight, must have the enough power only then to be allowed, moreoverthis movement also should be the uniform speed slides, causes oneselfto turn over, must want in instantaneous to turn over, that power mustbe bigger. We saw astronautics performance belongs to this kind. 2. We said the mosquito again, it does is the uniform speed glide, anddepends on the wing and the air air current, gradually turns over thebody, why is this felt the mosquito flight is very slow, but is actualwe actually very difficultly the reason which kills it, it drifts fromplace to place airborne in. Does is the curve turn over slides, fromground takeoff, gradually makes the curvilinear motion, in thisprocess, depends on the air the air current, gradually changes thebodily posture, finally falls the roof, but its body has the certainobstruction organization, the burr and so on organization, very easilycontacts to the wall surface, like this stabilized. 3. Similar fly quite keen many, may fall at will to any quoin, isbecause of its flying speed quick many, may make any form the flight,keenly wanted the mosquito to be more than! 4. Therefore, the mosquito is flies like this to the ceiling, onlyuses to stand upside down by no means flies described
第2个回答  2007-07-12
The mosquito can stand upside down the flight? How does he arrive the ceiling to come up, is not above said why can stand, cannot be crawls from the spandrel wall?
This also is an interesting topic, under our inference:

1. we imagine first, how is the airplane stands upside down carries on the flight the process, first must have the enough power, because must do in the airborne movement object stands upside down the flight, must have the enough power only then to be possible, moreover this movement also should be the uniform speed glide, causes oneself to turn over, must want in instantaneous to turn over, that power must be bigger.We saw astronautics performance belongs to this kind.
2. We say mosquito, it is so uniform in the late 1950s, and on the wings and air flow, gradually reversed over the body, which is why the feeling of mosquitoes flying very slow, But we could not be killed because it drift in the air. Do is to turn the curve taxiing, taking off from the ground, so gradually curve campaign, in the process, relying on air currents, gradually changing body position, finally fell on the roof, and it is certainly physically ill feelings organizations, such as the burr, very easily in contact with the wall is, so to stabilize

3. Similar flies over more sensitive, it can reach any corner of arbitrary, because it was flying fast, can do any form of flight, than more sensitive to mosquitoes!
4. Therefore, this mosquito flew to the ceiling, is not only used to describe the inverted flight of.
第3个回答  2007-07-15
The flight of handstand that can mosquito? How he went to the ceiling, isn't it that why stand in the above, would not climb from the side wall? This is an interesting topic too, let's deduce: 1.We imagine, how is plane handstand go on course that fly first, have enough motive force at first, because object of the one movement want, make handstand fly in sky, there must be enough motive force all right, and this movement should also slide at the uniform velocity, make oneself turn over, if want to turn in the twinkling of an eye, that motive force must be greater. The spaceflight performance that we saw belongs to this kind. 2.We say mosquitoes again, what it is done is the gliding at the uniform velocity, and lean against the air currents of wings and the air, turn the body over gradually, that's why that it is very slow to feel the mosquito flies, but actual we very difficult his reason to kill, it is fluid in the sky. That was made is that the upset in the curve slides, take off from the ground, do the curvilinear motion gradually, in this course, depend on the air current of the air, change the body posture gradually, falls to the roof finally, and its limbs had certain unpleasantness to organize, the tissues of burr,etc., it is very easy to keep in touch on the wall, in this way steady. 3.The similar fly is much more sensitive, can fall to any corner at will, because of its flight The fast one is much, can do the flight of any kind, much more sensitive than the mosquito! 4.Thus, mosquito fly to ceiling like this, fly, come, describe with handstand only.
第4个回答  2007-07-18
Does the mosquito ability handstand fly?He how go to ceiling up of, not is say why can stand up, can't climb from the side wall of?

This is also an interesting topic, we to reason logically bottom:

1.We imagine first once, airplane is how the handstand carry on flying process, have to have enough motive first, wanting to do handstand flight because of in the sky an object in sport, have to have enough motive just can, and this action should also be skid evenly and soon, make oneself inside out to come over, think at in a twinkling inside out, that motive has to be larger.The aerospace that we see performs and then belongs to this type of.

2.We say again mosquito, what it does glides evenly and soon, and depends the current of air of wing and air, gradual body I am inside out to come over, this be why feel mosquito fly very slowly, but actual we very difficult the reason that it kills, it floats suddenly and uncertain and in the sky.What to do is a curvilinear inside out skidding, taking off from the ground, doing curve sport gradually, depending the current of air of air in this process, changing body carriage gradually, falling house roof finally, but its body contain certain misunderstanding organization, the hair stabs of the organization of type, very easy in wall face reading contiguous of, so stabilize.

3.Similar fly more more intelligent, can fall to take up a post at will what corner, is because of its flight speed many quick, can do any flight of form, want to be much more intelligent than the mosquito!

4.So say, the mosquito flies to crest 棚 so, not use what handstand flight describe.
第5个回答  2007-07-23



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