大神们 求翻译


When your outside your home, your body language is important very. if you straight stand, walk purposefully and pay attention to what is around you you will discourace Criminals cause you appear strong and alert. along with confidence and awareness Another tool you can use all the time is your voice you can yell. Criminals dont like to draw to attention themselves and they don’t like to be seen. Yelling may sometimes be embarrassing, but your safety is more important than worring about imbarrassment.
at home, its important to always keep your doors and windows locked you should never apent the door to someone you don’t know. You dno’t have to be polite to somebody who maybe trying to do you harm. This also applys to the telephone. If someone you don’t know calls and tries to keep you engage in a conservation, just hang up. you don’t have to be polite to somebody who is intruding in your life, especially if youdon’t know the person. Always Keep your safty in mind and act in a way that discourages criminals from bothering you



When you are outside your home, your body language is very important. If you stand straight, walk purposefully and pay attention to what is around you you will discourage criminals, cause you appear strong and alert, along with confidence and awareness Another tool you can use all the time is your voice, you can yell. Criminals don't like to draw attention to themselves and they don’t like to be seen. Yelling may sometimes be embarrassing, but your safety is more important than worrying about embarrassment.
At home, it is important to always keep your doors and windows locked. You should never open the door to someone you don’t know. You don’t have to be polite to somebody who maybe trying to do you harm. This also applies to the telephone. If someone you don’t know calls and tries to keep you engage in a conservation, just hang up. You don’t have to be polite to somebody who is intruding in your life, especially if you don’t know the person. Always keep your safety in mind and act in a way that discourages criminals from bothering you.
第1个回答  2015-08-07
上来问问题,也拍得清晰点啊 。。。 一点诚意木有的。。。追问


第2个回答  2015-08-07
第3个回答  2015-08-07
第4个回答  2015-08-07



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