

头版的重要性是不言而喻的。对于头版的内容应侧重些什么,则有两个学派的说法。有一学派把头版视作一张报纸的“门面橱窗”,因此特强调需要装饰“橱窗”。 这一手法的问题是“橱窗”布置得太漂亮,会相对把“陈列品”的价值“贬低”。另一学派把报纸视作一家有许多“橱窗”的店,每一个“橱窗”应有著同样的高标准的布置。报纸应该有一种统一感。
一旦报纸有其风格路线 — 使用在头条新闻的风格 — 编辑头版就变成简单得多了。主题的故事,被称为头条,就放在首要的当眼位置,通常是版面的左上角。一幅有力的照片占据了上半版中心位置;然后接著是“第二头条”、“第三头条”和其他大小分级标题的故事。


Millions of newspapers are sold every day throughout the world. What section of the newspapers on a newsstand catches your eye?
Without doubt, it is the front page. Its contents are usually about the most important happenings of the day. Besides that, it is common practice that the front page carries an index to help the reader quickly locate certain sections of the paper. A front page carries a brief weather forecast for the day as well.
Much thought goes into the actual headlines themselves. A headline is like a title. People think it important that headlines should aim at being both informative and eye-catching. They should attract the reader's attention. The main front-page headline is, of course, the most important one. Afterall, it can even determine whether or not a person will be tempted to buy a particular newspaper.
While the importance of the front page is obvious, there are two schools of thought over the emphasis placed on its contents. There is the school that describes the front page as a paper’s “shop window” and therefore emphasis the need for “window-dressing. ” The trouble with this approach is that too much concentration on the “shop window” tends to reduce the value of the goods displayed inside. Others take the view that a newspaper is like a store with many windows, each of which should be dressed to the same high standard. It should have a sense of unity.
Once the paper has decided the type — the style it will use for headlines — composing the front page is a fairly simple matter. The main story, called the lead, takes the prime position, usually the top left-hand corner of the page. A strong picture occupies the top center of the page; then follows the second-lead, third-lead and other stories in size-graded headings.
When there is a big news event, the paper uses a headline which runs the full width of the page and which is usually set in a bold type. However, a newspaper has to draw a line between being eye-catching and being sensational. A newspaper which overuses shock methods may lose its reputation.
第1个回答  2015-05-04



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