

How is everything going? I am studying in Cambridge University now. it is absolutely fantastic to be admitted in trinity college. As you know, I applied for natsci tripos and as a first year undergrads, I have selected Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Geology so far. However, I have also become interested in Biology, Although I have never done biology in my A levels, my senior tutor said that I can still catch up. What do you think about it, do you think I should do biology too? It is a bit lonely to go to cambridge without knowing anyone, luckily I have made some new friends now, and we usually play games over weekend! The only thing I did not enjoy is that we have saturday lectures at 9 am so we have to get up early even on saturday. Nevertheless, I am enjoying my life here, how about you? Have you made some new friends in Oxford? Our term will be finished by the first week of December, how about Oxford? have you got any plans for Christmas yet? Would you like to come over? Let me know your thoughts.

all the best,



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