求一篇英语作文 八十词左右


I live in a beautiful place,there is a park next to my home,i often go there to play with my friends.My favorite place is a carema,my family often go there to see movies,it has the biggest screen,i like the environment there very much.It is not very far from my home,i always walk to there.It is a good way to exercise!
纯手打 望采纳~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦
第1个回答  推荐于2017-07-24
My hometown is 地点.It's a beautiful place.The weather there is winter now ,and it's windy and cold outside.Sometimes it snows very hard.Although it's very cold,people have a good time .We can see people playing in the park and in the zoo ,they singing and dancing everywhere.Some people play sports ,and many people take photos,I love my hometown ,it's a beautiful place !本回答被网友采纳



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