英语中'to do'的用法


表be to do”的用法

    一般说来,“be to do” 这个结构有两种语法意义,其一是连系动词be+动词不定式做表语,其二是be to是一个独立词汇单位,具有情态含义,可以把它叫做情态习语(modal idiom)。

    一、be +动词不定式,不定式做表语,表示主语和表语在概念上是等同的。如:

    The problem is to find a solution.

    His plan is to clean the room.

    My wish is to be a doctor.

    二、be to +动词不定式中的be to用作情态习语,这时的be to do表示: “计划”、“安排”、“义务”、“应该”、“可能”、“命运”等。(have to,ought to)。如:

    He is to have a holiday. (表示将来)

    The committee is to meet today. (表示计划、安排)

    You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.

    1. 表示 “将”、“计划”、“安排”。(意思接近于be going to) 如:

    Their daughter is to get married soon.

    Who is to question him?

    It was the last film at the cinema,which was to close next day.

    After dinner they were to go to a movie.

    was/ were to do 表示过去曾经计划要做的事,或者过去应当做的事,而且从现在的角度来看已经实现了。如:

    I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.

    I was to play Juliet.

    The expedition was to start in a week’s time.

    was/ were to have done,表示 “本打算”、“本计划”或“本应当” 做的事而没有做成或没有发生。如:

    I was to have seen him last Wednesday,but he didn’t come.

    We were to have been married last year.

    2. 表示 “义务”、“应该” .(意思接近于should,must,ought to,have to) 如:

    No one is to leave the building. 谁也不得离开这楼房。

    You are not to smoke in this room.=You are not supposed to smoke in this room.

    You are to be back by 10 o’clock. 你必须十点以前回来。

    3. 表示可能性,相当于can,may 如:

    Such books are to be found in the library. 这样的书在图书馆里就能找到。

    Not a single sound was to be heard. 一点儿声音也听不到。

    Not a soul was to be seen. 看不到一个人影。

    She was nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到她。

    She was never to see his wife and family again.

    5. 表示 “命运”,将来必然要发生的事,译作 “注定……”。如:

    He came to power,but he was to play dearly for it: soon he was assassinated.

    The worst is still to come.

    They said goodbye,little knowing they were never to meet again.

    6. 用于“if…were to do”,表示虚拟语气。如:

    If it were to rain tomorrow,the sports meeting would be put off. 如果明天下雨,运动会就会延期。


    1.This film _____ this Sunday.

    A. is going to show B. is showing C. is to be show D. will have been show

    2.The students were told that they ____ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon.

    A. met B. will meet C. were to meet D. were met

    3. The house ______ ready today but as there has been a builders’ strike it is still only half finished.

    A. is B. was to be C. was D. was to have been

    4.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they _________.

    A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive

    5.How _______ I ______ what has become of him?

    A. am; to know B. am; knowing C. was; to know D. will; know

    6. ______ he ________ tomorrow,I would go to meet him at the station.

    A. Were; to come B. Was; coming C. Did; come D. Would; come

第1个回答  2011-09-30


  To talk with you is a great pleasure.


  It is a great pleasure to talk with you.


  (1)It is+adj./n.(+for sb/sth.) + to do sth.


  It was impossible for them to complete the task in such ashorttime.

  用于此句型的名词有:pity,shame,pleasure,ones duty,onesjob,fun,goodmanners,bad manners等。例如:

  It is good manners for the young to give their seats totheold.

  (2)It is+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.


  It is kind of the Tom to try to help me when I am in trouble.

  (3)It takes sb.+some time+to do sth.


  It took him a lot of time to find the place.










  She declared herself to be a college student.她自称是名大学生。


He is to marry Rose.


Her wish was to become a doctor.


The form is to be filled in and returned within a week.


(1)动词不定式作定语,应位于所修饰词语之后,即:作后置定语。例如:Have you got anything toeat?(to eat修饰anything,位于其后)

(2)下列名词后常接动词不定式作定语:ability,attempt,chance,courage,decision,effort,failure,promise,way,wish等。例如:Butshegave up the chance to go abroad.

(3)由only,next以及序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词后,也常接不定式作定语。例如:Who was the lastoneto leave the classroom last night?



I need a pen to write with.

He is looking for a room to live in.



(1)let,have,make,get等表使役的动词(注:此时省略to)。例如:They made us gowiththem.


The chairman requested the mrs to be silent.


The guard forbade me to enter.


Many parents expect their children to study abroad.

(5)see、watch、notice、hear、listen to、observe、feel等表感官的动词


I noticed tears come into his eyes.



Tom got up early to catch the early bus.

To do a good job, we must have the right tools.

为强调作目的状语的不定式,常用in order (not) to,so as(not)to短语。前者可放在句首,也可放在句中,后者只能放在句中。


作结果状语的不定式常用于一些固定搭配中,如:too…to,enough to,sufficient to,onlyto,neverto,so+ 形容词/副词+as to,such+名词+as to do引导。

Would you be so kind as to step this way, please?

I tried the door, only to find it locked inside. (强调出乎意料的结果)
第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
to do在做状语的时候表示目的。to wake up early next morning, he set the alarm.
To do 的被动形式是to be done. 完成形式是to have done,进行形式是to be doing.
比如he seems to have finished the task.
He seems to be killed last night.
He seems to be waiting for his girlfriend.
To do还可以做原因状语,i'm glad to meet you.
To do还可表结果,与doing表示的结果不同,doing做结果状语是意料之中的结果,to do 做结果状语是否意料之外的话结果。
比如 he hurried to the airport, only to find that the star had left.
Basketball is being played in more than 80countries, making it the most popular games in the world.追问

我想要最基础简单的,看不懂哎。 最好有口诀甚么的



第3个回答  2011-09-30
太简单了。在一个动词后要接另一个动词,只要是没有开始做的动作,都用to do 。



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