
别百度、有道等。 我要高手来翻译。3Q。

A: 女士,欢迎。你怎么了?
B: 噢,亲爱的医生。我感觉糟糕透了。
A: 冷静点儿,女士,慢慢说。
B: 我不敢动脖子了!我怕是颈骨出现问题了!
A: 别激动,来,坐下,有我,请放心。请具体说下你的情况好吗?
B: 噢,天啦。我今天早上起床时脖子就开始痛了。不能低头、不能抬头、不能左转、不能右转,只要脖子轻轻一动就会非常痛。
A: 那么,昨天有这种情况出现吗?
B: 不,没有。昨天我的脖子非常健康。我确定!
A: 好的,女士,我知道了,你是落枕了。
B: 落枕?我吗?别开玩笑了,我睡姿一直是非常好的。
A: 女士,落枕不是睡姿好就不会发生的,总会有一次意外,万事无绝对,不是吗?
B: 好好好,那么,请问怎么才能把我的脖子治好呢?
A: 多动动,自然就好了。虽然你的脖子一动就会痛,但是要忍耐。
B: 噢,医生,这治疗方法真够烂的。
A: 我知道,但是只要这个方法。
B: 噢,好吧,我明白了。我先走了,医生,不妨碍你了。
A: 拜拜。

A: 女士,欢迎。你怎么了?
A:Hi, Madam, what’s up?
B: 噢,亲爱的医生。我感觉糟糕透了。
B:Oh, my dear doctor, I feel terrible.
A: 冷静点儿,女士,慢慢说。
A: Calm down, Madam, no hurry.
B: 我不敢动脖子了!我怕是颈骨出现问题了!
B: I dare not move my neck, I afraid something is wrong with it.
A: 别激动,来,坐下,有我,请放心。请具体说下你的情况好吗?
A: Take it easy, come and sit down, here I am, don’t worry, please furnish me with more details, ok?
B: 噢,天啦。我今天早上起床时脖子就开始痛了。不能低头、不能抬头、不能左转、不能右转,只要脖子轻轻一动就会非常痛。
B: Oh, gosh! The pain started when I got up this morning, I can’t lower or raise my head, or turn left or turn right, my neck will be hurt even with a slight movement.
A: 那么,昨天有这种情况出现吗?
A: so, did the pain happen yesterday?
B: 不,没有。昨天我的脖子非常健康。我确定!
B: No, it didn’t, I am sure my neck is very healthy yesterday.
A: 好的,女士,我知道了,你是落枕了。
A: Ok, Madam, I got it, you got a stiff neck.
B: 落枕?我吗?别开玩笑了,我睡姿一直是非常好的。
B: stiff neck? I? are you kidding? I always keep a good sleeping posture.
A: 女士,落枕不是睡姿好就不会发生的,总会有一次意外,万事无绝对,不是吗?
A: Madam, a good sleeping posture can’t guarantee stiff neck won't happen, there is always an ancient, thing is not absolute, is it?
B: 好好好,那么,请问怎么才能把我的脖子治好呢?
B: Fine, alright, so, how will you treat my neck?
A: 多动动,自然就好了。虽然你的脖子一动就会痛,但是要忍耐。
A: keep moving your head, and it will be ok soon, although it hurts, but you should endure that.
B: 噢,医生,这治疗方法真够烂的。
B: Oh, doctor, the idea is whack!
A: 我知道,但是只要这个方法。
A: I know, but it is the only way.
B: 噢,好吧,我明白了。我先走了,医生,不妨碍你了。
B: ok, I see, I got to go, doctor, I am getting out of your road.
A: 拜拜。
A: bye.追问


第1个回答  2011-09-29
A: Welcome here,madam,what's wrong with you(how is everything going with you)
B:Oh,my dear doctor,I feel so terrible
A: Calm down,madam,take your time speaking
B::I can't turn my neck around. i'm afraid there's something wrong with it(something wrong may happen to it).
A:Take it easy. come here and sit down.Here I am,please keep relaxed and tell me what's going on with you in detail?
B:Oh my god,I felt neckache the moment i got up this morning. Any move on my neck,up and down, left or right,will get hurt seriously.
A:Well, since yesterday?
B:No., it's all right yesterday. I'm sure.
A: Well, madam, I see, you got a stiff neck.
B: stiff ? You must be kidding. My sleeping position is all right.
A: Oh,madam, that can't keep you out of stiff neck , there is always an ancient, nothing is forever, isn't it?
B: Ok, so how can I recover from it?
A:Move your head timely, and you'll be all right later, You have to endure the ache even though it really hurts.
B: Oh, doctor, so suck it is !
A:Sure I know, but you have to.
B: Ok, I see, I gotta go, doctor, your time.
A: Bye.追问

I felt neckache the moment i got up this morning. Any move on my neck,up and down, left or right,will get hurt seriously.
"the moment"感觉不恰当呢。还有,any也感觉不好用。

第2个回答  2011-09-29
A:welcome,madam, what's wrong with you?
B:oh, dear doctor,i feel so bad.
A:calm down,madam,take your time.
B:I can't turn my neck. i'm afraid there's something wrong with it.
A:Take it easy. come and sit down.i'm here, and please be relaxed.can you describe your situation in detail?
B:oh my god, i feel neckache when i get up this morning. i can't turn up and down, can't turn left and right. one slight move of neck will hurt badly.
A:Well, didi this happen yesterday?
B:No. Yesterday my neck was good. I'm sure.
A: Ok, Madam, I got it, you've got a stiff neck.
B: stiff neck? Me? are you kidding? I always keep a good sleeping posture.
A: Madam, a good sleeping posture doesn't mean stiff neck won't happen. there is always an accidient.nothing is absolute, isn't it?
B: Fine, then, how will you treat my neck?
A: keep moving your neck, and it will be ok soon. although it hurts, you should endure it.
B: Oh, doctor, the idea is suck!
A: I know, but it is the only choice.
B: ok, I see. I have to go, doctor, your time.
A: bye.追问

很抱歉没有采纳您的答案,因为你的翻译中出现了(keep moving your neck),这句翻译感觉很勉强,keep moving和脖子联系到一起不怎么和谐呢。

第3个回答  2011-09-29
A: President, welcome. How do you?
B: Oh, my dear doctor. I feel terrible.
A: cool a little, ladies, and slowly said.
B: I can not move the neck! I'm afraid there is a neck problem!
A: Do not get excited, come, sit down, have me, please rest assured. Please specify the circumstances under you okay?
B: Oh, my God. I woke up this morning, the neck began to hurt. Not down, not rise, can not turn left, not right, as long as the neck and gently move will be very painful.
A: Well, yesterday the situation emerge?
B: No, no. Yesterday, my neck is very healthy. I'm sure!
A: Yes, Madam, I know, you are a stiff neck.
B: stiff neck? Me? Do not joke, I am sleeping position has been very good.
A: Ladies, stiff neck is not sleeping well will not happen, there will always be an accident, everything is not absolute, is not it?
B: good good, then I ask how can it cure my neck?
A: hyperactivity move, naturally enough. While you will be pain in the neck of a move, but be patient.
B: Oh, doctor, this treatment really is rotten.
A: I know, but as long as this method.
B: Oh, well, I understand. I go first, doctors, without prejudice to you.
A: bye.追问

例如:please rest assured. Please specify the circumstances under you okay?
hyperactivity move, naturally enough.等。



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