

The Method of Learning English
For some people, learning English is really a tough job. They just can not find the proper way to get into it. So it is very necessary to know how to learn English not only for the beginners but also for those who have been learning English for some time but still can not master its essence.
Then what are the proper methods of learning English?
Firstly, one should keep in mind that English, as a tool for communication, is essentially a language. And as a language, the ultimate purpose for learning it is to use it to express ourselves and understand others. So we can not learn it the way we learn math or physics. It has its own way.
Secondly, we should try to remember the words. Because it's the basic of English without which the language system can not be formed. It is not recommanded to rote. Yet, we should try to learn the words through context. It works better especially for the beginners.
Thirdly, we should read more English mateirals in order to foster a sense of language. By watching English movies or TV series or reading English newspapers, one will hold a vague impression of the sentence, and it may help establish your own language system. After reading a lot, you will find it easy to express yourself with proper expressions.
And last, one should find more oppurtunities for practise their achievement. Namely, to find some native English speakers or friends or teachers to chat in English. During the conversation, you should try to pay attention to what others use to express their mind. And if it is something new to you, you should memorize as much as possible and make it your own.
Learning English should not be a miserable job for us. We ought to find the proper method, and then we may feel easy and happy to learn it.
第1个回答  2011-10-03
首先词汇量是必需的,可以每天读背词汇,记不得的,反复重复,同时通过联想记忆!不断的反复知道你记住位置……然后英语最重要的就是口语和听力,听力和口语是联系在一起的,你的口语水平取决于你的听力水平,大学里,可以上网听听bbc,voa 的新闻……关于听力,不断的听,不要看原稿



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