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今天是9月23日,中午12点到2点在小音乐厅我们钢琴系专业的同学们参加了Prof.Manfred Fock的Piano Master Class,Manferd Fock comes from HamburngMusic Conservatory,我听了xua liuxi eilin的演奏,其中xua的演奏让我印象很深刻,他弹得曲子是CHOPIN Op.1 No.3,简称离别曲,我觉得他整首曲子的melody还是有的,只是在一些细节上还需要改进,比如曲子中出现的一些pianoismo和fotissimo的地方对比可以更加大些,另外是弹琴的时候我觉得也许他因为少许的紧张,肩膀有点耸着在弹琴,这样反而把力度都用在了肩膀上,应该把力度全部用在手臂上,经过Manferd Fock的指点以后,好多地方都有了大得改进,他在这首曲子的处理非常注重感觉和细节,在切分音的低音上,高音部弹出复音旋律,非常注重一个触键的感觉,第一段和第三段是重复的部分,应该是属于非常优美的lento,中间从22小
节开始有了poco并且显得有朝气,触键方面更加注重颗粒性,仿佛让人听了又回到了chopin19岁的那个时代,仿佛又看到了二战时波兰被沙皇统治时波兰人民被迫离乡的场景。不得不被Manfred Fock对曲子严谨的处理方式所深深感叹,让我受益匪浅,有望以后可以上到更多这样大师班的课程。
(用过去时态翻译 英语部分为音乐上的专业术语就不需要翻译了 。 再次感谢)

Today is September 9th, from 12 o-clock noon to 2 o-clock the students from the piano major in our faculty attended Prof. Manfred Fock's Piano Master Class, Manfred Fock comes from Hamburng Music Conservatory. I listened to performances from xua, liuxi, and eilin. of which xua's performance was the most memorable for me. The piece he played was Chopin Etude Op.10 No.3. "Tristesse", the melody of the piece is there, however more attention should be paid to the details, for example the contrast between some pianissimo and fortissimo in the piece can be increased. Also, I think he is slightly nervous while he was playing, as his shoulder was a bit tense. This put the force on the shoulder which should've been used on the arms. After Manferd Fock's pointers, there was improvement in many aspects of his play. He was careful on the piece's feel and details, such as the low notes of the syncopation, the harmonic in the higher notes, a lot of detail to how the key was stroked. The first and third part of the piece repeats and are part of a lovely lento. From the 22nd measure the poco give the piece more energy, and the notes became more seperated; As if the audiences were brought back to the scene of World War Two when Poland were ruled by Tsar and the Polish people were forced out of their homes. I'm deeply awed by how carefully Manfred Fock handled the piece, it benefited me in many ways. I am looking forward to having more master classes like this in the future.

应该是CHOPIN Op.10 No.3吧, 也许我错了 不过op10 no3 是 "Tristesse" - Hello Sadness
poco有可能是poco a poco, 没见过乐谱不清楚
低音翻成了low notes
高音翻成了higher notes
第1个回答  2011-09-24
This article is rested on Marx "in 1844 Economic Philosophy Draft manuscript" the text, Marx proposed the practice angle from the text to elaborate contained feeling thought understanding article. the feeling's question takes in the epistemology a foundational link, is not only a theory question, moreover is a realistic question. Is always subject to the educational world to take seriously and to favor, also has the philosophy category, the psychology category, also has the medicine and the sociological category, the viewpoint and the research results numerous diverse, is unable to agree, to mention just a few. "In 1844 Economic Philosophy Draft manuscript" this work had many centralized and the penetrating elaboration in Marx, this article attempts from the text to embark, Marx proposed the practice viewpoint based on the text, understood and elaborates Marx's feeling theory, on the one hand will practice takes the understanding feeling theory the clue and the pivot; On the other hand clearer explains Marx's feeling thought through the practice and the feeling relations. The article mainly divides into four parts, elaborates "Draft manuscript" separately and the feeling thought related research; Next is "Draft manuscript" the feeling and the practice relations, is once more to felt that the theory the outline, the chapter is last and liberates about person's feeling developing the good and discard the bad, as well as theory significance which and practical significance analysis studies to this article. key and the possible novel place to lie in the angle which practices based on the text itself, moreover is attempts the main body which elaborates humanity's practice and felt (i.e. person and person's sense organ) as well as the feeling object (i.e. objective object) between connection, is for the purpose of analyzing Marx's feeling theory as well as the practice viewpoint to person's feeling influence.
Key word: Marx, draft manuscript, practice, feeling thought
第2个回答  2011-09-24



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