人民日报22日 关于“中国进入陌生人社会”的英文翻译。 原文附:




中广网北京1月27日消息 近日,记者接到上海市田园高级中学英语教研组组长陈应宏老师的来信,反映部分媒体刊载的“哈佛图书馆墙上的训言”内容不真实。他担心,披上“哈佛”外衣的这些原本不存在的“训言”,会通过其他报纸杂志、互联网等,以讹传讹,流传越来越广。


“One day,has not been able again to come.”(一天过完,不会再来。)

“Studies this matter,lacks the time,but is lacks diligently.”(学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。)




第二天,哈佛大学图书馆研究馆员 Deborah Kelley-Milburn回复了陈应宏的邮件:“已经有很多人就这个问题询问过我们。我想,这是一个在互联网上流传的民间传说。我们哈佛大学里的各家图书馆(哈佛大学共有70余家图书馆——记者注)都没有这类‘训言’。”


























来源:中国青年报 责编:马凤娟
第1个回答  2011-09-24
Distrustful of the social cost of increased operation, also let a person's mood has been negative. On one hand, on the other hand is wary of strangers complain about "human nature cold"; On the one hand accusations "callousness", on the other hand, remind your family and friends, something less "s". This entanglements hint, from the traditional acquaintances society to strangers society transformation, must deal with good reconstruct social trust, the subject
Cold is no accident. Digging, most people will find that, we would have been used to alert eyes, suspected of point of view to treat the stranger.
The kindergarten education child: "don't eat stranger candy" and "don't open the door to the stranger"; Old man: in the home told "strange phone number not pick up", "buy things don't listen to the stranger ?
第2个回答  2011-09-24
Distrustful of the social cost of increased operation, also let a person's mood has been negative. On one hand, on the other hand is wary of strangers complain about "human nature cold"; On the one hand accusations "callousness", on the other hand, remind your family and friends, something less "s". This entanglements hint, from the traditional acquaintances society to strangers society transformation, must deal with good reconstruct social trust, the subject

Cold is no accident. Digging, most people will find that, we would have been used to alert eyes, suspected of point of view to treat the stranger.

The kindergarten education child: "don't eat stranger candy" and "don't open the door to the stranger"; Old man: in the home told "strange phone number not pick up", "buy things don't listen to the stranger recommend"; The bank is putting DiShiPai: "don't give strange account made a money"; Community police station posters: "stranger accosted easily don't pay attention to".............

By the end of 2010, the national permanent population of more than 5 million city for 20 DuoGe, including Beijing, Shanghai and other serious city's population has reached more than 2000. Social scientists say China has entered "strangers society". The famous American scholars Milton friedman have a paragraph about "strangers society" of the classical description: "walk in the street, a stranger to protect us, such as the police; strangers have also threatened us, such as criminals. Stranger education of our children, building our house, with our money......"

From the past "acquaintances society" to "strangers society", the first is a kind of progress. This means that the economy expanded scale, enhance, public service personnel mobility of socialization degree increase. But, just left "is unacquainted with dog &chicken" village, unit no longer "do society", is inevitable to face a variety of not used to it. The brunt is: how to get along with strangers?

Most people instinctively hope to have to get along with strangers into an acquaintance, "relationship and find someone to, because" acquaintances trustworthy ", "acquaintances good work". To meet by chance, the stranger is first choose not to believe. Watch public her bag, if others entrust wrapped, most shook his head. For help, the in the mind of the strangers FanDiGu first, "won't be trap it". See the thief, wondering whether to intervention, worry that by revenge after. And such as "to help the people who framed for crash", "but greatly to beg for more money" and so on the case, the more we could help people get into trouble "psychology, exploring the mistrust between people.

Distrustful of the social cost of increased operation, also let a person's mood has been negative. On the one hand to strangers, think this is wary of everywhere to benefit from harm, and on the other, the necessary to complain about "human nature cold" and "moral landslide"; On the one hand accusations "callousness", "no", on the other hand, remind your family and friends don't "moves", something less "s". Through this entanglements, is not difficult to discover, the person's heart always wanted to warm, conscience and traditional virtue far away. At the same time, this entanglements also suggest that in from the traditional acquaintances society to strangers in the process of social transformation, must deal with good reconstruct social trust, the subject.

"Strangers society" does not necessarily with cold. If in the "acquaintances society", the daily life can be more by moral to achieve self-discipline and heteronomy, then in strangers society, not familiar with each other, the personnel, liquidity will weaken the factors such as the moral disciplining others function. The need to establish the legal authority to regulate the behavior of members of society. A highly of ruling by law, social legal system with its neutrality, impartiality, authority is bearing the social members the most common trust. Each other strange people, although he may not know each other, but the situation will believe that once appear fraud discreditable behavior by the proper way, "please to view", also believe that can get justice's ruling. Accordingly, strangers fell to help, because most believe that one thousand was blackmail, law will revert the truth, and not the integrity of one party will be punished.

The reconstruction of the trust is a great system engineering, vigorously promote education, moral education undoubtedly good faith is necessary. However, when two people to get along a complete stranger and involves a variety of sophisticated interests, whether morality is also not sure who missed. The core task when it set up the authority of the legal system, let people to the law "intentions" have faith, and the function of consciousness as the rules and public spirit eps. Problems added:

Main is how to translate this passage, and the warrior ~ ~!! ~!!!!! ~!!!!! ~!!!!!

"Strangers society" does not necessarily with cold. If in the "acquaintances society", the daily life can be more by moral to achieve self-discipline and heteronomy, then in strangers society, not familiar with each other, the personnel, liquidity will weaken the factors such as the moral disciplining others function. The need to establish the legal authority to regulate the behavior of members of society. A highly of ruling by law, social legal system with its neutrality, impartiality, authority is bearing the social members the most common trust. Each other strange people, although he may not know each other, but the situation will believe that once appear fraud discreditable behavior by the proper way, "please to view", also believe that can get justice's ruling. Accordingly, strangers fell to help, because most believe that one thousand was blackmail, law will revert the truth, and not the integrity of one party will be punished.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-09-24



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