生活中别人可以影响我们的选择 的英语作文 急求!!!

急求!!!350--550 字

Life in each one of us will be faced with various options. In the good and evil before we need to choose, life will have many choices. We should be careful of how to consider to choose our path in life. Don't because of your temporary difference and regret. This is the harmonious social life is fair, it will not change because anyone. If you make the choice whether good or bad, you have to face it.When a personal choice of justice, he would be grateful for his junior said: "if someone asked me this life the happiest thing is what, I must be proud and said to him, my life the happiest thing is I made the right choice. I became a justice of god incarnate. Because in every part of my life are written word justice. Even if one day I stopped breathing reposing in underground I also a clear conscience.When a personal choice, he entered the evil of the moment when the hell, the judge asked him whether he has repented of heart, he may lose direction of say: "although I came here, but I had the world's best delicacies. But I will still here, enjoy treatment of this?" The judge will say to him: "you is just a medicine. I found you in death penalty." corrupt officials on finally penitence: "although I eat to also have the tasty receives a lot of gold and silver. But it's no use, or die, I this lifetime, has done a thing of?" "No," he shook his head. Tears, too late, his head has landed on the ground.Yes, the money can buy delicacies, can buy the protoplasm, can buy splendor, but money is not everything. There's mastercard. It is never buy noble soul. So, in our life, everyone must learn how to make a choice.Time is not for you, for your life won't stay change, so do your life choices, let your life more meaningful value in the face of good and evil. At the same time to go forward. Because we are a leading to a bright road. It is a full of justice, it is not the road of the plain sailing, there will be flat is rugged, but at least will leave your footprint. Don't you temporarily gratification regret lifelong..生活中的我们每一个人都会面临着种种的选择.在正义与邪恶的面前就需要我们去选择,人的一生中会有许许多多的选择.我们应该慎重的去思考一下怎样去选择我们的人生之路.不要因为你的一时之差而后悔一生.这个社会是和谐的也是公平的,它不会因为任何人而改变.只要你作出了选择无论是好或坏你都要面对它. 当一个人选择了正义时,他会充满感激的对他的后辈说:"如果有人问我这一生最快乐的事是什么,我一定自豪的对他说,我这一生最快乐的事就是我做对了选择.我成为了正义之神的化身.因为在我的生命中的每个部位上都写着正义二字.哪怕是有一天我停止了呼吸长眠于地下我也问心无愧. 当一个人选择了邪恶时,他步入了地狱的一瞬间,当判官问他是否有悔改之心时,他也许会迷失方向的说:"虽然我来到这里,但是我吃到了人间最好的美味佳肴.可是,在这里我还会享受这样的待遇吗?"判官会对他说:"你已经无可就药了.我判你死刑."贪官在死刑场上终于后悔了:"我虽然吃到了人间的美味也拥有了很多的金银财宝.但那有什么用,到最后还是一死,可我这一生中,有做过一件有意义的事吗?" "没有"他摇着头.流下了眼泪,来不及了,他的头已经落在了地上. 没错,金钱可以买到山珍海味,可以买到绫罗绸缎,可以买到荣华富贵,但是,金钱不是万能的.它是永远买不到高尚灵魂的.所以,在我们每个人的一生之中,一定要学会如何去做选择. 时间不会为你而停留,生活不会因你而改变,所以做好你生命中的选择,让你的生命更有意义有价值.在面对善与恶的同时要勇往直前.因为前面就是一条通向光明的大路.是一条充满正义的大路,它不会是平坦的一帆风顺的,会有平坦有崎岖,但起码会留下你的足迹.千万别因为你一时的满足感而遗憾了终身..
第1个回答  2014-05-16
how is everything coming?

  last week, my chinese friend mia took me to the ancestral temple of the chen family. it was lay on the seventh zhongshan road. mia told me, the temple had 116 years' history; the chen supported money to build it for the students. i was attracted by the beautiful ornamengts on the wall there! they are colourful, lively, and also mysterious, it must be a rarely article which is so grand! besides, it showed feelings of native soil.then we went to sun yat-sen memorial hall. inside there is a picture gallery, an exhibition of dr. sun's life, and a large hall that may be used as a theater, concert, or meeting hall. do you know sun yat-sen? he founded the first republic in china in 1911 after many years' fighting. he is a important person for the past china.

  now i am more and more enjoy chinese trip, tomorrow we will go to the temple of the six banyan trees and tianhe sports complex, i am excited it!

  yours joyce
第2个回答  2014-05-16



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