

高考英语定语从句常见考点归纳定语从句是中学英语教学的重点,也是学生学习的难点,同时又是高考考查的热点。纵观近年各地高考试题,就能发现考点大多集中在带有"插入语"的定语从句;which 、as 引导的非限定性定语从句; where 、 when引导的定语从句以及定语从句和强调句、同位语从句的区别等方面。对定语从句的考查不单纯考查其语法结构,而是把它融入到一定的语境中,考查考生的实际综合运用能力。 高考试题中,主要从以下角度考查定语从句: 定语从句的考点之一 正确区分关系代词that引出的定语从句功能强,除不能作定语(用whose)外,其它几个功能都可用that。但命题角度主要以that与which指物时的区别为重点进行命制。例如:(1)——Do you have anything in mind _________ you’d like for supper?——Well, _________ is OK with me.A. that ; anything B. which ; everythingC. what ; whatever D. where ; something 选A。(2)The wrong you've done him is terrible, for ______ you should make an apology to him, I think.A. this B. which C. what D. that 选B。 定语从句的考点之二 正确区分关系代词(that或which)与关系副词when(表时间)、where(表地点)、why(表原因)。重点根据定语从句中所缺成分(即关系词在定语从句中作状语时,使用关系副词when (on which); where(in which); why(for which);在定语从句中作作主语、宾语或表语时,使用that或which。)来确定是用关系代词还是关系副词,绝不能因先行词是时间名词就用when,是地点名词就用where,是reason就用why来确定。因此,认准先行词只是选择关系词的一个方面,更重要的是看其在后面定语从句中充当什么句子成分例如:(3)He should stand near the stage ________ he could watch and follow the play.A. where B. when C. that D. there 选A。(4)Do you think the reason _______ he gave is believable.A. for which B. which C. why D. what 选B。(5)We are living in an age _______ many things are done on computer.A. which B. that C. whose D. when 选D。 定语从句的考点之三 当先行词在定语从句中作主语时,应注意主谓语的一致性及被动语态问题。尤其要注意在考题中不用定语从句,而是用分词短语作定语。例如:(6)The first textbooks ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.  A. having written  B. to be written   C. being written  D. written 选D。(7)The train that stands at platform 7 / standing at platform 7 is for Wuhan.(8)Any article that is left in these buses / left in these buses will be taken at once to the Lost Property Office. 定语从句的考点之四 定语从句中不能再重复与先行词有关的代词或副词。必须牢记定语从句中关系词已经替代先行词并且在定语从句中已经充当其成分,故不能再用相关的代词或副词。例如:(8)He made another wonderful discovery, _______ of great importance to science.A. which I think it is B. which I think isC. which I think it D. I think which is 选B。(9)This is the hospital _____ they visited last year and is the one _____ I worked in five years ago.A.that;where B.where;thatC.where;where D.that;that 选D。(10)There are dirty marks on her trousers ________ she had wiped her hands.A. that B. which C. where D. when 选C。 定语从句的考点之五 对介词后接关系代词而不接关系副词的考查;当关系代词作介词宾语,且该介词不是和从句的谓语动词构成固定短语时,介词可以提前,这样就出现"介词+关系代词"。先行词指物,用"介词+which", 指人则用"介词+whom", 且两个关系代词均不能省略,介词的选择要遵循两个原则:1.根据定语从句中谓语动词与先行词的搭配内容而定。 2.根据先行词特殊用法而定。例如:(11)This flower doesn't do well in soil other than the one_____ it has been specially developed.A.for which B.that C.of which D.where 选A。(12)Anyway, that evening, ____I will tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place.A. when B. where C. what D. which 选D。 定语从句的考点之六 关系代词as的考查。关系代词as引导限制性定语从句时既可指人又可指物。它只能替代由such,the same等修饰的先行词;as引导非限制性定语从句时,可放于句首,句中或置于句尾,而which则只能置于主句之后。但如果定语从句为否定句或表示否定意义,使用which。As引导的定性定语从句有"正如"之意,而which引导的没有。例如:(13)Our teacher set us such a difficult maths problem _____ we could not work out.A. that B. which C. as D. even 选C。(14)Carl said the work would be done by October , _______ personally I doubt very much.A. it B. that C. when D. which 选D。(15)________ is reported in the newspaper , talks between the two countries are making progress.A. It B. As C. That D. What 选B。 定语从句的考点之七 解题时要注意题干的内容和句子的结构,(进行必要的语法分析,弄清句子结构。)再行答题。例如:(16)The teacher wanted to teach us ___ he knew at this last lesson.A. all which B. all whatC. of which D. everything which 选B。(17)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment , _______ I will always treasure.A. that B. one C. it D. what 选B。(18) Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _____went wrong again.A. it repair B. it repairedC. repaired D. to be repaired 选C。(19)______is well-known that Antarctica is difficult to reachA. It B. What C. As D. Which 选 A(20)_______is well-known , Antarctica is difficult to reach.A. It B. What C. As D. which 选C。(21)_______is well-known is that Antarctica is difficult to reach.A. It B. What C. As D. which 选B。 虽然定语从句的结构和用法比较复杂,但只要从定语从句的形式上、结构上和用法上来分析理解和比较,就一定就能把握定语从句的用法。



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