last but not least和 last but not the least有什么区别吗?


last but not least和 last but not the least的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同


1、last but not least:最后不能不提。

2、last but not the least:最后。


1、last but not least:用作形容词的基本意思是“最后的,最终的”,在句中常作定语,还可指“决定性的,确定性的”,在句中多用作表语。

2、last but not the least:意思是经过许多变化、困难和捉摸不定的情况之后,某事才发生。一个动作从发生一直延续到结束,意思是“终于”。


1、last but not least:侧重于指前后重要性相同的。

2、last but not the least:侧重于指后边还要提及但是并未体现其重要性。

第1个回答  2019-10-26

last but not least和 last but not the least的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同


1、last but not least:最后不能不提。

2、last but not the least:最后。


1、last but not least:用作形容词的基本意思是“最后的,最终的”,在句中常作定语,还可指“决定性的,确定性的”,在句中多用作。

2、last but not the least:意思是经过许多变化、困难和捉摸不定的情况之后,某事才发生。一个动作从发生一直延续到结束,意思是“终于”。


1、last but not least:侧重于指前后重要性相同的。

2、last but not the least:侧重于指后边还要提及但是并未体现其重要性。

第2个回答  2023-07-26


1. 释义区别:

last but not least表示在列举事物中最后一个但同样重要的。last but not the least表示在列举事物中最后一个,但同样重要。


last but not least: We would like to thank all the participants for their hard work. Last but not least, we express our gratitude to the organizing committee.(我们要感谢所有参与者的辛勤工作。最后但同样重要的,我们要对组织委员会表示感谢。)

last but not the least: In this project, we have achieved many milestones. The profit generated, last but not the least, has exceeded our expectations.(在这个项目中,我们取得了许多里程碑。利润的产生,最后但同样重要的,超出了我们的预期。)

2. 语法区别:

last but not least 中的 "the" 省略了,其中 "least" 是形容词。last but not the least 中的 "the" 表示特定的 "least",其中 "least" 是名词。


last but not least: John is a great team player, and last but not least, an excellent problem solver.(约翰是一个很好的团队合作者,最后但同样重要的,是一个出色的问题解决者。)

last but not the least: The team has put in a lot of effort, and John, last but not the least, deserves recognition for his exceptional leadership.(团队付出了很多努力,而约翰最后但同样重要的,因其出色的领导才能值得认可。)

3. 用法区别:

last but not least 通常作为一个固定的短语使用,表示在列举中强调最后一项的重要性。last but not the least 也用于强调最后一项的重要性,但在语法上更明确指定了 "the least"。


last but not least: We have an amazing team of designers, developers, and marketers. Last but not least, our project manager has played a crucial role in the success of the project.(我们拥有一支优秀的设计师、开发人员和市场营销人员团队。最后但同样重要的,我们的项目经理在项目的成功中起到了至关重要的作用。)

last but not the least: The conference had an impressive lineup of speakers from various industries. Last but not the least, the keynote speaker, who is a renowned scientist, captivated the audience with his groundbreaking research.(会议邀请了各行各业的优秀演讲者。最后但同样重要的,主讲人是一位著名的科学家,他以他的开创性研究吸引了听众的注意。)

第3个回答  2017-04-21
last but not least加the可以么?
我个人认为从语法角度是可以加的,在最高级前加定冠词也是一般的定理。但有些短语或俚语是习惯成自然的东西,last but not least 已是习惯说法了,所以一般是没有 the 的。
1. I don't think either is grammatically incorrect, but the latter is awkward and deviates from the general way people use this colloquial phrase.
2. Last but not the least is grammatically correct and you should use it. “the” is used because it is the specific last in a series.

3. The last but not the least If "the" precedes "least", it procedes"last". If a noun marker marks a noun in this clause, then the moun marker goes on all the nouns, both "last" and "least".
Last but not least If the writer chooses to use no word markers, the sentence looks like this.
第4个回答  2023-07-18
① "last but not least" 的翻译是"最后但并非最不重要的",意思是说在列举一系列事物时,最后一个虽然位置靠后但仍然很重要。而 "last but not the least" 的翻译是"最后但并非最少",意思也是指最后一个事物虽然位置靠后但仍然很重要。

② "last but not least" 和 "last but not the least" 都是英语中的固定短语,用来强调列举事物中最后一个的重要性。它们的语法结构都是使用形容词"last"和副词"not"进行修饰,而后面的"least"则是名词,用来表示最后一个事物。

③ 以下是两个短语的具体用例:

- Last but not least, I would like to thank my teachers for their guidance throughout my academic journey.(最后但并非最不重要的是,我要感谢我的老师们在我学术道路上的指导。)
- Among all the beautiful flowers in the garden, the rose is last but not the least.(在花园里所有美丽的花朵中,玫瑰是最后但并非最少的。)



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