sat 语法

the derelict old house( across from) the warehouse and the( even more) decrepit one( just beside) them (have been placed )on the list of historic landmarks .为什么这道题没有错误,帮忙分析下。
home of the world's largest chocolate-manufacturing plant,Hershey,Pennsylvania,was originally known as Derry church ,but its name was changed in 1906 to honor one of (their)most famous residents.their 括号中是不是犯了指代不清的问题。home of 为什么不是错的?帮忙分析。
as their brains mature neurologically ,infants become more capable (to distinguish) the shapes and textures of th objects around them ,为什么括号错,是固定搭配的问题?开头的as是什么语法现象。
the valuable stringed instruments in this dispaly ,all more than 300 years old ,were carefully crafted by artisans famous in their day but (long since) forgotten .为什么括号内是错的。顺便帮忙分析下这个句子的语法成分吧。
there is probably no story more dramatic( than baseball's)great hitter and right fielder Hank Aaron括号中为什么是错的,括号前的more dramatic 不是错的么?

1、句子的主干是:The derelict old house and the decrepit one(=house) have been placed on the list of historic landmarks.
across from the warehouse (介词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的 house),even more (状语,修饰形容词decrepit),just beside them (介词短语,作后置定语,限定the decrepit one,them 指前面提到的“破屋”和“仓库“);
2、此句确实错在搭配上,应将 to distinguish 改成 of distinguishing,(be capable of doing sth);as(随着....) 引导时间状语从句;
3、此句的主干:The valuable stringed instruments were carefully crafted...;in this dispaly、all more than 300 years old(两个词组均为后置定语,限定The valuable stringed instruments );famous in their day(形容词短语,限定 artisans);建议将括号内改成 never to be ...(将永远不会被<忘记>);
4、这句话先纠错:将括号内 than baseball's 改成:than that of baseball's (that 指the story ,与前面 story对应,more dramatic than(作后置定语,限定前面的 story,没有错)。

第1个回答  2011-09-28
the valuable stringed instruments in this dispaly ,all more than 300 years old ,were carefully crafted by artisans famous in their day but (long since) forgotten .为什么括号内是错的。顺便帮忙分析下这个句子的语法成分吧。


第2个回答  2011-09-21
2 句中都是单数名词,没有复数名词可以用their来指代,代词是敏感点,home作主语没有错
3capable 后加of as意思是作为
4 but是连词 前后两句句式要一致 而且你不觉得看起来很别捏么
5more than 前后一致 前面是story 后面应是those of。。。。。




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