
党的十七大报告指出,“教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础”。这表明,促进教育公平,在我们党领导人民全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,是一项具有全局性、战略性的任务,也是我国教育改革和发展坚定不移追求的目标。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》中明确提出了优先发展教育、提高教育现代化水平,对实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标、建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家具有决定性意义。而社会弱势群体之农村大学生的教育公平问题,涉及到的社会因素比较复杂。表面来看,农村大学生问题的最主要表现在于高等教育公平问题,高等教育公平是教育公平在高等教育领域内的延伸,而教育公平是社会公平在教育领域的延伸。因此,农村大学生问题归根结底在于社会公平问题。 本研究基于农村大学生问题现状,结合时代背景,在分析现象、归纳问题的基础上,运用文献法、系统法、调查比较法,对农村大学生问题进行了深入的系统研究。全文共分六部分:

The party congress report points out, "education is the foundation of national development, education fair is an important basis of social justice". This shows that promote education fairness, in our party led the people the comprehensive construction well-off society, the process of constructing the harmonious society, is a kind of global strategic task,, China is the education reform and development unswervingly the pursuit of the goal. The national long-term education reform and development plan for (2010 2020) "definitely put forward education, improve the priority to the development of education modernization level, to achieve the comprehensive construction well-off society goal, construction, prosperous, democratic and civilized and harmonious modern socialist country is of decisive significance. And social vulnerable groups of the education of the university students rural fair, related to the problem of social factors is more complex. On the face of it, the main problems of the rural students in higher education fairness performance, higher education fair is fair education in higher education in the field of education fairness is outspread, and social equity in the education field of extension. Therefore, the rural students in the final analysis is that of social justice. This study, based on rural students present situation, combine the background, the paper analyses the phenomenon, conclude, on the base of literature method, the system of comparative law, investigation, rural students into the system. The article is divided into six parts:
第1个回答  2011-09-20
第2个回答  2011-09-20
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