
1 . At the age of 37, Tom finally setteld down in Chicago after hehad got a well-___ position in a big company there. (pay) (5 分)
A. paid
B. paying

2 . You have nothing to ___ by refusing to listen to our advise. (5 分)
A. gain
B. grasp
C. seize
D. earn

3 . The dark figure suddenly ___. (5 分)
A. vanished
B. faded
C. varnished
D. came

4 . One day I ___ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college. (5 分)
A. came across
B. came about
C. came after
D. came at

5 . If only he ___ earlier! (5 分)
A. told me
B. had told me
C. tells me
D. should tell me

6 . As a result of careless washing the jacket ___ to a child’s size. (5 分)
A. compressed
B. shrank.dropped
C. decreased

7 . He was involved ___ the love affair. (5 分)
A. within
B. into
C. with
D. in

8 . Why don’t you ___ instead of hiding and evading like this all the time? (5 分)
A. let knowing the truth
B. speak uo the truth
C. come out with the truth
D. talk over the truth

9 . Our chances of winning the game are ___. (5 分)
A. slim
B. light
C. slant
D. slender

10 . He hoped the firm would ___ him to the Paris branch. (5 分)
A. exchange
B. transmit
C. transfer
D. remove

11 . Stop writing. It’s time that you ___ your papers. (5 分)
A. must hand in
B. have to hand in
C. could hand in
D. handed in

12 . I’d go with you on the trip, but I ___ no time. (5 分)
A. have
B. had
C. have had
D. had had

13 . He has decided to take ___ the job. (5 分)
A. for
B. over
C. after
D. in

14 . If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ___ now. (5 分)
A. couldn't have smiled
B. wouldn't be smiling
C. didn't smile
D. won't smile

15 . She dreams ___ becoming an actress. (5 分)
A. to
B. for
C. of
D. with

16 . Every year children look forward to Children’s Day with great ___.(eager) (5 分)
A. eagerly
B. eagerness

17 . The threat of war has ___ business activity. (5 分)
A. oppressed
B. depressed
C. expressed
D. repressed

18 . ___ their difference, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other. (5 分)
A. But for
B. For all
C. Above all
D. Except for

19 . He seems too ___ to do the heavy work. (5 分)
A. old
B. ancient
C. few
D. little

20 . If you don’t work hard, you would amount ___. (5 分)
A. to anything
B. to nothing
C. to anybody
D. to nobody

1A well-paid待遇好的
3A vanish:逐渐消失
4A came across碰到、遇见
5B If only用虚拟语气,后面有过去的事态
6B shrank萎缩、缩小
7D involve in涉及
8A let knowing告诉
9A slim可以表示希望渺茫

第1个回答  2007-08-14
1A well-paid待遇好的
3A vanish:逐渐消失
4A came across碰到、遇见
5B If only用虚拟语气,后面有过去的事态
6B shrank萎缩、缩小
7D involve in涉及
8C come out with the truth 站出来告诉大家事实
9A slim可以表示希望渺茫
10C 调任
11D 后接过去式
12A 想要去,没时间,一般现在时
13B take over 接管
14B 虚拟时态
15C 固定搭配
16B 接名词
17B 使。。不景气
18B 尽管有不同
19A 太老了不能做重活
20B amount to nothing无结果
第2个回答  2007-08-11
1~5: A A A A B
6~10: B(这题的答案是不是输错了?应该只有shrank吧)D C A C
11~15: D A B B C
16~20: B B B A B
第3个回答  2007-08-11




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