

不定代词指的是那些不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。不定代词的种类很多。其中,some(一些),any( 一些,任何),no(无),every(每个)与one,body,thing合成的代词使用最频繁。

例:① someone,somebody(某人), something(某物)

② anybody,anyone(任何人), anything(任何物)

③ nobody,no one(无人), nothing(没有东西)

④ everyone,everybody(每人,人人),everything(每个事物)


例:① theres something interesting in this room.这个房间有些有趣的东西。

② i cant hear anything in this room.在这房间里我听不到任何声音。

③ was there anything difficult for you to understand?你有什么不懂的吗?

④ somebody knocked at the door when i was cooking.我做晚饭的时候,有人敲门。

nobody,no one,nothing等词也表示否定,分别相当于 not anybody,not anything等。

(2)用法:代词在句中作主语、 宾语、 表语、 定语等。 something,somebody, anything,anybody作主语时,通常视为单数。

例:① something is wrong with the bus.汽车出故障了。

② there isnt anything in the room. 房间里什么也没有。

2 不定代词的修饰词位置

形容词修饰something,anything,nothing等词与汉语不同, 要放在不定代词的后面,这些修饰词可以是形容词,也可以是动词不定式,也可两者都有即形容词后面跟动词不定式:

例:①there is something wrong with the clock.闹钟出了毛病。

②theres nothing new in todays newspaper.今天报纸上没有什么特别新闻。

③ive something to tell you.我有事要对你说。

④did the child ask for anything to drink?那小孩要过喝的东西吗?

⑤do you have anything nice to eat?你有没有好吃的东西?

⑥he has nothing good to show us.他没有好东西给我们看。

3 不定代词some的用法

不定代词some表示不定的量“一些”,通常与名词连用(也可以单独使用),用来修饰可数名词的复数形式和不可数名词。 some常用于肯定句,在否定及疑问句中常用any“一些,什么,任何的”来表示不定的量。

例:①id like some bananas/milk.我想要些香蕉/牛奶。

②i dont like any orange/eggs.我不喜欢喝橙汁/吃鸡蛋。

③do you like any apples/bread?你喜欢吃些苹果/面包吗?

4 反身代词的用法


反身代词是由第一、 二人称的形容词性物主代词和第三人称代词宾格加词尾self(用于单数)或selves(用于复数)构成。具体见下表:

第一人称第二人称第三人称单数 myselfyourselfhimself,herself,



1> 作及物动词buy,enjoy,help,teach, wash, dress, hurt,make等词的宾语。

例:① mr green is rich and he always buys himself many good things. 格林先生很有钱,他总是给自己买许多好东西。

② did you enjoy yourself at the party?晚会上你玩得高兴吗?

③ help yourselves to some meat,please!请随便吃些肉。

④ thomas edison built himself a lab.托马斯·爱迪生自己建成了一个实验室。

⑤ my father taught himself english when he was a child.当我父亲还是个孩子时,他就自学英语。

⑥ he could not wash himself or get dressed.他自己不能洗漱,也不能穿衣服。

⑦ i hope she didnt hurt herself.我希望她没有摔伤自己。

⑧ the boy is too young to dress himself.这个男孩年龄太小不能给自己穿衣服。

⑨ are you making yourself a plane?你在为自己制作飞机吗?


例:① we can look after ourselves while our parents are away.当我们的父母亲不在时,我们能自己照顾自己。

② the granny said to herself,“what shall i do?”老奶奶自言自语道:“我该怎么办?”

③ we cant leave the baby by himself.我们不能把这婴儿单独留下来。


例:①last monday i saw dr wang himself. 上星期一我见到了王医生本人。

②i myself made the birthday cake.我自己做的生日蛋糕。

③he washed the clothes himself.他自己洗衣服。

2 语法句型

1 something for breakfast(lunch,supper,dinner,picnic...)


例:① shall i bring food for a picnic?要我拿些食物供野餐吃吗?

② i think we must buy some meat for supper.我认为我们得买些肉供晚餐吃。

③ what did li lei have for breakfast yesterday?昨天李雷早餐吃了些什么?

2 have(has)been to...

这是一个表示现在完成时态的结构,由助动词have(has)+过去分词构成,been为be的过去分词,to为介词,后接地点名词,“have(has)been to”意思是“去过什么地方,但现在不在那儿。”

例:① have you been to america?你去过美国吗?

② he has been to the factory.他去过那家工厂。

如果表示“去过那儿(这儿)”即been后面接副词, 则不要介词to。

例:weve never been there before.我们以前从没去过那儿。

3 be alone

alone为形容词,和be构成be alone,作表语,意思是“单独”、“孤单”相当于by oneself.

例:① are you alone when you are at home?你在家时孤单吗?

② my brother is very alone.我弟弟很孤独。


例:i went alone.我一个人去的。

alone也可做定语修饰名词,意思是“仅仅, 只有”但只能放在所修饰词的后面。

例:the girl alone was in the classroom.唯有这个女孩在教室里。

4 hear sth./sb.do sth./that...

在该结构中,hear为及物动词,后跟名词或代词, 表示“听见……,听到……”。

例:① we heard a knock at the door.我们听见敲门声。

② i can hear something.我能听到某东西的响声。


例:we often hear her sing this song.我们经常听见她唱这首歌。


例:i hear that he will visit the great wall tomorrow.


5 pull...out of...和pull...up from...

在pull...out of...结构中pull为及物动词,意思是“拉、拖”,后接out of...表示“把……从……拖(拉)出来。”

例:① he pulled his brother out of bed.他把弟弟从床上拖下来。

② lets pull the boat out of the water.我们把这船从水中拖出来吧。

与此相似地还有pull...up from.... 意思是“把……从……拉上来”。

例:the children pulled the boat up from the water.



例:lets push the heavy thing out of the house.


6 no longer

no longer意为“不再”,作状语,侧重表示时间关系,句中谓语动词通常是延续性动词。

例:①you are no longer a little child.你已不再是小孩子了。

②i can no longer wait here.我不能在这儿再等候了。

no longer等于not any longer。如例②可说成“i cant wait here any longer”。

3 学习中应注意的问题

1 bring和take的区别


例:① have you brought a message from her?你从她那里带来了消息吗?

② i will bring them to you some day.将来某一天我将把他们给你带来。


例:① dont forget to take your bag with you when you go. 你走的时候别忘了带走你的包。

② she takes her children to school by car.她用车送孩子们上学。


例:—come and stay for the weekend and bring your wife.“带上夫人来这儿过周末吧。”

—thanks.id like to. can we bring the children,too?“谢谢,我一定去。我们也可以带上孩子吗?”


单个形容词作定语修饰复合不定代词 something, anything, somebody, anybody,anyone等时, 其位置必须后置。

例:① there is something new in todays newspaper.在今天的报纸上有些新鲜事。

② do you know anybody else(别的)?你认识别的什么人吗?

③ do you have anything interesting to tell me?你有些有趣的事情要告诉我吗?

④ can you see anything unusual in the picture?在图画上你能看见不同寻常的东西吗?

3 some也可以用于一般问句中

通常some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑问句中,但是在表示请求、 劝诱或期望得到肯定回答的问句中用some代替any。

例:① wont you have some tea? 难道你不想喝茶吗?

② will you give me some bread?请给我一些面包好吗?

③ do you have some paper?你有些纸吗?



1.“is there____interesting in todays newspaper(报纸)”? “no,interesting.”

a.something,something b.anything,nothing c.anything,anything d.nothing,something

2.“___away all the plates and fruit here,please.” said the mother to ling ling.


3.what did they have___ their picnic?

a.to b.of c.for d.on

4.the man pulled the boy___ the river.

a.out b.out of c.in d.with

5.she is twenty years old.she___ a child.

a.is not longer b.no longer is c.is no longer d.not longer is


somebody nobody something anybody everybody anything someany nothing

1.—“excuse me, may i have ___water,please?”

—“sorry,there isn___there.”

2.i listened carefully but i didnt hear

3.my watch doesnt work. there must be___wrong with it.

4.___can do the work, even a child. its too easy.

5.i called you at home yesterday afternoon,but___ answered the phone.

6.—“is there enough food for___ in the room?”

—“i dont think so.___has to go and get some more.”

7.“your son is very ill.im afraid i can do___ ”, said the doctor.


1.there is nobody in the classroom.

there is ___ ___in the classroom.

2.the workers are pulling the jeep out of the water.

the workers are pulling the jeep ___ ___the water.

3.our old house isnt there any longer.

our old house___ ___ ___ there.


ⅰ.1.b anything 用在疑问句中,答语是否定句,因此选否定意义的否定代词。

2.a away 暗示应配合使用take,here暗示应配合使用bring。

3.c 句型have sth. for ...。

4.b 此句属于pull...out of ...结构。

5.c no longer 用于be之后实意动词之前。

ⅱ.1.some、 any, some 用在表肯定的疑问句中。

2.anything, anything用于否定句中。

3.something, something用于肯定句。

4.anybody, anybody表示任何一个人。

5.noboby, but表示转折,前后两句意思相反。

6.everybody,somebody 7.nothing

ⅲ.1.not anybody, nobody=not anybody。

2.up from, pull...out of ...与pull...up from意思相近。

3.is no longer, no longer =not ... any longer
第1个回答  2011-09-30
I have something important to tell you.
第2个回答  2011-09-30
第3个回答  2011-09-30



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