40字英语作文:Our Open Day

Our Open Day意思是:我们的开放日

Today is the open day of our school Language and Art Festival, we are so happy that you can come here to appreciate our talent show.今天,是学校语言艺术节的开放日,您们来看我们的才艺表演,我们的心里是多么高兴啊。Here is the principal to open our Language.现在由校长来主持我们语言节开幕式。Every Tuesday it's our school open day. On that day students' parents can go to our class to observe our class.每个星期二是我们的学校开放日,在那天学生家长们可以来我们班里听课。可以吗?不懂追问,谢谢!
第1个回答  2013-11-01
There has an "Open Day" of our school today.

Why did it start.?

Because of the earthquake of SiChuan,,,the shock of many earthquakes made many persons

living there lost a lot and some poor guy lost eveything even.

About houses..family members..friends..property and many persons have lose their life.

At the moment..somebody's life is uncertain,,and many victims of a narural disaster are haven't

sufficient food ,,water..and have't house to reside.

They need money,,love and many many other necessities..

So. we all dedicate our love money . force to do everything to the best of our ability.

The "Open Day'..is to sell things which we dedicated.

The profit all will dedicate to the disaster area.

Eventhough it made me so tired,, I also feel happy..

I'm play selless role in the "Open Day".

Because it can help many persons to cross the catastrophe.

This is a very wonderful charity bazaar activity.

SiChuan ,, we will encourage you to cross this catastrophe.!!

At the moment.. we all are SiChuaness.!!!

Trust ourselves..we can do it best..

We will do everything to help SiChuan to the best of our ability ..!!
第2个回答  2013-11-01
today is our open day of the school.AS the guide,i was asked to introduce our school to the comer. at the vert beginning, i am a little bit nervous.but after the self-encouraging,i make it .and get the compliment from my teacher. what a wonderful day! thank you for giving me the opportunity,my dear teacher!



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