do against 的意思

do against和be against 有什么区别?

do 肯定表强调,确实违背!但不是固定搭配! 与do against 相关的例句 Do not strain against the rope. 不要使劲拉绳子。 Do you have cover against theft? 你有防盗保险吗? Why do you always argue against me? 你为什么老说我的不是? Why do you always side against me? 你为什么总是和我争吵? Do not go against your mother's wishes. 别违背你母亲的心愿。 Do not oppose your will against mine. 不要用你的意愿和我的抗衡。 Do not say anything against the others. 不要说别人的坏话。 Why do you always side against me? 你为什么总站在我的对立面? Do all the churchmen preached against drug taking? 所有的教会人士都竭力反对吸毒吗? Do not talk against others behind their backs. 不要在背后说别人的坏话。 be against 词性及解释 违反, 无视, 不顾 更多解释 相关词条 be ranged against be divided against itself be up against be exasperated against be dead against be more sinned against than sinning against nuzzle against bawl against proceed against discriminate against be strong against sth be protected against be prejudiced against sb be prepared against natural disasters construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc BE Be be charge against 该解释由词友提供,仅供参考。 免责声明 与 be against 相关的例句 be against; express opposition to. 和……作对;表达对……的反对。 Advantages must be set against disadvantages. 必须权衡利弊。 Antibiotic can be used against infection. 抗菌素可以用来防止感染。 Be on your guard against pickpockets! 谨防小偷! Be incensed against [by, with] sb. 对。。。发怒 against which no argument can be made. 靠着无可争辩的事实。 Can the town be secured against attack? 能保护这个市镇不受攻击吗? Expenses which can be claimed against tax. 可被同意申请免税的开支或能有权要求从征税中获得的开支费用。 Our defences must be reinforced against attack. 我们必须加强防御设施以抵抗敌人的进攻。 We must be prepared against natural calamities. 我们要做好准备,以防自然灾害。 希望有用 呵呵!~
第1个回答  2014-08-06
against是介词,前面必须加动词,区别就在于动词的意思。但这里我不明白你的do指的是do 这个动词还是指代所有动词。 do against 违背(自然规律……) be against 反对(意见)



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