
1)________ from Beijing to shanghai?
A. What a long way is it
B. How far is it

2)They have invited us to visit their country. _______ is very kind of them.
A. That B. It 不明白2者有什么区别
3)(1)The question ______ now at the meeting is very important.
(2)The question _______ at the meeting last week is very important.
A. discussing B. discussed C. being discussed D. to be discussed
4).(1)Do you know ________ John is getting on well with his studies?
(2)Do you know _________ John is getting on with his studies?
A. how B. with C. what D. that
5.She goes to school every day _______ Sunday.
A. besides B. except C. beside D. except for
能说一下它们的区别么还有使用的方法 另外except that/when后面加句子还是?
那.....expect when it rains 的it rains 不是句子也。.
另6.(1)I usually go to office by bicycle _____ it rains.
(2)Your room upstairs is comfortable to live in _______ the furniture in it looks older.
A. except B. except when C. except for D. except that

1)________ from Beijing to shanghai?
用How far开头的疑问句,语序是 how far is it from sp. to sp.

而如果要用A,语序要变成是 what a long way it is from sp. to sp! 是感叹句
what a adj. n. it is !
how adj. a +n. it is !

2)They have invited us to visit their country. _______ is very kind of them.
其实that is very kind of them 和it is very kind of them 都有出现,意思也差不多,都是说他们人很好,不过如果一定要从中选一个的话,一般还是习惯用it is very kind of them.
特别如果后面有to do sth. it is very kind of them to do sth。 it这时候作形式主语,真正主语是 to do sth.

3)(1)The question being discussed_____ now at the meeting is very important.
这里是用分词作定语,说明是现在正在被讨论的问题,因为有个now 所以是"现在正在被讨论" 被讨论, be discussed
现在正在被讨论,being discussed
所以句子是The question which is being discussed now at the meeting is very . 这是完整的定语从句来修饰
而这题目是直接用现在分词作定语 being discussed来修饰

(2)The question __B. discussed_____ at the meeting last week is very important.
这里相当于The question which was discussed_____ at the meeting last week is very important.
而这道题是直接用过去分词作后置定语,The question discussed at the meeting last week is very important.

其实这种直接用现在分词或者过去分词作为后置定语的,都可以转换成常规的定语从句,很多时候两种之间就是多了which is 这类的东西~~

4).(1)Do you know that John is getting on well with his studies?
get on with sth. 与。。。相处
get on well with sth.与。。。相处融洽

这里John is getting on well with his studies

do you know sth.

(2)Do you know how John is getting on with his studies?
john is getting on well/badly with his studies
do you know sth.

5.She goes to school every day except Sunday.
一般besides sth. 表示除了有sth.外,还有其他的....
expect 表示除了,是排除之外的

也就是besides sth.(包括sth.在内,还有其他的)
expect sth. (把sth.排除掉,不包括)

beside sth.在。。。旁边

except 句子前后说的几样事物是同类型的
如 everyone goes to the zoo except Tom
Tom 和everyone 一样类型,都是人来的

而except for 前后是不同类型的东西
Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.
前面是评价性的东西,后面是另一样东西,所以用except for

except that 和except when后面都是加从句的
It was a good hotel except that it was rather noisy. 这家旅馆还不错,只可惜吵。
He usually goes to work by bicycle except when it rains. 除了下雨的时候,他通常骑自行车去上班。
expect when it rains 的it rains 是主谓结构,最简单的句子就是主谓结构
who is here? ---- I am. 相当于 I am here.

另6.(1)I usually go to office by bicycle _except when____ it rains.
(2)Your room upstairs is comfortable to live in _except that______ the furniture in it looks older.
the furniture in it looks older. 是一个句子,所以用except that引导

第1个回答  2012-01-05
2、这明显是it 引导的形式主语
3、(1)C The question which is being discussed now at the meeting is very important
(2)B The questionnow which was discussed at the meeting is very important
4、(1)D 直接用翻译法就行了。你知道John学得很好吗
(2)A 你觉得John学得怎么样呢
5、B直接排除C,beside是在什么旁边的意思。besides “除…外,还有…”,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“除”事物在内。后面的范围比主语的范围小,除去的和非除去的是同类事物,用except We went boating except Tom 。
except that/when后面跟句子,你只要记住,that,when后面都是接句子,介词后面才接单词或短语
6、(1)B (2) D

1.what 就是对way 提问不行么?
2.答案是that。= =||但是我没领悟到为何是that。是不是that 指的是上文做了的而it 是接to do将要做??
4.getting on well with his studies是学得好的意思?get on with 有两种用法??一种是和sb相处的好另一个是完成的如何??
6.it rains也是句子么?
except that/when的中文意思是什么?


2、对对,应该是that 不好意思哈,因为上面有个句子,而且it的话要后面加to do



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