

Some people say that curiosity can create the future, some people say that curiosity will be a catastrophe. I have seen a cartoon: a child to see a water pipe, he picked it up and in front of the mouth to see what was going on, "wow --" water rushed him. This is the curiosity of a child. Curiosity is a colorful childhood with us. When I was young, because of curiosity done stupid things.
At that time, just put on the phone at home, I was very curious, ready to take a good look at this strange thing. "Ding Ling whisper", suddenly, a strange to this strange thing. Dad ran over and picked up the strange thing to say. I go to my father and listen carefully, hey, this strange thing how can a person's voice? Does it still live in a person? At this time, the father put down the strange thing, the voice of the people also disappeared. I can not think of its solution: such a small thing, how can I put a person? yes! Look, maybe you can remove a person up! From then on, I was waiting for the opportunity to open up every day, for this, I often eat bad, sleep is not fragrant, full of the voice of the person is the strange thing.
The opportunity finally came. This day, mom and dad went out to work, I just can put this strange thing to see a. I turned it over and wanted to take it apart, but I thought it was still in prison. yes! There must be a switch. I look for the west to find the East, the effort is not the heart, really let me find the switch. I turned the switch on, and the strange thing was opened by me. I desperately looking for a: Hey, how no one? There was only one small box, and it was in the small box. I spent a tremendous effort to open the little box. Only a little trouble a little box, no one. I still did not give up, in strange things in the belly of a monkey king, but got nothing finally. I looked up at the clock, wow, 4 points, mom and dad are coming back. I quickly rush to put that thing to fight back. This but a headache for the project, I am holding parts, rigged, and finally managed to this weird thing to restore the original appearance.
Before I had time to catch my breath, mom and dad came back. "What are you doing here?"" I just wanted to answer, but suddenly found that, in the strange thing next to the two parts on the "belly" outside the. At this time, dad also found a sharp eyed, a face looked at me suspiciously. I stammered: "i...... It's a strange thing......" Dad immediately picked up a strange face, cloudy, stamped her foot. The consequences: as can be imagined the phone is broken, my ass is doomed, free tasting meal fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots".
Although the fight, I did not know the slightest repentance. After a few years, I am bored and the dismantling of the strange things better, a solution to my curiosity. Disassembly disassembly solution, in the interpretation of the mother and father, in my own search of the information, I understand the world more and more, more and more deep.




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