


在2002年七月一号,???小孩子到飞机场,今天的first office(是机长的意思吗?)是Olaygroder(名字和这个差不多的音),but actually Olaygroder was the airline chief pilot(但是Olaygroder 却是这次航班的主飞行员.) On this trip he will be evaluated(??) in captain ??? Captain Rose is in command ,the captain Griver is the superviser.If he comes ? he'll be really in charge.Also on the fine day,an experienced navagator undefined(??) the engeneer.just before 11 that evening,Bashkirian Airlines(巴什基尔航空公司) flight 2937 leaves Moscow.The plane is Tupolev 154(图波列夫154号). Lives miles away is Bergamo Italy. A Boeing(波音) 757 is gettin on the way.It flied to DHL,the internation trade company.And it has the European Brussel in Belgium.
感谢andyliuer 提供的资料,对我很有帮助,第一分钟的翻译更准确了一些。第二分钟内容正在努力中。
The Russian Tupolev crossing its half at the south of Germany. The Boeing have only two people of all. Captain Polevillage(类似发音) is British.And the first officer Granlitileal(类似发音) is Canadian. And due to the find the next leg(??) of the journey.The DHL took off at six minutes after eleven, unable(??) to be the last journey.
--128 dasmer zero five, but i will have a single charlly(这句话不明白什么意思,感觉像飞行员专用术语), 2937,goodbye. The German controller hands over the Russian plane to the Skyguide,waiting in their news(??) for help(??). (终于完成两分钟了,继续。。。)
Meanwhile the DHL plane was climbing north over the south.And it's now entering the Brussel's space.
----611,climb flight(??) for a little, 360. The DHL make its flight level(??) 360 for forty thousand feet. The same attitude does the Russian plane.And they are on a collision course.But there are many mouths are talked.So far they have tricking (??) situations. But tonight the coper(??) didn't work properbly.And he's controlling two screens at the same time.
---Griver,what's your present height?
---Router,right turn heading 280 ?? 24.
He then want to get this ??Nioson lines off his hands.He trys dialing a public number for the freed ?? to controll the ?? for a third time.Meanwhile the Russian airliner and the DHL plane are still heading to watch each other at a close speed of 800 miles per hour.Now the crewd ???two and half a minutes support. The DHL plane is ??? with Germany.The Russian Tupolev is heading exactly the scort and the same attitude.Finally,someone in another airline controll center in Germany exposed(??) the dager. (第三分钟结束).He grasped the phone to warn Nioson but cann't get through.International air traffic group prvented him from talking to the police directly.
---Look!Look at this.
Now for the first time the Russian piolots can see the DHL plane on their screen of the ???computer.The Peter Nison(??) is still on the focus getting the area Noise fight safely down.
---??? 1135?(请叫1135号)
---?? 1135.(这是1135号)
---yea,I lost my connection to Friedrichshafen(??),could you please hold ???? 124 desmer(?) ??. Tell them they are coming ??? 24 with talking ???
---OK,we'll do.
---Thank you. (第四分钟结束)
On the DHL cargo plan,the crews relaxed. They know they are having a collision course. That's ??? the warning yet. ????. The first officer gets to the washing room. On the Russian plane,the pilot get concerned.The other plane is getting closer and closer. But they are not exactly sure whether they are on the same attitude then.
----It's ?? below us.
---Right down,?? 900 ??
----No,100 meters.
----What a fuking traffic cry! ??---Why?
TCAS, the ?? computer is warning the Russian pilots that the other plane is getting too close for confort.At the same moment ,the TACT on the DHL cuppit(??) detected the Russian plane. Descend!Descend!(第五分钟结束)
Detill Nerison finally relized what happening.
---Er,Brassll ??? 2937, Descend flight level 350,I have crossing traffic.
Capitain Graver descend his ??? Collide! Collide! TheTACs is telling that they'll collide. The controller is telling them to descend.
---He says climb.
---He says get it down.
---?? 2937, Descend flight level 350,expedite,descend!
---Expedite,descend level 350.
Nerioson think it ??? the collision by telling the Russian plane descend. But what he does't know,it is the DHL ??? the structions tell them to descend.(第六分钟结束)
---Increase! ???
They try to tell Nerioson that they have take the struction to descend. ??? If both plane obey TCAS there will be no problem. But the Russians instead of calming(冷静的),unfollow the controller's orders.Now ???? to watch each other.
---We can't be low ??
---That's crazy!
---Fuck descend!
The tail of DHL cllipsed the belly of Tupolev.??? The pilot seems cons?? The DHL struggle alone for another two minutes.It was crash two miles away.(简短对话,没听清楚,第八分钟结束) Peter is unaware of what just happend.
---??2937.??2937. ???
It is a nightmare that every controller hopes not happen to him.Two aircraft colliding killed ?people.Peter leaved controll room for the last time.(END)
第1个回答  2007-09-24
Bashkirian Airlines flight 2937 (a Tupolev 154) originated in Ufa (UFA), Russia and flew to Moscow (DME) to pick up passengers. From Moscow the aircraft continued as a charter flight to Barcelona (BCN). The flight used the RNAV-Route Salzburg - Traunstein - Kempten - Trasadingen at FL360. Communications were handed over from Munich to Zürich ACC at 23:30:11. At that moment one controller was responsible for the entire traffic in the Zürich airspace. He was monitoring two frequencies and two radar scopes. On one frequency (119,925 MHz) he was guiding one traffic for an approach into Friedrichshafen and on the other frequency (128,050 MHz) he had to control four aircraft. Among these four aircraft were Bashkirian 2937 and a DHL Boeing 757 cargo plane, en route from Bergamo (BGY), Italy to Brussel (BRU), Belgium along RNAV-Route ABESI-AKABI-TANGO, also at FL360. .
Between 23:25:43 and 23:33:11 LT the controller tried serveral times to establish contact with Friedrichshafen by phone. Because of working on the telephone net of Skyguide, the controller was not able to reach Friedrichshafen.
At 23:34:42 the Tupolev's Honeywell 2000 TCAS gave a Traffic Advisory because of the DHL 757 in the area. Seven seconds later the radar controller issued descent instructions to flight 2937: "Descend flight level 350, expedite, I have crossing traffic". This descent was necessary for continuation of the flight to Barcelona and to achieve a vertical separation with respect to the approaching DHL Boeing 757.
At 23:42:56 the crews of both aircraft received a Resolution Advisory (RA)-command from their TCAS. The DHL crew complied with this and initiate a descent. At the same time the Tupolev crew were trying to deal with the conflicting descent (by ATC) and climb (TCAS) instructions. Seven seconds after the Resolution Advisory-command, the ATC controller repeated the instruction to descend. The Bashkirian crew then decided to follow the ATC controller's instructions. A little later the TCAS aboard the Boeing 757 gave the crew a Resolution Advisory to "increase descent". They then contacted ATC, reporting that they were doing a TCAS descent.
Since both aircraft were descending, the TCAS of the Russian plane warned the crew to "increase climb" to avoid a collision. This was eight seconds before the collision. Just prior to the collision, both crews detected the other aircraft, and reacted to avoid the collision by attempting appropriate flight manoeuvres. Nevertheless, at 23:35:32 both aircraft collided at approx. FL354. The tail fin of the Boeing 757 struck the left side of the Tupolev 154 fuselage near both overwing emergency exits, while the Tupolev's left wing sheared off 80% of the Boeing's tail fin. The Tupolev immediately broke up in four pieces (left wing, right wing, main fuselage and tail unit including the engines). The Boeing 757 lost control and crashed 8 km north of the Tupolev, just after losing both engines.
That night, from 23:00 the configuration of the radar data processing of Skyguide was modified. Thus the system was operating in FALLBACK modus. This requires among other facts, that radar separation values were increased from 5 NM to 7 NM. Also, the STCA (Short Term Conflict Alert) was not available at that time. The STCA at Karlsruhe Upper Area Control Center (UAC) however did work. From 23:33:36 on the controller of Karlsruhe UAC, tried in vain to get in contact with Zürich-ATC until 23:35:34. Between 23:33:36 and 23:34:45 the busy signal was to be heared afterwards the ringing tone. According to his statements the controller tried repeatedly to establish the connection via the priority button, but it failed.




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