疑问:He spent less than one dollar to buy it?

我疑惑,less than修饰不可数名词,可是dollar是可数名词呀,为什么这里可以用less than呢?我知道money是不可数名词,但是这里是dollar也不是money呀?我困惑死了呜呜呜

1. 解答:less than修饰名词时修饰的是可数名词,因此可以说less than one dollar。
2. 知识:less than 是英语中常见的表达结构,但也是常常使英语学习者感到困惑和难以掌握的结构。这主要是由于less than的语法功能引起的。less than 作为副词的语法功能时,含义相当于not,little,可以修饰形容词或副词,例如:The road was something less than smooth.那条路不太平坦。而如果less作为代名词时,less than这个结构应该应该这样理解:than是介词,修饰后面的可数名词,整个介词短语修饰核心词less。例如:Less than twenty of them remained. 他们中现在只剩下不到二十个了。英语中还有no less than...的用法,它兼具了副词和代名词语法功能用法,含义是“不亚于,不少于,和......一样多”。
3. 例句:
① We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day. 那天我们很忙,不喜欢有客人来。
② In less than an hour we will arrive in the famous coastal city. 再有不到一小时,我们将到达这个著名的海滨城市。
③ There was no less than thirty dollars in the drawer. 抽屉里少说也有30美元。
④ This boy is no less clever than that one. 这个男孩与那个男孩一样聪明。



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