学术英语理工类 text15 和 text 18 的课文翻译


1.If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bringup the topic of genetically
Modifiedfoods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech cropproduction raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethicalquestions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocalgreen lobbies -- the idea seems against nature. 如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。对许多人来说,高科技的转基因作物生产的概念会带来诸如环境、健康、安全和伦理等方面的各种问题。特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。
2. Infact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. Athird of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the USlast year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department ofAgriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will beplanted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle. 事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1/3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。今年,美国将种植6500多万英亩的转基因作物。基因妖怪已经从瓶子里跑出来了。
3.Yet there are clearly some very real issues that need to beresolved. Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modifiedfoods must be subjected to rigorous testing. In wealthy countries, the debateabout biotech is tempered by the fact that we have a rich array of foods tochoose from -- and a supply that far exceeds our needs. In developing countriesdesperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations; the issue is simplerand much more urgent: Do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks?
4.The statistics on population growth and hunger are disturbing.Last year the world's population reached 6 billion. And by 2050, the UNestimates, it will probably near 9 billion. Almost all that growth will occurin developing countries. At the same time, the world's available cultivableland per person is declining. Arable land has declined steadily since 1960 andwill decease by
half over the next 50 years, according to the InternationalService for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA).
5The UN estimates that nearly 800 million people around theworld are undernourished. The effects are devastating. About 400 million womenof childbearing age are iron deficient, which means their babies are exposed tovarious birth defects. As many as 100 million children
suffer from vitamin A deficiency, a leading cause of blindness.Tens of millions of people suffer from other major ailments and nutritionaldeficiencies caused by lack of food.
6How can biotech help? Biotechnologists have developedgenetically modified rice that is
fortified with beta-carotene -- which the body converts intovitamin A -- and additional iron, and they are working on other kinds ofnutritionally improved crops. Biotech can also improve
farming productivity in places where food shortages are causedby crop damage attribution to pests, drought, poor soil and crop viruses,bacteria or fungi.
7Damage caused by pests is incredible. The European corn borer,for example, destroys 40 million tons of the world's corn crop annually, about7% of the total. Incorporating
pest-resistant genes into seeds can help restore the balance. Intrials of pest-resistant cotton in Africa, yields have increased significantly.So far, fears that genetically modified,
pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as badappear unfounded.
8Viruses often cause massive failure in staple crops indeveloping countries. Two years age, Africa lost more than half its cassavacrop -- a key source of calories -- to the mosaic virus. Genetically modified,virus-resistant crops can reduce that damage, as can drought-tolerant seeds inregions where water shortages limit the amount of land under cultivation.Biotech can also help solve the problem of soil that contains excess aluminum,which can damage roots and cause many staple-crop failures. A gene that helpsneutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified.
9Many scientists believe biotech could raise overall cropproductivity in developing countries as much as 25% and help prevent the lossof those crops after they are harvested.
10Yet for all that promise, biotech is far from being the wholeanswer. In developing countries, lost crops are only one cause of hunger.Poverty plays the largest role. Today more than 1 billion people around theglobe live on less than ' 1 aday. Making genetically modified crops available will not reduce hunger iffarmers cannot afford to grow them or if the local population cannot afford tobuy the food those farmers produce.
11Nor can biotech overcome the challenge of distributing food indeveloping countries. Taken as a whole, the world produces enough food to feedeveryone -- but much of it is simply in the wrong place. Especially incountries with undeveloped transport infrastructures, geographyrestricts foodavailability as dramatically as genetics promises to improve it.
12Biotech has its own "distribution" problems.Private-sector biotech companies in the rich countries carry out much of theleading-edge research on genetically modified crops. Their products are oftentoo costly for poor farmers in the developing world, and many of those productswon't even reach the regions where they are most needed. Biotech firms have astrong financial incentive to target rich markets first in order to help themrapidly recoup the high costs of product development. But some of thesecompanies are responding to needs of poor countries. A London-based company,for example, has announced that it will share with developing countriestechnology needed to produce vitamin-enriched "golden rice".
13More and more biotech research is being carried out indeveloping countries. But to increase the impact of genetic research on thefood production of those countries, there is a need for better collaborationbetween government agencies -- both local and in developed countries -- andprivate biotech firms. The ISAAA, for example, is successfully partnering withthe US
Agency for International Development, local researches andprivate biotech companies to find and deliver biotech solutions for farmers indeveloping countries.
14Will "Frankenfoods" feed the world? Biotech is not apanacea, but it does promise to transformagriculture in many developingcountries. If that promise is not fulfilled, the real losers will be theirpeople, who could suffer for years to come.




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