求sympathy for the devil歌词的中文翻译


《Sympathy for the devil》《同情魔鬼》滚石乐队
Please allow me to introduce myself 请容我做个自我介绍
I'm a man of wealth and tas 我这人很有财富和品味
I've been around for a long, long year 我在这世上徘徊了太多太多年
Stole many man's soul and faith 偷了很多人的信仰和灵魂

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ 当耶稣基督饱受质疑和痛苦之时
Had his moment of doubt and pain 我就在旁边
Made damn sure that Pilate 确保了彼拉多(判耶稣有罪的执政官)
Washed his hands and sealed his fate 洗了自己的手,让自己遗臭万年

Pleased to meet you 很高兴见到你
Hope you guess my name 希望你猜到我的名字
But what's puzzling you 我那疯狂游戏的意义
Is the nature of my game 一直让你困惑不已

I stuck around St. Petersberg 我圣彼得斯堡转来转去
When I saw it was a time for a change 当我发现 时逢巨变
Killed the Czar and his ministers 沙皇和他的大臣们都被宰了(俄国二月革命)
Anastasia screamed in vain 阿纳斯塔西娅公主(沙皇小女儿)啕嚎大哭也是枉然

I rode a tank,Held a general's rank 我驾驶着坦克,是指挥千军万马的将军
When the Blitzkrieg raged 猛烈的闪电战过后
And the bodies stank 到处都是发出恶臭的尸体

Pleased to meet you 很高兴认识你
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah 希望你猜到我的名字,没错
Ah,What's puzzling you 我那疯狂游戏的意义
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah 一直让你困惑不已,哦耶

I watched with glee 我幸灾乐祸地看着
While your kings and queens 你们的国王和皇后们
Fought for ten decades For the Gods they made 为了各自信奉的神,打了整整一个世纪
I shouted out "Who killed the Kennedys?" 我大喊道“谁杀了肯尼迪?”
When after all It was you and me 归根到底 就是我和你

Let me please introduce myself 请让我来个自我介绍
I'm a man of wealth and taste 我是个很有财富和品味的人
And I laid traps for troubadors 是我给他们设下了陷阱
Who get killed before they reached Bombay 那些在赶到孟买之前毙命游吟僧侣们

Pleased to meet you 很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah 希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶
But what's puzzling you 我那疯狂游戏的意义
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby 一直让你困惑不已,屈服吧~宝贝


Pleased to meet you 很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah 希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶
But what's confusing you 我那疯狂游戏的意义
Is just the nature of my game 一直就那么让你困惑不已

Just as every cop is a criminal 就像所有的警察可能都是罪犯
And all the sinners saints 所有的坏人也可能都是圣人
As heads is tails 仿佛正义就是邪恶
Just call me Lucifer 就叫我魔鬼/撒旦吧
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint 因为真的 没人能管得了我

So if you meet me 所以如果你见到我
Have some courtesy 有点礼貌
Have some sympathy, and some taste 带点同情,带点品味
Use all your well-learned politesse 用尽你学会的优雅礼节
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah 否则 我会肆意蹂躏你的灵魂,嗯耶

Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah 希望你已猜出了我的名字,哦耶
But what's puzzling you 我那疯狂游戏的意义
Is the nature of my game 一直让你困惑不已

Tell me baby, what's my name 回答我 宝贝,我叫什么名字
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name 告诉我 宝贝,你丫能不能猜到我的名字
Tell me baby, what's my name 回答我 宝贝,我叫什么名字
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name 告诉我 甜心 我叫什么名字
第1个回答  2012-02-21
sympathy for the devil对魔鬼的同情
Please allow me to introduce myself请允许介绍我自己
I'm a man of wealth and tas我是男人的财富和助教
I've been around for a long, long year我一直在很长,长时间的一年
Stole many a man's soul and faith偷了很多人的灵魂和信念
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ我的耶稣基督
Had his moment of doubt and pain他怀疑的时刻和痛苦
Made damn sure that Pilate让该死的比拉多
Washed his hands and sealed his fate洗他的手,把他的命运
Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你
Hope you guess my name希望你猜猜我的名字
But what's puzzling you不过困扰你的事情
Is the nature of my game是我游戏的本质
I stuck around St. Petersberg我被困在圣彼得斯堡
When I saw it was a time for a change当我看到这是一个改变的时候
Killed the Czar and his ministers杀死了沙皇和他的大臣
Anastasia screamed in vain阿纳斯塔西娅尖叫着徒劳
I rode a tank 我骑了一罐
Held a general's rank举行了一次一般的等级
When the Blitzkrieg raged当闪电战爆发
And the bodies stank和尸体的腐臭
to meet you很高兴认识你
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah希望你猜猜我的名字,哦
What's puzzling you困扰你的事情
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah是我游戏的本质,哦耶
I watched with glee我高兴地看着
While your kings and queens当你的国王和王后
Fought for ten decades战斗了十年
For the Gods they made为他们创造的神
I shouted out我喊道"Who killed the Kennedys?"“谁杀了肯尼迪?”
When after all当毕竟It was you and me这是我和你
Let me please introduce myself请让我介绍我自己
I'm a man of wealth and taste我是男人的财富和味道
And I laid traps for troubadors我布下陷阱
troubadorsWho get killed before they reached Bombay他们到达孟买之前就被杀掉
Pleased to meet you 很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶
But what's puzzling you不过困扰你的事情
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby是我游戏的本质,哦,下来,宝贝
Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶
But what's confusing you让你迷惑的
Is just the nature of my game正是我游戏的本质
Just as every cop is a criminal正如每一个警察都是罪犯
And all the sinners saints所有的罪人都是圣徒
As heads is tails为头就是尾
Just call me Lucifer打电话给我的
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint因为我需要一些约束
So if you meet me所以如果你见到我
Have some courtesy有礼貌的
Have some sympathy, and some taste有一些同情,和一些品味
Use all your well-learned politesse用你学礼节
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah否则我将把你的灵魂,嗯耶
Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶
But what's puzzling you不过困扰你的事情
Is the nature of my game, um baby, get down是我游戏的本质,嗯,宝贝,把Woo, who吴,谁Oh yeah, get on down哦,是的,上下Oh yeah哦,是的Oh yeah!哦,是的!
Tell me baby, what's my name告诉我,宝贝,我的名字是什么
Tell me honey, baby guess my name告诉我,亲爱的,我猜我的名字
Tell me baby, what's my name告诉我,宝贝,我的名字是什么
I tell you one time, you're to blame我告诉你一次,你责怪
Ooo, who哦,谁Ooo, who哦,谁Ooo, who哦,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Oh, yeah哦。
是啊What's my name我的名字是什么Tell me, baby, what's my name告诉我,宝贝,我的名字是什么Tell me, sweetie, what's my name告诉我,亲爱的,我的名字是什么Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Ooo, who, who哦,谁,谁Oh, yeah哦。



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