

I simple said in my eye Wuhan, Wuhan divides into three towns:Wuchang, Hankou, Hanyang.
Wuhan also has very many famous scenic spots, drinks the street withmany food shops, in the development zone. For example: Yellow cranebuilding, more than 1,700 years history, but also has Hankou < > freethe river beach the East Lake scenic spot, saves the museum, theHanyang zoo, guqin, turns over to a Yuan temple. Also has any Marriage celebration street < diet >, Chinese street < clothing >.
Also has the very many large-scale shopping supermarket also is veryfamous, I most like am Hanyang's supermarket: Family happy luck,within 21st century. Does not have in Hanyang, any military is broad,world trade, Asian trade.
I to Wuchang's tiger spring understood the multi- spots, I speak this.The tiger spring truly cannot calculate in a true significance thelively region, perhaps lived for a long time in here, the sentimenttoo was thick, the tiger spring was a very special place, but it hasthe superiority which very many places did not have, but this kind ofsuperiority was not bad.
The Jianghan road should lively, but has a question, (person which thetransportation not convenient has private vehicle is annoyed),moreover the present also faces very many questions. The tiger springalthough cannot compare with it, but several special characteristicshave decided him future the superiority
Centralism of the constant crowd density, local not several,take air force Wuhan command headquarters barracks area yard asrepresentative's army area (Wuhan military region also at time, cowseriously, inside frequently could buy at that time high-demand goods,for motherland security, other garrison security, 11 did not mention,but rested does really is many.) By Hua Shiwei representative'suniversities group, take the province transportation provincetraveling as generation of Gao Zhiqun, the office of civiladministration, the forestry hall, the Three Gorges moves managed bythe people for representative's institution group, the national grainstorage bureau Wuhan design institute, the Hubei forestryreconnaissance design institute (four courtyards far) isrepresentative's development facility group, the famous metropolis andso on rents the housing which for representative's plot group as wellas Zhuo Daoquan the village, the young He village villagers covers.Had decided the tiger spring has the extremely stable residentpopulation and external rents the inhabitant, computer city jobholdersvery many people also lives in here, and can bring the massiveattached crowds. Said to the merchant that, had the stable expensecommunity, anew good two transformations may watch the matter,initially in the rumor hundred stores in a storehouse must in thepresent night market top head large-scale supermarket.
Under is I took the tiger spring original inhabitant to here variousaspects attainment and the experience, asks everybody to refer!
Spends the giant subway to have to circle in the tiger spring,becomes a Wuhan exceptional case, this certainly is not leader'shotheaded manifesting, but is its strength, does the natural rumorsubway stand in where, according to said in the room bureau's friend,extremely has the possibility is nearby the teacher plot, writesaccording to my separate article while 538 lines, may with ease pass.
Transportation: From 15 groups which only has, to never to returningwhich 15 temporarily changes course, directs from 57 prosperities to538 arrivals, and 39 tough businesses, are straight until now Godintersection all flowers blooming together, may say like this local,lives may very convenient arrive any place in the tiger springinhabitant (27 directions to need to walk to Zhuo Daoquan thedirection boards, about 15 minutes), in is called the native placeWuchang, such place certainly not sees.

Medical service
This to is presently lives lets the original inhabitantheadache the place, sees a doctor did not calculate too conveniently,had to arrive the province women and children and the land slightillness to 672, big always, far only had to the province Chinesemedicine hospital or south central, all had the direct train. Theprovince tumor although is near, but everybody ordinary circumstancesall does not hope. Doesn't the plan Tongji University light valleybranch at present know in where. But, if has been nipped by the dog,to is most convenient, may arrive the province illness to control thecenter. But, Repulse Bay's newly married neighbors really were havethe luck, saved the women and children to see a doctor very generallyvery general, but falling ill entire province first-class, concreteoptimum methods of child-bearing and child-rearing might consult me, Ihas been 5 years women and children health educator, but, alreadychanged professions, but the background mixed was solid, ha-ha, hadoneself makes the advertisement the suspicion, everybody did not haveto pat the brick)
Buys the medicine (under the new good building pharmacymedicine really is inexpensive, next may the spring, the Chineseteacher east gate (hereafter refer to as east gate) Zhonglian to beallowed to use medicine to guarantee card, 999 also good, but mustwalk to Zhuo Daoquan the street intersection) if is cheaper, mayarrive the transportation school the tranquillity to buy, really ischeap, for instance the dermatology department 圣药 - China andAmerica Shi Ke more than 100 nations, (a city hospital Director Pi Kepersonally tells me, has the male and female old and young which theinflammation has the smallpox all to be allowed to use, ha-ha, onlythen 11 Yuan. In hospital most Gao Gaoguo more than 20)
The tiger spring night market already was the whole city isfamous, but, I always did not go, only if had the friend (certainly ifgood friend) treated only then goes, why could, I have a conclusionlike this, every was student's many places, the diet certainly is notdelicious, moreover could not cheaply go to that, the cheap thinggenerally did not have 好货, the very many shop fronts oil all hadthe question, for instance ate when the vegetable felt the mouth alittle hemp, the oil generally had the question. This is a smallknow-how.
Since continuously, student's taste also very pure, several fourSichuan cuisine, flavor heavy good, (for instance water boils fishfillet, I and wife go to school in Hua Shi, thought the world mostdelicious is this vegetable, after goes to work by FB, only then shortsaid why own are ignorant in diet), in the night market ate time(already is compelled compared to the sunny spring day to close),cheap many how many, the expensive situation also occupied most. Butone is cleaner than and the health and extends moderately, in additioninvites the outside areas visitor's face, believed everybody can havethe choice.
But, the present tiger spring local diet really is a question, iscompelled along with the sunny spring day to leave, at present has notbeen allowed to recommend place. The gear was not good, has eatenseveral, all was extremely extremely feeling disappointed, moreoverdiscovered used to recycle the oil. Is not really good, may go tobrocade Hua Yuan and the nature, the Repulse Bay entrance has any"others" the flavor not to be really good.
If greets between the person or the husbands and wives wantsromantically, rides the vehicle but actually very conveniently, tenminutes, may sit 66/586/804 groups to eat meal to center hundred (havetwo Dadian, is drunk river month, may hit nine booklets with 招商card, after eats meal plays hundred, may help digestion front, butfellow gentlemen exit must wallet drum) 590, 554, 811 arrive the newcrown prince (livelihood of the people Jin Kada 9 booklets, other notclear)/Chu Zaowang/Chu Tianlu (fish can complete), the smallrestaurant many, Also has may, I remember add, the schoolmate againwhich has the vehicle may inspect, moreover, if wants to be popularthe spicy shrimp's friend, Guang Butun inside the food market doesdelicious, individual feeling could complete many compared to someinns.
The dessert (myself continuously in like imperial crown, but only hadhundred with the Chinese city Hsintu recently), but along with Chineseteacher east gate fixing, the imperial crown and a Yuan ancestor hasalready entered and been stationed in, at present also is repairing.)
Although has several banks, but student's many places have aquestion, does not have that bank person not not many, specially thepostal service, the agriculture business and so on, I am not have theview to the student, but takes the card not to need, runs to thecounter in 30, 50 to take truly is a question, looked like, presentstudent far we have not been able to manage finances, does not lovedearly to parents' money, here originally also only has an agriculturebusiness, now already changed the letter to gather (the letter togather, the agriculture business all was a bank which I most did nothope, Also some Wuhan commercial bank, the service all is pulpy, goesin time wishes one could to have to live time of gas, the agriculturebusiness, he sends in particular the card meets regularly degausses in3-4 month, according to 招商 a friend to say, several traditionalbanks card, in quality a little... ... Ha-ha, not said, so as to avoidis patted by the person. Moreover the agriculture business lets theperson exclaim over is takes money for more than hours not to be ableto get down, manages your together two or 1万2万, Guang Butun morefearful, long-term front is arranging 60-80 person, in order to takethe money, I once military neighbor measured passed through militaryis big takes, finally got the home, Guang Butun only has also arrangeda half row)
The street intersection has a construction bank, crossed thestreet intersection to have the communications bank (I believe alsogood, although service attitude not several years ago good, but areatiger spring not compared to him better, key was person few, outsidecity student very little could deposit and withdraw funds in here),other nothing more than food market opposite China postal service (didnot recommend, student many, old person also many, window wereespecially few), the tiger spring street intersection letter gathered.Wants to look for the small bank, but also a little not good haslooked, saves the tumor entrance to have 取款机, but the estimatelater will be sure to good somewhat, I most to like 招商 the bankhad to run to Guang Butun electric power school (presently rises forprofessional technical institute), the industry and commerce bank inincurred the good next door, the livelihood of the people the placewhich did not arrive in the sports college, but, Chinese topic Nanmenhad to put on to the center hundred roads on the small bankself-service website very many.
Therefore, has the condition the schoolmate, was inferior to managesthe electronic bank, facilitated many, or simply used the cardshopping.

Society administrative body distribution
The day fuel gas pays expenses in Zhuo Daoquan the station,the electric power to spend in the famous metropolis garden passes,does not want to walk the schoolmate to be allowed to sit a stationroad 590, as for the entrance Hong mountain country local policestation, resembles no matter here, mainly is Zhuo Daoquan the localpolice station (original 珞 south street). The civil administrationbureau had to sit for 590 pasts, toward center business direction.Judicial bureau on in entrance, but is all right generally cannot go,also does not hope. Under the room bureau may sit 538 to arrive Lu tobe broad, is alighting the direction double pond plot. Sanitationbureau place which does not arrive in the civil administration bureau.Handling society guaranteed may sit 66 groups 586 to pass by centerhundred has stood again under, to street opposite. Also has anybureau, could not remember all of a sudden, ha-ha!
Must say the traveling, the tiger spring really is a good place, (theMoshan is near) to the national 4 A East Lake scenic area. Walks 30minutes, drives ten minutes all not to have to be allowed to see, thatkind of feeling really was. Behind recent is Lake Nanhu, Lake Nanhuwas certainly not understood by the Wuhan resident, even if our theseoriginal inhabitants also are this, although has been filled in many,but along with the real estate development, Lake Nanhu's superiorityalready manifested, the high level friend should be allowed to be veryeasy to see.
But, although near, sits the public transportation to East Lake or theMoshan to be but actually very convenient, but, local all is this,recent sat 402 to Zhuo Daoquan (to record not clear, also possibly was401, in any case on only 4 characters vehicles).
If to river beach, Wuchang sits 572, like to arrive Hankou, may sit601, but 601 curved circles is Wuhan longest, ha-ha, I have means,similarly is suitable for the Chinese street, first sits 572 to arrivethe waterfront, then travels by boat crosses the river, speed quick,also is comfortable. (Trans ship did not sit mistakenly), came backtime was allowed to meet 581 in the collection family mouth or 601 (inthe Wuhan port) goes home.
Wuchang stood very near, 529 was quickest, 66 pieces had to bend acircle. Hits is quickest, about about 12 Yuan
Hankou stood quickly not too 715, because only had it to walka bridge, the quick speech, the off peak hour about 40-50 minute wasallowed, the ordinary circumstances next 60 minutes, but 715 mostmajor problems were the person too are many, moreover the return tripwas does not have in the Hankou station. If embarks ahead of time, maysit 724, beginning station, probably does not surpass about for a halfhour, but really is very comfortable, in the family has the visitor,may while convenient look at, the scenery, if alights in Hankou goeshome, may sit 536, to be able to leave the station direction the leftside, facing square right side, is a beginning, then alights in ZhuoDaoquan, transfers to another vehicle or hits all may, also also isquickly comfortable. Comes back when sits 724 extremely to have thepossibility not to have the position.
Buys the train ticket to be allowed to arrive the Chinese teacher eastgate the Wuchang station retail spot to buy the ticket, buys theticket person skilled worker is my friend's elder sister, but,generally I do not disturb her, ha-ha.

The airplane rides the airplane the friends all have the rice person,but can save saves, may (namely in Wu Guonei a street intersection)the river sky building entrance ride the commercial aviation expertvehicle in the Hongshan, certainly, also has buys the ticket the placeto provide the free delivery truck service, the telephone I has, butdoes not send out, so as to avoid has sends the advertisement thesuspicion. Comes back, oneself tries to find solution, the people .
Also remembered, with me specialized related, was Wuhan's threeatmosphere matches the city: Hanyang's two respectively are the seaday with the Pacific Ocean, Wu Jiashan Wan Guoqi matches the city veryto be also big. How long light valley software garden most newly builthasn't had to be also good oh. . .
I thought any said any, is very mixed! ! English is not good.
第1个回答  2007-10-09
Wu Han



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