
"Var Minut" is the first single from Emilia in more than 6 years - and her first in Swedish ever!

Written by S?ren Poppe and Emilia - now 28 years old - the song beautifully presents Emilia as she is today, both as a woman and as an artist: More mature, but never to old or cold to have a heart. More experienced in both music, life and love - but definately (b?de p? godt og ondt)! More selfconfident as a singer, but still with that rare twist of vulnerability in her voice, that became her vocal trademark years ago.

"Var Minut" is the first single from Emilias forthcoming all-Swedish album "Sm? Ord Av K?rlek" - due spring 2007. An album that will not only show many new sides of Emilia in a string of great songs, but also has been absolutely necessary for her to record - as a personal therapy - to once and for all leave her "big big girliepop" past behind.

When Emilia wrote the lyrics to "Big Big World", she was only 18 years old, fresh out of school (Adolf Fredriks Music School in Stockholm). She didn't know that she had written a world wide hit that 2 years later would explode internationally and go on and sell more than 4 million records. She didn't know that she would spend the following years travelling all over the world, from Europe to China (where she performed as late as 2004 at the local Grammy show - still with "Big Big World" - and for a reported 650 million TV-viewers!). She didn't know that the song would become both a blessing and a curse in her music career - that for several years to come totally typecasted her as the little, shy and sensitive teenagegirl. And obviously, since she was only 18 years old, she didn't know much more about love, than what she actually wrote and sang about: The joy of falling in love. And the heartache of breaking up, of losing your boyfriend (at least until the next one comes along, one might add).

Today, if you listen carefully to "Var Minut", you will notice that a lot of things have changed rather dramatically in both Emilia's music - and in her life - since her more uncomplicated teenage years. "Var Minut" is not about the pain you feel when you break up - but when you actually stay together! After the love has grown cold - in a longer relationship. As (normally) only quite grown up people will have experienced. Emilia says: "I hope people will not only listen to the chorus, and think that this is just another song about missing your boyfriend, when he or she is not there. Because the whole point of the song is, that you can miss your partner and the things you had together - and you can feel lonely - actually while your partner is still there! Right next to you! At least, that is what it means to me.. And what I unfortunately have experienced myself.. 还有这段,要准确~!

Var Minut" 曾经是第一唯一从Emilia 在超过6 年- 和她第一用瑞典语!

由S?ren Poppe 和Emilia - 现在28 年写年纪- 歌曲美妙地提出Emilia 当她今天是, 作为妇女和作为艺术家: 成熟, 但从未对老或寒冷有心脏。更体验在音乐、生活和爱- 但definately (b?de p? godt ogondt)! selfconfident 作为歌手, 但仍然以弱点那罕见的转弯由她的声音, 成为她的声音商标几年前。

"Var Minut" 第一唯一是从Emilias 即将到来的所有瑞典册页"Sm 吗? Ord Av K?rlek" - 适当春天2007 年。不仅将显示许多Emilia 的新边在了不起的歌曲串的册页, 而且是绝对必要为她记录- 作为一种个人疗法- 永远留给她"big 大girliepop" 通过后边。

当Emilia 给"Big 大World" 写了抒情诗;, 她只18 岁, 新鲜校外(Adolf Fredriks 音乐学院在斯德哥尔摩) 。她didn't 知道, 她写了2 年后国际上会爆炸和会继续和会卖超过4 百万个纪录的全世界命中。她didn't 知道, 她会度过以下岁月旅行全世界, 从欧洲向中国(她一样后执行了象2004 年在地方Grammy 展示- 仍然以"Big 大World" 的地方; - 和为被报告的650 百万个电视观察者!) 。她didn't 知道, 歌曲会成为一个祝福和一个诅咒在几年来完全typecasted 她作为一点的她的音乐事业-, 害羞和敏感teenagegirl 。并且明显地, 因为她只18 岁, 她didn't 知道更多关于爱, 比什么她写了和实际上唱了: 喜悦恋爱。并且心伤打破, 失去您的男朋友(至少直到下你到来,有人可能增加) 。
第1个回答  2007-10-20
“Var Minut ”,是首个由单一艾米利亚在6年以上-和她第一次在瑞典!

Ren Poppe 和艾米利亚-现在2 8岁-这首歌精美礼物艾米利亚,因为她是今天,无论是作为一名女性,作为一个艺术家:更加成熟,但绝不会以旧或冷有心脏病。经验较丰富,在音乐,生活和爱情-但肯定(更自信,作为一名歌手,但仍与稀有扭曲的脆弱性,在她的声音,这也成为她的声乐商标年前。

“ Var Minut ”,是第一款单从埃米利亚斯即将全瑞典专辑 -由于2 007年春季投产。画册,这将不仅展示了许多新的两岸艾米利亚在一连串的伟大的歌曲,而且还一直是绝对必要的,她的纪录-看成是个人的疗法-以一劳永逸为全部离开她的"big big girliepop"过去抛在后面。

当艾米利亚写歌词,以"大世界" ,她只有18岁,新鲜离开学校(阿fredriks音乐学校,设在斯德哥尔摩) 。她不知道,她已写了世界广泛的袭击, 2年后会爆发国际上继续进行并出售了400多万的纪录。她不知道她会花随后几年往返遍布世界各地,从欧洲到中国(如果她表现迟至2004年,在地方格莱美展-仍然是"大大世界" -并为举报65 0000000电视的观众! ) 。她不知道,这首歌将成为双方祝福和诅咒,在她的音乐生涯中-这为今后若干年内完全她作为不大,害羞而敏感。很明显,因为她只有18岁,她不知道多谈爱,比什么,她其实写桑约:喜悦堕入爱河。和心痛的分手,失去你的男朋友(至少到明年第1位,一直以来,有人可能会补充) 。

“Var Minut”,是由丹麦作家S?ren Poppe所写 ,艾米利亚会见透过她接触,在音乐产业在哥本哈根举行。她说: "他只是感觉他有完美的歌对我来说,不啻为,并坚持与我会面!我们只是马上"点" -他只是使尼斯和迷人的,但在同一时间,超级专业。他明白,究竟我在哪里,在我的生命权,现在,无论是对音乐和抒情-明智的,经历了一些确切的危机,同时在他的长寿,正如我在地雷" 。

如"Var Minut" ,其余的专辑也将构成歌曲发挥几乎完全是由"真正的"音乐家之一。其中,为艾米利亚是一个绝对的"必须"为这一张专辑。和不幸的是,不少新的经验,在她的职业生涯。艾米利亚说: "在大大世界几天,我常常只是要求在很迟,在这个过程中做了嗓音对编程轨迹-很多人根本不真正关心的歌词,我已致函。
第2个回答  2007-10-29
变量Minut"伊米莉亚的第一个单身在超过6 年吗 - 并且她第一个在瑞典语! 变量Minut"在超过6 年是伊米莉亚的第一个单身 - 并且她第一个在瑞典语! 通过S写吗? ren波普和伊米莉亚 - 现在28岁 - 当她今天时,很好的歌提出伊米莉亚,既作为一名妇女又作为一位艺术家: 更成熟,但是从未到老或者冷有心。 在两音乐,生命和爱方面更有经验 - 但是definately(b吗? de便士? godt og ondt)! 作为一位歌手的更多的selfconfident,但是仍然用在她的声音里的脆弱的那次稀有的拧,多年以前成为她的声音商标。 "变量Minut"第一个单身从伊米莉亚那里"Sm,好吗?军械Av K,好吗? rlek"的即将要来全部瑞典集子 - 到期春天2007。 将不仅显示伊米莉亚的很多新边的一本集子 在一串极妙的歌里,而且绝对必要她记录 - 作为一次个人治疗 - 在假她"大的大的girliepop"过去后面的最终。 当伊米莉亚把抒情诗写到"大的大的世界"时, 她只有18岁,刚从毕业学校(阿道夫弗雷德里克斯音乐学校在斯德哥尔摩)。 她不知道她已经写世界范围内的击中晚2岁将国际上爆炸并且继续并且出售超过400万个记录。 她不知道她次年将花费在全世界旅行, 从欧洲中给中国(象2004在这地方葛莱美奖出现的那么后期她执行 - 仍然与"大的大的世界" - 并且一报告6.5亿电视观众!) . 她不知道歌将在她里成为一个祝福和一声诅咒 呃



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