



1. In our geography class, we are learning about rivers.


2. He made a careful study of the geography of the province.

geography 网络解释

1. 地理 地理:毕业论文所用的方法: 提问人:令狐宏林 来自:南杨庄乡 关于毕业论文所用的方法的问题:地理高中论文回答人:荆宜明 来自:齐海乡 回答毕业论文所用的方法:地理地理(geography)是研究地球表面的地理环境中各种自然现象和人文现象,

2. 地理环境:配合地理环境(Geography):由於地理环境需要,区域网路分布较广的地区,如使用Repeater无法转接小网路间的实体布线,就必须利用网路桥来跨接.(如 Remote-Bridge) 设计网路桥应考虑因素 提供透明化(Transparence)服务:网路桥虽然将许多区域网路连结一起,

geography 双语例句

1. geography的解释

1. But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.


2. Third, it seems that for next year, both of the biology and geography will be comprised into the high school entrance testing subjects.


3. And the second class is geography Mr. luo also talk about the exam parper for us.


4. geography在线翻译

4. In consideration of status of the traditional fishing rights in the exclusive economic zone system, when delimitates the maritime boundaries with relevant states in east China sea and yellow sea, China should stress the following main factors in order to strive for gains as much as possible, such as geology, geography, length of coastal line, reasonable reservation of fishery resources, equal exploitation to fishery resources, especially stress economic impacts on China.


5. geography的近义词

5. The geography department's two classes grew me relate this question to between the environment and the economy the interest: Developing country protection and environmental effect analysis.


6. This thesis focuses on the studies of regional environment planning for sustainable development under the guiding of environmental geography.


7. The first book introducing geography exploration and discovery in China.


8. Among so many geography datum frameworks, map projection is the only one which can directly incarnate in visualization.


9. The author pays more attention to Yang's research on of rivers, Notes of rivers, Li's version, Comments of Li's study, Drawing of historical maps, Study of Yugong, expressed the ideas of geography, bringing it to light that Li's study is the core of Yang's idea of geography, the essay pointed out that, Yang was regarded as a representative of the group of Li's study, its finding is beyond the experts, such as Zhu mou-wei, Quan zu-wang, Zhao yi-qing, Dai zhen, Wang xian-qian etc.


10. The history and geography have deeper understanding of Chinese literature and history.


11. geography在线翻译

11. I study English, politics, art, history, geography, biology and some other subjects.


12. I study all kinds of subjects. Such as geography, biology. Chinese and some other subjects.


13. However, we also have differences, for example, my favorite subjects are geography, her favorite subject is biological.


14. In terms of geography, this is the beginning of Grand Paris.


15. geography的解释

15. Faquir`s Geography


16. In the end, on the basis of grasping the major influence factor and the general principle of shannxi rural surplus labor transfer, the paper put forward the specific transferring mode from angles of zone type and natural geography.


17. The Centre was depleted by the Yang Di Chuan Master Li Yu Chi-tang three III only Mr. Li Dingxin chairman, South China University of Technology from the School of Architecture Engineering, Dr doctoral tutor Professor Cheng Jianjun and Shenzhen Nanshan Folk Museum of Art as curator of Mr. Long Hui Vice Chairman. The Centre has also hired a director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography Mr.


18. Electronic map is one of the integrated Applied field of the Geography Information System, DataBase and Computer Programming.


19. In this paper, the theory of validity of case teaching was applied in high-school geography teaching.



20. The main application of present geographical environment applied to geography in university and the impact on geography are discussed.


1. 地理学

Geography is the study of the countries of the world and of such things as the land, seas, climate, towns, and population.

2. 地形;地貌

The geography of a place is the way that features such as rivers, mountains, towns, or streets are arranged within it.

e.g. ...policemen who knew the local geography.


e.g. ...a pictorial journey through the history, geography and culture of the Caribbean.


第1个回答  2023-06-21



I have always been interested in geography and love learning about differentcountries and cultures.(我一直对地理感兴趣,喜欢学习不同的国家和文化。)

The study of geography helps us understand the physical features of the earth and how they affect human life.(学习地理有助于我们了解地球的自然特征及其对人类生活的影响。)

Climate, vegetation, and topography are all important aspects of geography.(气候、植被和地形都是地理学的重要方面。)

The geography of the region plays a key role in the economy and way of life for those who live there.(该地区的地理环境对生活在那里的人的经济和生活方式起着关键作用。)

Geography can also help us understand the impact of human activity on the environment and how to better care for the planet.(地理还可以帮助我们了解人类活动对环境的影响,以及如何更好地爱护地球。)

第2个回答  2023-07-03




He make a careful study of the geography of the province.

他仔细研究了该省份的地形 。

History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.


In their geography class,the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.


He was able to produce a geography book containing an atlas of maps of the known world.


Studying geography of tourism is vital for teachers 'teaching and scientific research,for students mastering booklore and training vocational ability.Look back education on geography of tourism.


And the research methods and results of the thesis well are abundant to the contents of clinical medicine,ecsomatics,clinical diagnostics,medical geography and physiology.


第3个回答  2023-06-23



I'm afraid geography is not my strong suit.(恐怕地理不是我的强项。)

I like geography most.(我最喜欢地耐扰粗理。)

Why does he like geography?(他为什么喜欢地理?)

I like geography very much.(我很喜欢地理课。)

History and geography have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision.(历史和地理情况共同将该国带到了做决定的时刻。)

What's your mark in geography?(你地理考了多少分?

When is your geography class?(你什么时候上地理课?)

Do you know geography?(您是否知道地理?)

No.geography still matters.(不,地理因素依然重要。)

In the past,the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and theextremities of its climate.(过去,这个地李做区受到令人生昌镇畏的地理条件和极端的天气状况的保护。)

第4个回答  2023-06-21



I'm afraid geography is not my strong suit.(恐怕地理不是我的强项。)

I like geography most.(我最喜欢地理。)

Why does he like geography?(他为什么喜欢地理?)

I like geography very much.(我很喜欢地理课。)

History and geography have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision.(历史和地理情况共同将该国带到了做决定的时刻。)

What's your mark in geography?(你地理考了多少分?

When is your geography class?(你什么时候上地理课?)

Do you know geography?(您是否知道地理?)

No.geography still matters.(不,地理因素依然重要。)

In the past,the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and theextremities of its climate.(过去,这个地区受到令人生畏的地理条件和极端的天气状况的保护。)




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